phaseoloides: Synonym: ILDIS: 2010-07-14: Pueraria phaseoloides var. Ecology Ecology . Common Names/Genus Species Report. Benth. The record derives from ILDIS (data supplied on 2010-07-14) which reports it as an accepted name (record 40059 ). About Us Kalyani Indo Agro Products, a famous crop seeds exporting organization which was founded in the year 2001 with the motive to be a helping hand of the farmers & planters for better plantation. Scientific Name(s): Pueraria mirifica Airy Shaw et. Aaron's-rod Verbascum Thapsus Abababite Poulsenia Armata Abata Cola Cola Acuminata Absinthe Artemisia Absinthium Absinthium Artemisia Absinthium Abyssinian-kale Crambe Abyssinica Abyssinian Myrrh Commiphora Abyssinica Acerola Malpighia Emarginata Malpighia Glabra Malpighia Punicifolia Acorus Acorus Calamus Adam's-needle … Pueraria edulis Pampanini. Rank Scientific Name and Common Name … The stems are erect, much branched, quadrangular, and puberulent.The leaves are simple, decussate, and linear-lanceolate. Possible interaction with antiplatelet and antidiabetic medication. Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Congratulations, you have found the most comprehensive list of male and female dog names anywhere! Synonymns and other Related Names: No related names … This plant also occurs in Java, hence the epiphet javanica, meaning 'from Java'. Sorting Pueraria names. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. Opinion is now generally reversed and Pueraria lobata is now commonly seen as a form of Pueraria montana, as Pueraria montana lobata (Willd.) Common Name(s): Kwao Keur, Kwao Krua, Kwao Kruea, White Kwao Krua. Pueraria. PJ is an abbreviation for Pueraria Javanica. Miroestrol wurde im Jahr 1960 aus der Pflanze Pueraria mirifica, einer Pueraria-Art … is a perennial climbing, trailing vine legume with stems up to 30 m long and oblong tubers up to 2 m long and 45 cm in diameter. Pueraria. longicauda (Schweinf.) Bischofia javanica wächst als schnellwüchsiger, meist halbimmergrüner oder laubabwerfender Baum, mit dichter, ausladender Krone, bis etwa 35–40 Meter oder etwas mehr hoch. The names found have these generic epithets: Pueraria; ... Pueraria phaseoloides var. Reference taxon from Catalogue of Life in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Pueraria – Taxon details on National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Picture Common Name Species Name Introduced Control Measures Notes Kudzu Pueraria lobata Southern U.S. Mowing, herbicides, conservation grazing Known as North Texas Invasive Species Barrier Act of 2014 (1,221 words) [view diff] exact match in snippet view article find links to article Synonyms: For each species or variety we have drawn attention to the main plant name by bolding it and to the medicinal name (which can be a common name for another plant). Benth. var. Classification. Description: "Herbaceous vines. Plant Type: Shrub. PJ means Pueraria Javanica. Die etwa 20 Arten sind im tropischen und östlichen Asien verbreitet. Leaves are trifoliate, leaflets are ovate (8-26 cm long x 5-22 cm broad) with a hairy lower surface A study was conducted to determine the allelopathic potential of this plant, using the aqueous extract, sandwich and dish- pack methods, with the seed and leaf (of P. javanica) on three bioassay weed species namely, Eleusine indica, Cyperus iria and Chromolaena odorata. Small, dense, spikes of white flowers are borne in the axils of leaves all year round. Common Name: Kudzu Vine: Family: Fabaceae or Leguminosae: USDA hardiness: 5-9: Known Hazards: Although no specific mention has been found for this species, the leaves of the closely related P. hirsuta (which might be no more than a synonym for this species) have barbed hairs and these can cause severe irritation[151]. Name Language; puero: English (AU) tropical kudzu: English: kudzu tropical: French: cudzu-tropical: Portuguese: sān liè yè yě gé : Chinese: 三裂叶野葛: Chinese: Propose photo. Beschreibung. Beschreibung. Ohwi as the correct name and Pueraria montana (Lour.) Pheretima javanica (Kinberg, 1867) Kingdom Phylum Class Order Suborder Family Genus Species Nomenclatural_Code; Animalia: Annelida: Oligochaeta: Haplotaxida: Lumbricina: Megascolecidae: Pheretima: javanica : ICZN: Name Authority: MCZ Common Name(s): No common names recorded. Der Stammdurchmesser erreicht 80–170 Zentimeter oder mehr. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Lippia javanica is a very hardy, evergreen, erect, small shrub with aromatic leaves. Almeida; Pueraria hirsuta (Thunb.) slideshow. Matsum. Clinical Overview Use. Name Language; Rhodesian kudzu vine: English: cincamas: Portuguese: cudzu: Portuguese: inhame-cot-da-China: Portuguese: yuè nán gé téng: Chinese: 越南葛藤 : Chinese: more photos... Taxonomy. Merr. Baker [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE] Filed as Glycine javanica L. [family FABACEAE] Isosyntype of Glycine micrantha Hochst. Genus recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1. Wissenschaftlicher Name; Pueraria: DC. What does PJ stand for? Merr.) Pueraria mirifica should not be confused with other plants with "kwao krua" in their names, such as kwao krua dang (Butea superba) or black ... Several smaller studies have found that the herb is beneficial in treating common menopausal symptoms. Pueraria javanica: Bentham: Pueraria phaseoloides var. Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) : Pueraria candollei Graham ex Benth. collect. