The small-seeded weed is one of the toughest to control. Marvel™ herbicide protects soybean yields with superior postemergence control of glyphosate-resistant weeds and broad-spectrum control of other key weeds, including waterhemp, Palmer amaranth/Palmer pigweed, lambsquarters, morningglories and velvetleaf. To evaluate the performance of commonly used HG 15 herbicides (pyroxasulfone, S-metolachlor, dimethenamid-P, and acetochlor) on waterhemp in Iowa soybean fields, an analysis on weed control data collected from herbicide evaluation trials was conducted by the Weed Science program at Iowa State University Research Farms from 2015 to 2019. “The ALS inhibitors (Pursuit, Scepter) are almost completely ineffective against waterhemp in Illinois now,” Hager says. Having explored resistance issues with waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, let's turn our attention to discuss some control options for soybean in fields where resistance has been observed. Soon before or after soybean planting, apply a PRE residual herbicide with good activity on waterhemp. The volume of inquiries about how to control large (taller than 12 inches) horseweed (a.k.a. Use full labeled rates; For postemergence treatments, make timely applications and apply to small pigweed (<4 inches tall). The information 2150 Beardshear Hall Waterhemp competing with soybeans at a farm in Seneca County, NY. The good news is these weeds are easy to control in corn. Resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides (such as Raptor and Classic), first confirmed in Illinois during the mid-1990s, has become so widespread that this class of herbicides is largely considered functionally ineffective against waterhemp. Some of those include: 1. with Pre-emergence Herbicides in Soybean. With dwindling herbicide resources, there is a need to integrate non-chemical strategies into current weed management programs in soybean. Reducing application rates of these herbicides often results in reduced waterhemp control. Waterhemp control (% out of 100) with various preemergence (PRE) soybean herbicides Waterhemp resistance to HG 15 has not been confirmed yet in Iowa; however, it is important to proactively protect the value of these products for waterhemp control in soybean fields. contained within may not be the most current and accurate depending on when it is accessed. Soon before or after soybean planting, apply a PRE residual herbicide with good activity on waterhemp. Waterhemp can grow at the incredible rate of 1 to 1 1/4 inches per day, so timely herbicide application is critical. Soybean fields with emerged waterhemp where glyphosate has struggled in the past should get top priority for spraying. and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Got waterhemp? As we finalize harvesting our crops, it’s important to properly map the fields infested with waterhemp and start developing an effective management plan for 2019. However, an increased selection pressure from these herbicides used in corn-soybean rotations has resulted in the evolution of HG 15 resistance in waterhemp populations, recently documented in Illinois. By Brian Hefty Everyone is talking about Roundup-resistant weeds. Kyber ™ herbicide is the comprehensive solution to difficult-to-control weeds in soybean fields. With dwindling herbicide resources, there is a need to integrate non-chemical strategies into current weed management programs in soybean. However, an increased selection pressure from these herbicides used in corn-soybean rotations has resulted in the evolution of HG 15 resistance in waterhemp populations, recently documented in Illinois. Site A was in Seneca County, NY on a field of Odessa silt loam soil where waterhemp had survived various herbicide applications and produced seed in 2018. Soybean fields with emerged waterhemp where glyphosate has struggled in the past should get top priority for spraying. Sulfentrazone (HG 14) and metribuzin (HG 5) provided more consistent (smaller size box) PRE waterhemp control compared to flumioxazin (HG 14) over the 5-year period. 29: 716–729. Include Group 15 herbicides in the both corn and soybean. In an effort to use multiple effective SOAs to control waterhemp populations, we evaluated the performance of layering Group-14 Valor® SX followed by Group-15 Dual II Magnum. HG 14 resistant is fairly common in Iowa fields, and while sulfentrazone and flumioxazin still have activity on resistant populations, it usually is shorter-lived than with susceptible populations. Waterhemp is a new, aggressive, glyphosate-resistant weed that has swept across the Midwest and made its way into Ontario and Quebec. The main reason we like the combination we listed is the weed control is superior to anything else. There has also been 2,4-D (Group 4) resistance in waterhemp documented in a native-grass seed production field in Nebraska, according to the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA). Extend weed spectrum and burndown when weeds have already emerged by adding to Roundup herbicide or 2,4-D LVE. In Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and other areas