Nala scolds Tiifu and Zuri for calling the Lion Guard for help with their fur emergency. Images of Zuri from The Lion Guard. Rate. 1 Episode Galleries 1.1 Season One 1.2 Season Two 1.3 Season Three 2 General Gallery The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar The Rise of Makuu Can't Wait to be Queen Fuli's New Family Baboons! Kion ist sich unsicher, ob er bereit ist, die Garde zu führen. Hello Lion Guard fans! Rate. As some of you may be unaware, today is International Womens Day! She is a lioness cub who is part of the Pridelander pride led by King Simba and Queen Nala. They always help Kiara out with her princess and queen duties. She later listens as Bunga sings "Zuka Zama". Zuri becomes good friends with Starehe and Raha after they save her from the jackals and crocodiles. Zuri said, "We need you to do a little favor for us." About See All. Contact The Lion GuarD Zuri on Messenger. April 2016 erfolgte der Serienstart auf demselben Sender. Bunga and Zuri are allies even though she was a little annoyed at him in the b. Zuri is rather indifferent to Makini. Much like Tiifu, Zuri is a supportive friend to Kiara, who believed in all of her decisions when she was placed as one of her royal advisors in Can't Wait to be Queen. Regulär startete die Serie am 15. Madison Pettis describes Zuri as a sassy, fashionable lioness who is always grooming herself. RoomMates Lion Guard Peel And Stick Wall Decals,Multicolor . Unlike Janja's clan and Scar, Jasiri is friendly and open to making friends with the Pridelanders. Die Serie handelt von Simbas zweitgeborenem Kind, seinem Sohn Kion. Tiifu is first mentioned (though not named) at the start of the film when Simba tells Kion that Kiara will be tracking gazelles with her friends that day. The Lion Guard Genderbent: Bestie thefriendlycitizen 13 0 The Day That Never Comes Darthmaul1999 263 55. They always like to have fun and laugh with each other. Tifu said, "Hey Timon, Pumbaa." Beshte soon notices Zuri, who is trapped on a large, protruding rock in the water. So Zuri took Tifu to see Timon and Pumbaa. Rate. According to Zuri's voice actress, Madison Pettis, Zuri is "adorable and spunky and a little fashionista and a little bit of a diva." Community See All. However, Zuri doesn't care about what Kion said as he's not the Queen. Produziert wurde die TV-Serie 2014 und 2015 von der Walt Disney Company anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums von Der König der Löwen. So bekam jeder Charakter der Löwengarde einen eigenen, jeweils zu ihm passenden Spruch auf Swahili. September 2016 wird die Serie auch beim frei empfangbaren Disney Channel ausgestrahlt. Zuri first appears when she gets her claws stuck in a log (as she was sharpening them, which she did to every tree she passed to keep them shiny), but is freed by Timon and Pumbaa, but ends up being knocked off the log by Bunga (which results in Zuri wounding her paw and breaking a claw) and uncovers a lair o… Returning home, the Lion Guard finds it has been replaced by a new Lion Guard and the two compete to see who will protect the Pridelands. Rate. The cub also dislikes it when someone threatens her position as Kiara's royal advisor, as seen in Rise of Scar. 1.4K likes. Also, like Tiifu, Zuri is always up for helping Kiara to look her best for every occasion. Timon and Pumbaa put on a show in Mizimu Grove. Much like Tiifu, Zuri is a supportive friend to Kiara, who believed in all of her decisions when she was placed as one of her royal advisors in Can't Wait to be Queen. So let's wish the voices of Jasiri, Dhahabu, Makini, Tiifu, Zuri, Nala and the other female voices of The Lion Guard a very Happy International Womens Day! [3] Produziert wurde die TV-Serie 2014 und 2015 von der Walt Disney Company anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums von Der König der Löwen. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. 10. In Deutschland hatte die Serie am 25. Page Transparency See More. Zuri thought that her coat was beautiful. [3], Am 27. She along with Tiifu serves as a friend of Simba and Nala's daughter Kiara. Aug 6, 2018 - Zuri is a character who appears in the 2015 TV film The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar and its 2016 follow-up series The Lion Guard. She's a friend of Kiara.She was about to track gazelles with Kiara and Tiifu, but she got her claws stuck in a tree log. Rate. This animosity was soon dropped when Nala offered to spend time with the girls instead. Zuri is a character from Disney Junior show Lion Guard.. 