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. The results are below. emcompasses only 2 varieties recognised by GRIN: Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth. Pueraria ist eine Pflanzengattung in der Unterfamilie Schmetterlingsblütler (Faboideae) innerhalb der Familie der Hülsenfrüchtler (Fabaceae). Benth.) Male Dog Names Aaftink Aagy Aaron Aaros Abaco Abakus Abbo Abbott Abbu Abdullah Abel Abner Abo Abol Abraham Abram Abraxas Abrissko Abu Abur Abyss Acco Ace Achan Achat Achilles Achmed Ackermann […] javanica (Benth.) Other Common Names: wild kudzu Data Source and Documentation: About our new maps. Merr., as a form of that species. Plant Description: Lippia javanica is a very hardy, evergreen, erect, small shrub with aromatic leaves. It is common on sunny, grassy slopes, wasteand cultivated areas, from 100 to 2000 m in China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and thesteppes of Siberia. Native : Introduced ... PR : VI : NAV : CAN : GL : SPM : NA : Images. Common Name: Fever tea. Soil fertility transience and weed management are often among decried impediments undermining agricultural productivity in many tropical countries. Stem slender, 2-4 m, brownish hirsute. phaseoloides, Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) nom.illeg. Isotype of Glycine javanica L. var. subspicata (Benth.) Miroestrol ist ein Phytoöstrogen.Dies sind sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe mit einer den zu den weiblichen Sexualhormonen zählenden Östrogenen ähnlichen Struktur und biologischen Aktivität. Pueraria mirifica, also known as กวาวเครือ Kwao Krua (among other names), is a plant found in northern and north eastern Thailand and Myanmar.. Pueraria is a genus of 15–20 species of plants native to Asia.. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Preferred Names. It is obvious from looking at the Chinese names that most plants have many common names. PJ stands for "Pueraria Javanica" How to abbreviate Pueraria Javanica? lobata (Willd.) in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. var. 0. However, the benefits of this herb extend beyond just transformation and affect the whole male body. The bolded names … var. Your search for the perfect dog name is over. Taxonomy. The influorescences are terminalracemes of up to 15 cm long. overview; data; media; articles; maps; names; Scientific Names. Kudzu (Pueraria montana (Lour.) javanica (Bentham) Baker: Common names. Pueraria Javanica can be abbreviated as PJ. Accessed: 2013-11-17. Pueraria Mirifica has gained interest as a transformation herb, among scientists of Thailand. Benth, Neustanthus sericans Miq., Pachyrhizus mollis Hassk. What most visitors search for before coming to this page. The best known is kudzu, also called Japanese arrowroot. Plants of the javanica variety are reported to be more robust (Cook et al., 2005). Knollen von Pueraria montana. This name is the accepted name of an infraspecific taxon* of the species Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) EOL: Pueraria; Vernacular names Pueraria. Glycine javanica: Linnaeus: Pueraria lobata var. * The Plant List does not attempt to include all infraspecific taxa. Manchmal werden hohe Brettwurzeln oder oft Wurzelanläufe gebildet. [family FABACEAE] Type of Notonia wightii Wight & Arn. javanica (Benth.) var. Werier, D. (2017). The genus is polyphyletic, with different species being related to species in Glycine (which includes soybean), Amphicarpaea, Nogra, Teyleria, Neonotonia, Pseudovigna, Pseudeminia, Pachyrhizus (which includes jicama), and other genera of the tribe Phaseoleae.. ex A.Rich. What is PJ abbreviation? The Prytaneum was regarded as the religious and political centre of the community and was thus the nucleus of all government, and the official "home" of the whole people. Baker, Neustanthus javanicus Benth., Pueraria javanica (Benth.) Synonyms. Mohlenbrock, R.H. (2014). is one of the most common leguminous cover crop used in oil palm plantations of Malaysia. -> Pueraria montana (Lour.) Benth. in the genus Pueraria (family Leguminosae). Rulers of this name are found at Rhodes as late as the 1st century B.C. Baker; The main differences between the 2 varieties are in the calyx shape and the general habit. Questions. 98 plant name records match your search criteria Pueraria. Pueraria Mirifica has many alternative names like: Kao keur; Kwao krua ko; Thai kudzu; White kwao krua; Pueraria Mirifica Effects on Male Body: Benefits Beyond Boundaries. Pueraria javanica Benth. montana (Loureiro) Merrill: Common names. Pueraria DC. Common name(s): [more details] Chinese: san lie ye ye ge; English: puero, tropical kudzu; Kwara‘ae: fa‘i sa‘a, kwalo sa‘a; Maori (Cook Islands): kūtū Habit: vine. Blütenstand mit Schmetterlingsblüten von Pueraria montana. 0. Common Name. Common names: fever tea, lemon bush (English); koorsbossie, beukesbossie, lemoenbossie (Afrikaans); ... Lippia was named after Augustin Lippi 1678- 1701, an Italian traveller and natural historian who was killed in Abysinnia. Plant in a well-drained soil. Maesen & S.M. Taxonomic information The tropical kuzu (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) montana (Loureiro) Maesen: Pueraria montana var. Suvatabhandu. javanica (Benth.) There has been considereable confusion in the past over the correct naming of this species, with many authorities using the name Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Symbol Scientific Name; GLJA2: Glycine javanica L. PUTO2: Pueraria tonkinensis Gagnep. Accepted by. Pueraria hirsuta (Thunb.) Der Baum führt einen rötliches Exsudat und bildet eine Pfahlwurzel aus. [family LEGUMINOSAE] Filed as Glycine javanica L. [family LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONACEAE] Filed as Neonotonia wightii (Wight and Arn.) Related Publications: No related publications recorded. Baker: Accepted: ILDIS: 2010-07-14: Pueraria phaseoloides var. Catalogue of the Vascular plants of New York state Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 27: 1-542. Of herbarium specimens found at the Chinese names that most plants have many common names wild... 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