It contains both the text the user is allowed to say and information about what is to occur when the command is said. This makes the client capable of prompting and responding to any structural type of data. private String Params[?,2] // The list of parameters parsed and their associated values. Begin timer testing for a timeout. manual for how the modules interact at a high level. The client is then ultimately responsible for terminating the connection to the server. (CF2.6.1.1) 8.4.4. This will call all initialization functions, will present the user with a task objective if testing is active, will load up the first prompt, and will set user interaction in motion. Responsibilities This is only a data type that represents functions that may be called when commands are selected. Responsibilities All this routine must do is evaluate the user’s current level and adjust it based on the fact that the user has asked for assistance and may be less advanced than previously thought. It is not to be confused with Functional Design, whose purpose it is to specify the design elements associated with the function… Each help text entry will contain the number of hits required before the next lowest help text entry is read. See the classes that implement it. public String GrammarHeader; // The string for the first level of commands available. Uses/Interactions This class is referenced by User_Interface and uses UI_Prompt, UI_Script, UI_Script_Step, and UI_Dialog_Component. Assumptions This method assumes that data coming from the sports score server is purely textual. Constraints None. PAGEREF GoalsAndGuidelines \h 5 Architectural Strategies…………………………………………………………………. find a place and a description here. It will present a GUI form for the user to fill out and will log the results. Format outputs: Put parsed data in the format that we’ll discuss in the interface section. Method boolean updateStandings( String strTeam, int iWins, int iLosses ) Purpose Updates a given team’s winning and losing record. Parameters None Return value true if disconnect succeeded, else false. The action may be to return a value, to call another prompt, to call a script, etc. Each is unique in terms of accompanying documentation.The Waterfall approach is a linear method with distinct goals for each development phase. Each command will contain a return value to be associated with its prompt parameter value. Prompts will be defined as the point at which the computer and the user interact. Each record will contain a user level, describing the user level for which it is a component. 2 - SSDB (Sports Score Database) Interface Classification Modular subsystem of the server. Ask the user to fill out a questionnaire. When an property is changed, it is written out to the properties file. Uses/Interactions This method will be called from the User_Interface::Main() method. UI_Tester::Present_Questionnaire() Classification Method Definition This method will provide a GUI user interface for the user to fill out and will record the results. Constraints None Uses/Interactions Resources None Processing All processing will take place through threads used by this class. bDebug – boolean indicating if the application has been started with debug on. Processing The main() function should follow roughly these steps: { Determine Whether We Are In Debug Mode (from the command-line) Create A UI_Dialogs Structure (which will initialize the database –send in a database location) Create a UI_Response_Formulator Object Call the Client Communications Connect() method. But, the url is the address of the ESPN web site. Begin timer testing for a timeout. Resources None. SE-112 46 Stockholm Add WorkComponent.Assignment_String to this.assignment_string and add ‘ = ’ Exit loop } } } } } Interface/Exports None. 8.10.2. The interface to the Sports Score server provides a set of methods to use the server communications module. public void BargedIn() public void UsedMacro() public void UsedShortcut() public void UsedHelp() Public int User_Level; // The user level of the current user. private boolean Rcomponentvars[?,2]; // The array of booleans indicating whether or not the //corresponsing Rcomponents[] entry is a //variable name. Response = “” For each element in Rcomponentvars[] { if the element is a variable { if (Rcomponentvars[current,2] = True) { strValue = ppClient.getVarValue(Rcomponents); if (strValue == null) { return False; } else { Response += strValue } } else { strValue = ppServer.getVarValue(Rcomponents); if (strValue == null) { return False; } else { Response += strValue } } } else { Response += corresponding element of Rcomponents[] } } Return True; } Interface/Exports None. cmdReturnScriptValue //Don’t return this prompt value, return a script value. Constraints None Uses/Interactions Resources This method is responsible for the serverSocket. A table will be created to store user-defined macros that can be executed in the system. Processing See the description of each method. values – true if debug is on, else false. This could mean they aren’t going to support your Sprints, and you may need to plan in their support for a specific time and duration. Each record will contain the name of the parameter, the value of which will be required to determine the format. Responsibilities Issues a new serverClientThread to deal with client io. 8.13. Parameters None Return value A string of data transferred from the sports score server in a response to the client initiating an information request. Constraints The dialog database must exist in a well-known place (to be passed by the main program). UI_Prompt Classification Class Definition This object represents a single prompt and contains the necessary data structures and routines to build a grammar for the prompt and present the prompt to the user. PAGEREF DetailedSystemDesignSSDBI \h 20 Server Component……………………………………………………………………….. PAGEREF DetailedSystemDesignServerComponent \h 22 Server Communications…………………………………………………………………. Then check if we get the correct data. Resources None. Figure 2 – Export Product Backlog on to the Requirements Document template. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Uses/Interactions This class is referenced by the UI_Response_Formulator::getResponses() routine. ` ¶ m Ê ( € Ø 4 Constraints None. 0J 6�]� �jY 5�U\�5�\�mH nH u�jÒ 5�U\�5�\� j 5�U\� 6— ˜ ™ › œ É Ê ù ú û ı ş 1 3 g h Œ � � � ‘ ’ » ¼ é ê ë í î * + T U V X Y ˆ ‰ ¼ ½ ¾ À Á ò ó ! " are in these docs, so that developers can understand how the system is expected to work with regards to the features and the database desi… 8.2.2. The main components of a project requirements document include: The goal of the requirements document is to make sure that everyone understands the software and how it works so that they can work toward achieving the same goal of delivering a quality product. Uses/Interactions The class is used by UI_Dialog_Component and all subclasses. It contains information that is necessary for proper handling of the sub-structures. Break; case uiHelp: User.UsedHelp(); Go through the help levels and determine which should be read to the user. On Agile projects, you can provide links to the Dashboard, Product Backlog and other Agile artefacts. Store it to be added to the prompt text in the next loop iteration. } All tables will contain unique record identifiers as in a normal database structure. Resources This class utilizes the dialog database. Otherwise, log errors and retrieve data from ESPNWS ( HYPERLINK "" int getPort() Classification Method Definition This method returns the port the server is listening on. If so, write to file that we created. Templates describe how a site (or data center or part of the data center) should be configured. Interface/Exports Socket openSocket( String strAddr, int iPort ) Classification Method Definition This method is used to open a socket with the sports score server. It should also provide what the new system is intended for or is intended to replace. The administrator also has the ability to start and stop the communications service on the fly. 0J 6�]� 0J 6�]�mH nH uj 0J 6�U]��jı U 7 ' Œ ô a b § Q R T U ° ± — ˜ ¡ ¢ ® ¯ œ � � ş ù ù ù ù ù ù ğ ù î ğ î ì î î î î î î î î î æ î ì î î „Ğ^„Ğ ¤ ¤ [$ \$ Æ Š ‹ º » î ï ğ ò ó ) * [ \ ] _ ` b ‹ Œ ¡ ¢ £ ¥ ¦ § Ù Ú ÿ 1 2 K L M O P Q U V ¡ ¢ õïõïçõÜõïõïÔõÜõ ĞÈнȴÈĞ®¤®—¤Œ¤®ĞÈĞ�È´ÈĞ | t| �jğ U j U�ju 5�U\�5�CJ \�mH nH u�jâ 5�CJ U\�j 5�CJ U\� 8.10.1. Store it to be added to the prompt text in the next loop iteration. So, it is important to document any known Risks, Issues or Dependencies (RID). void fileSetup(String) Classification Method Definition This is the file initialize routine. The success of any project involves a meeting of certain requirements. Processing All processing will take place through threads used by this class. Constraints None. It will use the internal user level, which is a float rather than an integer, so that it may advance it by some amount. With this approach, you can generate a Requirements Document that meets your stakeholders’ expectations at any time – in a matter of a few minutes to an hour. 8.8.3. The Handler written in Java, its primary purpose is to query the database and fetch the results to the sport score server. Each record will contain a reference to the response definition record to which it belongs. Initialize the //Variable_Name, aText_Levels and aHelp_Levels public String Grammar; // The grammar string to be loaded upon presentation. Responsibilities This method is responsible for building any dependencies that may be required, building the grammar for a single prompt, and storing that grammar in a text file for future reference. Constraints None. If you’re following Agile, Requirements Documentation is pretty much equal to your Product Backlog, Release Backlog and Sprint Backlogs. private void getScheduleForLeague(String division) Classification Method Definition Name: getScheduleForLeague Input: a string Output: a string Responsibilities This routine will get the schedule for a league Constraints None. Class diagrams with all the methods and relation between classes comes under LLD. } Interface/Exports None. (serverCommThread and serverClientThread). In non-debug mode, the logger discriminates between mandatory logs, and debug logs and records only the mandatory information. Comment below, and let’s have a healthy discussion! It references other UI_Script_Step objects as well as UI_Prompt objects. Uses/Interactions Will be called automatically when an object of this class is created Resources Database drive name Database file name Processing SSDB() { Initialize the database drive } Interface/Exports None. Event driven job schedule Simulator scans the event that the sports score client high-level... Strleftovers = Current.LeftOverString go to the server response be added to the low level technical design document template score database updating and schedule.txt relatively to... Off a new serverClientThread to deal with client io processing will take place through threads by! Will run in test mode failure, and UI_Dialog_Component blueprint ” that developers and testers can in... Body of the parameter names and values from it, teamName|teamName|time, and are nearly independent of the is. 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