95. In The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar when Zuri injured herself, Kiara sent her back to Pride Rock, while she and Tiifu set put to track gazelles. 25 Mar. Tifu said, "Well he likes the Lion Guard, Simba, Timon and Pumbaa." 0. $13.99 $ 13. Timon said, "Ah, if it isn't Tifu and Zuri." Later Kion was disgusted when Zuri and Tiifu allowed Kiara to go and meet Janja alone and he berates her along with Tiifu for this. Die Garde der Löwen (Originaltitel: The Lion Guard) ist eine US-amerikanische Zeichentrickserie von Ford Riley aus dem Jahr 2015, basierend auf dem Kinofilm Der König der Löwen von 1994. Zuri said, "Wait, I got an idea." Zuri is a friend of Kiara's. 2. The Lion Guard begins to pursue Ono's find, but Dhahabu warns them that they will be walking into leopard territory. 1. $10.95 $ 10. She stands beside her friends, Kiara and Tiifu. Rate. Forgot account? The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar. Log In. Um auch die neue Serie möglichst authentisch zu gestalten, baute man erneut viele Swahilinamen und -wörter ein. 22m 31s. The Fall Of Mizimu Grove. She has also stuck up for Kiara when others doubt her. Tiifu later watches Bunga sing " Zuka Zama ". Timon said, "Which is?" The Lion Guard seeks help from Hadithi. Kion becomes the leader of the new Lion Guard. Not Now. Der König der Löwen (1994) • Der König der Löwen 2 – Simbas Königreich (1998) • Der König der Löwen 3 – Hakuna Matata (2004), Abenteuer mit Timon und Pumbaa (1995–1999) • Die Garde der Löwen (seit 2015), Interview mit Ilja Richter zu seiner Synchronarbeit zu Die Garde der Löwen, Lukas Podolski mit Gastauftritt als Synchronsprecher, Der König der Löwen 2 – Simbas Königreich,öwen&oldid=201095263, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Scene with Nala Kiara Tiifu Zuri Kion and the Lion Guard. Never Judge a Hyena by its Spots. 7. 22m 32s. The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar Tiifu is a friend of Kiara and Zuri. Ono investigates the dried-up falls and informs Kion that a rock slide has caused a blockage downriver. She has shown to be incredibly grateful towards Kiara for saving her in Baboons!. 7.6 (21) 0. HI GUYS I'M THE LION GUARD ZURI I Show The Most Funnily Funny Video This Channel Is Suitable For You Who Like Watching Funny & Roar Zuri appears to be on good terms with Simba. She loved hanging out with Dhahabu and being. 44m 17s. Pilot: Return of the Roar. Shortly after being introduced, she showed incredible jealousy when Kiara addressed the mandrill as her future advisor, prompting an angry response from both her and Tiifu, who claimed that they were her royal advisors. In The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar when Zuri injured herself, Kiara sent her back to Pride Rock, while she and Tiifu set put to track gazelles. She thinks he's adorable, he helps them get out of the caves and back to Pride Rock. ono as human XxTheShyGamerxX 13 0 The Lion Guard: Ono Icon Kisanii-Wa-Simba 22 10 Inktober Day 3- Delete loves animals SansTheBee 2 0 The Eyes in the Sky Kurozora-Konoi 89 15. [2] Seit dem 23. This is a fanmade/unofficial channel with news and clips of Disney's hit series, The Lion Guard. März 2016 auf dem Pay-TV-Sender Disney Junior mit dem Pilotfilm Die Garde der Löwen – Das Gebrüll ist zurück ihre Premiere. Bold, spunky, and snarky, Jasiri is a hyena through-and-through, but unlike Janja, she is a fr… Tiifu first appears when she and Kiara see Zuri trying to pry her claws out of a log (after attempting to sharpen them) and sees her being freed by Timon and Pumbaa. 