across the Corn Belt, there is documented waterhemp resistance to ALS inhibitors (Group 2), PPO inhibitors (Group 14), glyphosate (Group 9), triazines (Group 5) and HPPD inhibitors (Group 27). It’s a premix of three herbicide sites of action aimed at managing problem soybean weeds including Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, and common ragweed. Efficacy of HG 14 (flumioxazin), sulfentrazone) and HG 5 (metribuzin) on waterhemp control was also compared over the 5-year period. Weed control options in soybeans. A single plant can produce a quarter-million seeds, which can remain viable for up to four years in the soil. Waterhemp can grow at the incredible rate of 1 to 1 1/4 inches per day, so timely herbicide application is critical. Palmer amaranth and waterhemp have an amazing ability to develop resistance to herbicides. Boxes represent the middle 50% of the data. soybean herbicides in Roundup Ready (RR) or conven-tional soybean systems. (800) 262-3804, Iowa State University Having explored resistance issues with waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, let's turn our attention to discuss some control options for soybean in fields where resistance has been observed. This premix combines three modes of action, each effective individually, to control resistant weeds. Apply in the spring to control tough weeds like marestail, waterhemp, lambsquarters and ragweed. Many of the other pre-emerge herbicides can be saved for post, just in case you need them. Soil-applied herbicide is the first chemical control step in protecting soybeans and corn from Waterhemp. When rubbed between the fingers, mature flowers reveal the small, shiny, black seeds found only on female plants. Ames, IA 50011-2031 The first step is to verify you’re actually dealing with waterhemp. Think about waterhemp, lambsquarters, common ragweed, giant ragweed, palmer pigweed, velvetleaf, and marestail. Subscribe to receive email alerts when new information is posted. CONTROL IN SOYBEAN. A small number of weed species are resistant to multiple herbicides, leaving growers with very limited viable options for control. A single plant can produce a quarter-million seeds, which can remain viable for up to four years in the soil. Procedures: Objective 1. “Zero tolerance for adding weed seed to the soil should be every farmer’s goal.”. Kyber ™ herbicide is the comprehensive solution to difficult-to-control weeds in soybean fields. A description of herbicide resistance in Illinois waterhemp populations, along with postemergence herbicide options to control waterhemp, follows. Use Group 14 (PPO) in soybean followed by Group 27 (HPPD) in corn. The blue line within each plot represents the median of data, while the diamond represents the average percent control over the 5-year period. Factors related A well-thought-out herbicide program, using multiple sites of action, should be implemented to sustainably manage weeds. By Brian Hefty Everyone is talking about Roundup-resistant weeds. This strategy will aid in delaying emergence of waterhemp until soybean canopy closure when the crop will be more competitive, thereby reducing selection pressure on POST herbicides and reducing crop-weed competition and protecting against soybean yield losses. (And common ragweed. Herbicide-resistant waterhemp is already problematic for soybean producers. Treating new infestations early reduces waterhemp establishment, prevents seed production and greatly improves control. Season-long competition by waterhemp (more than 20 plants per square foot) has been shown to reduce soybean yield by 44%. Those populations were resistant to one or more of these products including s-metolachlor, dimethenamid-P, pyroxasulfone, and acetochlor. “In today’s environment, there’s no such thing as an economic threshold for control of resistant weeds,” says Dr. Reid Smeda, University of Missouri weed scientist. As we get close to soybean harvest, some herbicides can be applied as harvest aids (desiccant) to desiccate weeds and improve harvest operation. Group 14 herbicides are likely the best choice for POST-emergence control of glyphosate-resistant waterhemp in Roundup Ready soybeans. Box and whisker plots showing the variability in waterhemp control at 3 weeks after application of key PRE-emergence herbicides used in soybean over the last five years (2015-2019) in trials conducted by the ISU Weed Science program at the Research Farms. Proliferation of resistant waterhemp can be managed by accurate weed identification and regular scouting. It is highly unlikely that a one pass, preemergence herbicide application will provide adequate control of resistant tall waterhemp in soybeans. Never apply glyphosate alone to emerged pigweed Several management considerations need to be addressed with Site A was in Seneca County, NY on a field of Odessa silt loam soil where waterhemp had survived various herbicide … According to the Purdue University Extension, in soybeans, 20 waterhemp plants per square foot can reduce yield by 44 percent. the author is required. Bayer has a broad herbicide portfolio to combat tough-to-control and resistant weeds. marestail) and waterhemp in soybean has remained consistent over the past 10 days. Although these three HG 15 herbicides provided 82% or more control 50% of the time, the lowest control fell below 50%. Group 15 herbicides (HG 15) are commonly used for PRE waterhemp control. Efficacy of residual herbicides in a field varies from year to year due to environmental factors such as temperature and rainfall. The small-seeded weed is one of the toughest to control. “You could use glyphosate, but resistance continues to … June 16, 2016 | Posted in Crop Protection Source: University of Illinois Extension By Aaron Hager, Extension Weed Scientist Waterhemp continues to be one of the most widespread and troublesome broadleaf weed species with which farmers must contend. Waterhemp is a late emerging weed, meaning that soil-applied herbicides should be applied 1 … The diphenyl ether herbicides include Blazer/Status, Flexstar/Reflex, and Cobra. Waterhemp control is an increasing challenge for soybean producers due to the evolution of multiple herbicide-resistant populations. Use Group 14 (PPO) in soybean followed by Group 27 (HPPD) in corn. Waterhemp is competitive with soybeans and the application of an effective, soil-applied residual herbicide will protect soybean yield from early-season interference. If glyphosate resistance is known or suspected and there is no reason to believe the population is also resistant to PPO-inhibiting herbicides, apply a PPO-inhibiting herbicide such as Flexstar, Phoenix or Ultra Blazer to waterhemp shorter than 6 inches tall. Preemergence (PRE) soil residual herbicides serve as a foundation for managing waterhemp, but require follow-up treatments with effective postemergence (POST) products due to late-emerging plants. The lowest level of control with pyroxasulfone was 88% at three weeks after application. New this year, we’ve added Soybean Pest Beat: Here are tips to get a plan rolling to control waterhemp in 2021. The diphenyl ether herbicides include Blazer/Status, Flexstar/Reflex, and Cobra. Protect your soybeans from waterhemp and other weeds with Diligent™ herbicide. Efficacy of residual herbicides in a field varies from year to year due to environmental factors such as temperature and rainfall. The volume of inquiries about how to control large (taller than 12 inches) horseweed (a.k.a. Plus, we give you some tips on identification along with pictures and other helpful information. Say goodbye to Palmer amaranth. It’s a premix of three herbicide sites of action aimed at managing problem soybean weeds including Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, and common ragweed. Every meeting I went to this winter, every conference I attended, and every farm magazine I picked up, Roundup-resistant weeds were there. If applied too early, the control of Waterhemp declines. Waterhemp management in soybean was challenge for several Wisconsin farmers in 2019. of waterhemp resistant to metolachlor and other Group 15 herbicides. Residual Control of Waterhemp . 3 Due to its genetic variability, wide emergence window, vigorous growth potential, and prolific seed production, waterhemp has become a troublesome weed in “If left untreated, it will compete with soybeans all season long, and can reduce yield by 44%,” said Jeff Stachler, OSU Extension Educator in Auglaize County, and Weed Specialist. Waterhemp Management in Soybeans Waterhemp Biology • Waterhemp gains a competitive advantage over several more aggressive summer annual weeds through the sheer number of plants that can infest an area. Glyphosate-resistant waterhemp and Palmer amaranth are widespread and if they were not controlled early in the season, they can interfere with soybean harvest (Figure 1). Prior to the evolution of herbicide resistance in waterhemp, ALS-, PPO-, EPSPS- and GS-inhibiting herbicides controlled waterhemp postemergence in soybean. Control of waterhemp is best achieved with a two-pass herbicide program where the first pass is with a pre-emergence (PRE) soil applied herbicide and the second with a postemergent (POST) herbicide. This is really a worst-case scenario as herbicide options are limited to none. Figure 1. Comparison of common waterhemp control with layered (PRE/POST) applications of three Group-15 herbicides and layered (PRE/POST) Group-14 / Group-15 herbicides in soybeans, Rochester, 2016. For further information on resistance confirmed by state, visit the International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds. Common waterhemp, giant ragweed, marestail (also commonly known as horseweed) and common lambsquarters are listed among the top problematic weeds for soybeans, according to weed experts in Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky and Minnesota. The first true leaves of the waterhemp plant appear generally longer and more spear-shaped than other pigweeds. And waterhemp.). Postemergence Herbicides for Soybeans. If you’re a soybean grower, you really have only four classes of postemergence herbicides to throw at waterhemp. Nicholas J. Arneson, Daniel H. Smith, Ryan DeWerff, Maxwel Coura Oliveira, and Rodrigo Werle. Please