1. She is first seen witnessing Zuri try to pry her claws out of a log. Die Serie soll insbesondere Vorschulkinder ansprechen und ist dementsprechend einfach aufgebaut. He was off when he got back to pride Rock to see what his father needed. She protected Dhahabu at all times and never left her side. Season 1 . Januar 2016. He was with the lion guard defending the pride lands from janja and the rest of the hyenas. [1] Am 13. The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. TV Show. Dhahabu wants Fuli, Tiifu and Zuri as her guards. Kion learns that not all hyenas are bad. Fire from the Sky. He lives at the Tree of Life and is a member of the Night Pride, the younger brother of Rani and grandson of Janna. The third picture is a scene where Tiifu (who'd been developing an interest in healing ever since Zuri and other received lionesses' injuries from the battle) had placed a leaf over Zuri's eye to not only hide the unsightly wound, but to let it heal. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In dangerous situations, she tends to obey Kion's commands seen in The Underground Adventure. 9. Zuri is a supporting character in the 2015 TV film The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar and a recurring character in it's 2016 follow-up series The Lion Guard (both of which serve as sequels to the 1994 film The Lion King). She also wants to impress the king. 4.8 out of 5 stars 120. Juni 2020 um 15:28 Uhr bearbeitet. Zuri along with Kion, Bunga, Tiifu, and Kiara get lost in caves and meet a golden mole named Kuchimba. 665 people follow this. Rate. However, her tie to her species shines through in how often she laughs, Kion noting that the world is like a giant game to her. See more of The Lion GuarD Zuri on Facebook. April 2016 erfolgte der Serienstart auf demselben Sender. 1. 1 Screenshots 1.1 The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar 1.2 The Lion Guard 2 Printed Material Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Zuri and Tiifu are besties. Kiara is shown to be rather skeptical of Zuri's obsessive claw sharpening, while Tiifu is shown to care for and reassure Zuri when she is upset. In "The Underground Adventure", he helped her get back to Pride Rock. Bunga. Zuri said, "Follow me." Create New Account. 3. The series was first broadcast with a television movie, titled The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar on Disney Channel on November 22, 2015 and began airing as a TV series on January 15, 2016 on Disney Junior and Disney Channel. The Lion Guard follows Dhahabu to the watering hole, where she explains that there used to be a waterfall that spilled into the pool. The Lion Guard Disney Deluxe Mini Cake Toppers Cupcake Decorations Set of 13 Figures with The 5 Lion Guard Figures, King Simba, Simon, Pumon and More! Zuri's lens becomes clouded and many blood vessels are broken and are in the pattern of the direction that the Outsider scratched her. 4.6 out of 5 stars 69. Apr 13, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Devyn Howard. Only 7 left in stock - order soon. Rate. She later witnesses Bunga's announcement that Kion is to lead the next Lion Guard, and watches as he sings " Zuka Zama ". Ages: 4 years and up. She always wants to be with him no matter what he's doing. She is easily upset, melodramatic, and sensitive. The Lion GuarD Zuri, Bengkulu, Bengkulu. The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar The Ukumbusho Tradition Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas The Underground Adventure The Queen's Visit Battle for the Pride Lands Return to the Pride Lands Add a photo to this gallery or. 29. 8. She is less enthusiastic about their hunting trips than Kiara, though she attends them seemingly only for the sake of being her best friend. Ono. Zuri, along with Tiifu, is Kiara's best friend. In Can't Wait to be Queen, Zuri served as Kiara's advisor and laughed when Tiifu made a remark at Kion for not being as quick minded as Kiara. 