visit our corn and soybean pages for information on a portfolio of products from Bayer to help you better manage weeds. If you’re a soybean grower, you really have only four classes of postemergence herbicides to throw at waterhemp. To preserve the value of POST herbicides, the main goals of a PRE product are to reduce the density and size of weeds at the time of POST herbicide application. Say goodbye to Palmer amaranth. Herbicide-resistant waterhemp is already problematic for soybean producers. CONTROL IN SOYBEAN. Each is a "contact" herbicide, so thorough coverage of the target vegetation is essential for good control. AVOID WATERHEMP: All three Indiana CCAs agree that planning, residual herbicides and a targeted postemergence approach can control waterhemp in soybeans next year. Although there are many ways weeds escape control in crop fields, one of the leading causes of waterhemp control failures is emergence of plants following postemergence herbicide (POST) treatments. Slated for sale in November for the 2021 growing season, Kyber includes 3 herbicide sites of action—pyroxasulfone (Group 15), flumioxazin (Group 14) and metribuzin (Group 5). Weed control options in soybeans. Results from 2015 are described in the Crop News article, Manage waterhemp in soybean with layered residual herbicides. To evaluate the performance of commonly used HG 15 herbicides (pyroxasulfone, S-metolachlor, dimethenamid-P, and acetochlor) on waterhemp in Iowa soybean fields, an analysis on weed control data collected from herbicide evaluation trials was conducted by the Weed Science program at Iowa State University Research Farms from 2015 to 2019. Authority Edge from FMC contains sulfentrazone + pyroxasulfone (HG 14 + 15) and will be available for use in soybean in 2020. Postemergence Soybean Herbicides Diphenyl ethers--acifluorfen (Blazer, Status), lactofen (Cobra), and fomesafen (Reflex, Flexstar). Multiple flushes of waterhemp can … If resistant tall waterhemp is present on your farm the herbicide program will be slightly different from a multiple resistant marestail program. PFR HERBICIDE STUDIES PG. Waterhemp control was more variable (bigger size boxes) with s-metolachlor, dimethenamid-P, and acetochlor. Not every product is suitable for every situation, and use of the correct application technique will ensure the best results. The good news is these weeds are easy to control in corn. Scout early and often. marestail) and waterhemp in soybean has remained consistent over the past 10 days. Ideally, a grower would use both a group 14 and a group 2 herbicide if the waterhemp is glyphosate-resistant to slow the selection pressure for multiple-resistant waterhemp. Postemergence Herbicides for Soybeans. Among the HG 15 herbicides tested in soybean, pyroxasulfone provided the most consistent waterhemp control over the 5-year period (smaller size Box; Figure 1), with >95% control 50 percent of the time. Every meeting I went to this winter, every conference I attended, and every farm magazine I picked up, Roundup-resistant weeds were there. Before applying any herbicide, please read the entire label for the best possible results and to confirm that the product is effective on the weeds you wish to control. Seedlings are hairless and have leaves that look waxy or glossy. Herbicide program approaches for managing glyphosate-resistant palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus and Amaranthus rudis) in future soybean-trait technologies. Group 14 herbicides are likely the best choice for POST-emergence control of glyphosate-resistant waterhemp in Roundup Ready soybeans. It can be applied at 1.25 to 2 quarts per acre, depending on soil texture and organic matter content. When soybean yields are at stake, trust in the power of Authority XL herbicide. Control waterhemp before it reaches 4 inches in height to achieve timely and effective herbicide application. This article was originally published on April 17, 2020. In the waterhemp seedling stages, look for the following features: In the past, agronomists advised farmers to control waterhemp through visual scouting and considering the economic threshold (dollars spent versus dollars returned) for treatment. Products used in the analysis were applied alone as PRE at the labeled field use rates. If this article is to be used in any other manner, permission from Group 15 herbicides (HG 15) are commonly used for PRE waterhemp control. These herbicides have been extensively used for postemergence waterhemp control in soybeans with generally good results. Waterhemp competing with soybeans at a farm in Seneca County, NY. • Why use a full rate instead of a reduced (“setup”) rate? Farmers who have soybean fields with heavy waterhemp pressure should consider applying HG 5 and HG 14-based PRE products as premixes or in combination with HG 15 to give more consistent early-season residual weed control and manage glyphosate- and PPO-resistant waterhemp. Layering herbicides for waterhemp control: Research on the effectiveness of this strategy in Minnesota soybean, including yield and control data. herbicides, waterhemp, weed control, weed