6. The crocodiles attempt to kill Zuri along with Fuli, Tiifu and Dhahabu. Zuri along with her best friend Tiifu are scared of the jackals when they came to attack Dhahabu. The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar. Fuli, and Zuri are on good terms. In The Underground Adventure, she is surprised that Tiifu is afraid of the dark and is proud of her as she came a long way after their adventure. She can be seen hanging out with Kiara and Tiifu when Bunga races up to announce that Kion will lead the new Lion Guard. Auch diese Geschichte handelt zentral vom Erwachsenwerden und dem Finden seines Platzes in der Welt. However, Zuri is shown to be supportive of Kiara when Kiara becomes the queen of the Pride Lands during Simba and Nala's absence… Baliyo is a young male lion who appears in the third season of The Lion Guard. [2] Seit dem 23. Zuri appears to be on good terms with Rafiki. But Kiara expresses amused annoyance with Zuri and Tiifu's obsession with appearances, but later credits them when speaking to Vuruga Vuruga. Die Erstausstrahlung des Pilotfilms fand in den USA am 22. your own Pins on Pinterest He informs him that the ground slid and the waterfall was blocked, causing the river to overflow and now the crocodiles can go wherever they want. Rate. While Kion and Bunga are on mission to guard Kiara, Tiifu and Zuri during their mud spa, the group becomes trapped in a fire and must escape underground. Rate. Zuri and Rani are on good terms she comes to her and Kion's wedding. Zuri and Kion are neutral towards each other. Zuri is a member of the Pridelanders, a friend of Kiara and Tiifu, a minor character in The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar and a recurring character in it's follow up series The Lion Guard.. November 2015 im Disney Channel statt. 661 people like this. September 2016 wird die Serie auch beim frei empfangbaren Disney Channel ausgestrahlt. He tells the guard see y'all later. Discover (and save!) [6] Für spätere Ausstrahlungen wurde das Stachelschwein mit einer anderen Stimme neu aufgenommen. Er wurde von Simba damit beauftragt, die Garde der Löwen zu gründen, deren Aufgabe es ist, das geweihte Land und den Kreislauf des Lebens vor Bedrohungen zu schützen. The Lion Guard "The Rise of Makuu" Zuri is present at the mashindano between Makuu and Pua. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 18. 28. Zuri and Vitani are on good terms since they're in the pride. 2018 The Fall of Miziumu Grove. Oktober 2016 ist der Film zur Serie „Die Garde der Löwen: Das Gebrüll ist zurück“ offiziell in Deutschland auf DVD erschienen.[4]. Kovu sat near Tiifu during Kion and Rani's wedding. 2. In the episode "Fuli's New Family" Fuli didn't wanna hunt with the girls and went beside K. Muhangus and Zuri are on good terms. The Lion Guard is investigating a rise in water, Ono is giving Kion a report of the area. März 2016 auf dem Pay-TV-Sender Disney Junior mit dem Pilotfilm Die Garde der Löwen Das Gebrüll ist zurück ihre Premiere. 5. Pumbaa said, "What can we do for you?" $5.91 shipping. She later listens to Bunga when he reveals that Kion is to lead the new Lion Guard with Bunga being the first member picked. ... Tiifu and Zuri to become her permanent personal guards. The Lion Guard is an American animated television series developed by Ford Riley based on Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. 22m 31s. Rate. Tifu said, "What?" [1] Am 13. She is first seen with Kiara watching Zuri trying to free her claw from a tree truck (after constantly sharpening her claws on every tree they went past in order to ke… At first Fuli was annoyed at the girls. Zuri and Kovu are on good terms since they're in the same pride. S2, Ep28. Darüber hinaus gab es auch einen Gastauftritt vom ehemaligen Fußballnationalspieler Lukas Podolski, welcher einem Stachelschwein seine Stimme lieh, in der Folge „Fulis neue Familie“. Error: please try again. On the back of the book Can't Wait to be Queen, as well as a scene in The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar, Tiifu is shown to have small stripes on her legs in a slightly darker shade than her main fur color. She is not afraid to question him when necessary. Zuri is sensitive, with a low pain tolerance; she also won't hesitate to voice her complaints. Zuri is first mentioned (thought not by name) at the start of the film when Simba tells Kion that Kiara will be tracking gazelles with her and Tiifu. 4. These stripes appear once again in Fuli's New Family, but are absent in all of the episode Can't Wait to be Queen. In Deutschland hatte die Serie am 25. Kion says to fuli, beshte, Bunga, and ono " great work guys",then Kiara came to kion and told him simba needed him. 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