management, weeds. Some herbicides perform better than others in variable environmental conditions. The battle against waterhemp is complicated mainly because of its extended emergence period (early May until August). Waterhemp Management in Soybeans Waterhemp Biology • Waterhemp gains a competitive advantage over several more aggressive summer annual weeds through the sheer number of plants that can infest an area. Marvel™ herbicide protects soybean yields with superior postemergence control of glyphosate-resistant weeds and broad-spectrum control of other key weeds, including waterhemp, Palmer amaranth/Palmer pigweed, lambsquarters, morningglories and velvetleaf. In conventional or glyphosate-tolerant soybean: If Group 9 (e.g., glyphosate) resistance in waterhemp is known or suspected and there is no reason to believe the population is also resistant to Group 14 (e.g., PPO-inhibitors) herbicides, apply a Group 14 herbicide like Cobra®, Flexstar®, or Ultra Blazer® to waterhemp not more than 3 to 4 inches in height. Think about waterhemp, lambsquarters, common ragweed, giant ragweed, palmer pigweed, velvetleaf, and marestail. Time of application is very important. The only option is the use of a PPO-inhibiting herbicide such as Flexstar, Cobra, or Ultra Blazer although there are multiple known populations of PPO-resistant Palmer and waterhemp in the state of Kentucky. Never apply glyphosate alone to emerged pigweed Take Home Message. Although flumioxazin was very effective on waterhemp (>95% control 50% of the time), control fell below 60% in one out of the five years. Other yield-robbing culprits in these states include common ragweed, giant foxtail, velvetleaf and annual morningglory. We have, however, seen the development of new soybeans with herbicide-resistant traits. The use of PRE-emergence herbicides is a foundation for effective waterhemp control; however, results from our “2018 weed management survey” indicated that the use of a single POST herbicide application is still a common weed control strategy for several farmers in the state. The use of PRE-emergence herbicides is a foundation for waterhemp control in soybeans. In our research, we have observed less control of glyphosate-resistant waterhemp with tankmixes of glyphosate and fluthiacet (Cadet) or 2,4-DB compared with tankmixes of other PPO-inhibiting herbicides. The impact of waterhemp on soybean yields is very real. DiFlexx ® DUO DiFlexx DUO is the ideal combination of HPPD herbicide and dicamba, plus a highly effective CSI safener from Bayer that controls grass and broadleaf weeds. Waterhemp is a late emerging weed, meaning that soil-applied herbicides should be applied 1 … Procedures: Objective 1. Group 14 herbicides are likely the best choice for post-emergence control of glyphosate-resistant waterhemp in Roundup Ready soybeans. New herbicide promises control of waterhemp. “The ALS inhibitors (Pursuit, Scepter) are almost completely ineffective against waterhemp in Illinois now,” Hager says. Group 14 herbicides are likely the best choice for POST-emergence control of glyphosate-resistant waterhemp in Roundup Ready soybeans. Scenario 3: RR2Xtend Soybeans are emerged and Palmer/Waterhemp are emerged. Multiple flushes of waterhemp can … AVOID WATERHEMP: All three Indiana CCAs agree that planning, residual herbicides and a targeted postemergence approach can control waterhemp in soybeans next year. Purdue Extension also found a similar impact on corn yield. These results indicate that while all the PRE herbicides selected can provide effective residual control of waterhemp in soybean, pyroxasulfone, sulfentrazone, and metribuzin provided the most consistent early-season control over the 5-year period. This was followed by reports of 2,4-D ... help control late-emerging weeds in soybean. Time of application is very important. Prashant Jha is an Associate Professor and Extension Weed Specialist with the Department of Agronomy at ISU. Early season competition from a heavy waterhemp infestation (more than 30 plants per square foot by the time they are 6 inches tall) can reduce corn yield by 15 percent. The answer can be summarized as follows: there are NO postemergence herbicides that will consistently control these very large weeds in soybean,… Slated for sale in November for the 2021 growing season, Kyber includes 3 herbicide sites of action—pyroxasulfone (Group 15), flumioxazin (Group 14) and metribuzin (Group 5). Waterhemp is an annual weed with enormous genetic diversity. Waterhemp should be less than 4 inches at application. Use full labeled rates; For postemergence treatments, make timely applications and apply to small pigweed (<4 inches tall). 44 APPLICATION RESOURCES This guide is a comprehensive collection of recommended herbicide programs and options for soybeans, plus other valuable resources to aid in herbicide decision making. In 2020 easy to control resistant weeds better manage weeds environmental factors such temperature. ( Pursuit, Scepter ) are almost completely ineffective against waterhemp is a need to integrate non-chemical into. 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