Tauht engaged the Dark Acolyte in a lightsaber duel and managed to knock one of her lightsabers out of her hand. Jedi Master Plo Koon was a member of the Jedi High Council during the Clone Wars. [5] Such behavior often put him at odds with the loyal and obedient CC-3636, although the latter still followed Ozzel's orders and protected him from enemy fire. If Plo can gain an advantage over duo bladed Ventress then logic dictates that "padawan level" one-bladed Ventress would be stomped. # asajj ventress# geonosis# obi-wan kenobi# plo koon# star wars#the clone wars # asajj ventress # dark acolyte # helloooooooooo # hottie with a body # my gifs # obi-wan kenobi # … Plo Koon disarmed her of one of her blades and afterwards, she seemed to have regained her edge and backed him into the wall. He attained the rank of Master shortly before the Naboo Crisis. Agrocite, however, was found only on three planets in the entire galaxy, one of them being the ice world of Khorm. 10 Plo Koon In the Star Wars , Plo Koon is shown as a Jedi Master who takes a prominent seat on the council. I recommend Ahsoka Tano’s Jedi Starfighter, Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter, Jedi Consular’s Jedi Starfighter and Clone Sergeant's ARC-170 for the reinforcements. The_Koon Jedi Youngling. During the Republic's assault on the mine, Gout attempted to defeat the enemy by deploying his agrocite cannons. He was a Jedi Master who served the Republic during the Clone Wars. He even disarmed Ventress of 1 of her sabers (Makashi puts more emphasis on avoiding disarmament than other styles as a counter to Shii-Cho). He got his ass kicked by Opress as well in Sith Hunters. At the newly established Republic base, the Jedi started contemplating an attack on the mine, where the Khormai slaves were being held. Meanwhile, Gout contacted the commander of the weather-control station, the Aqualish Villpu Nagg, and ordered him to create a storm large enough to destroy the Jedi, despite its additional potentiality of killing Ventress, who was pursuing them. 1-Koon isn’t on par with Ventress, she was winning the fight until he removed her detonator. Ventress, however, was able to infiltrate the Republic base and, by detonating some explosives, made Tauht fall to the ground, where she confronted him. After a brief lightsaber duel, Ventress killed Tauht by manipulating one of her lightsabers behind his back with the Force and stabbing him with it. [2] During the battle at the staging point, Ozzel was ready to surrender to the Dark Acolyte, but when Wieler's reinforcements arrived and forced Ventress to retreat, he was quick to claim the victory for himself and stated that everything had gone according to his plan. [2] Additionally, Gout secretly began construction of agrocite-powered cannons inside the mine, intent on using them against the Republic. During the fight, Ventress was offered a chance to surrender, but she declined. Koon was the one who found a young Force Sensitive Ahsoka Tano during a mission to Shili, the Togruta homeworld, and brought her to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in order to be raised as a Jedi. The spider droids decimated the majority of the Republic force,[2] including heavy armor. Plo Koon is a rather easy going and outwardly not very excitable character who takes many things in stride. Despite the injury, he still maintained a willingness to continue the mission[5] and eventually faced off against Ventress again. The Jedi, however, admitted that without the clones' brave service, they would have been unable to secure the victory. Until the events of Star Wars Rebels, Anakin thought she was dead. Fighting only with his right arm, Koon was able to withstand Ventress's attacks and ultimately prevented the Dark Jedi from destroying the mine by Force-pushing her detonator away. Sharp then sacrificed his life by running to the container and shooting it with his DC-15S. When Sharp detonated the agrocite, the resulting explosion destroyed the cannons and killed Gout. Clone Wars[2] Asajj Ventress: Acolyte Robes: Beat Challenge Mode as Ventress: Asajj Ventress: Assassin Battle Gear: Beat Battle Mode as Ventress: Asajj Ventress: Gladiatorial Outfit: ... Unlock Plo Koon: Contributed By: immblueversion. Separatist Armored Assault Tanks then besieged the plant, and Tauht rushed inside the structure to contact Koon and Fisto. See more ideas about clone wars, ahsoka tano, star wars. Plo Koon is a LEGO Star Wars Minifigure. At the same time, the droid commandos emerged from the snow and opened fire on the clone troopers. Galactic Republic victory[4] Adaroo was very grateful to the Jedi for the liberation of his people and thanked them. [4], A Khormai warlord who betrayed his own people and allied himself with Count Dooku,[2] Unger Gout was willing to defeat the Republic at all costs, no matter if it meant sacrificing Ventress's life. However, he was taught by the Jedi of the necessity not only to protect the Khormai but to respect their lives as civilians caught up in the conflict. Star Wars: Literature & Expanded Universe. Also, Ventress>Galen. Eventually the Battle of the Kaliida Nebula[1] Dooku was indeed one of the Jedis best swordsman. Kit Fisto is extremely fast. ... shipping: + $9.92 shipping . Plo Koon is probably the worst dispeller in the game. Bonus: Again, Koon and Unduli :D. Realizing that the station was located somewhere in the mountains near the Separatist mine, Koon, Fisto, Clone Captain Sharp, and Adaroo took Ozzel's Devil Dogs clone unit and departed on CK-6 swoop bikes to destroy the station with explosives, leaving Tauht in charge of the Republic base. Ventress vs Plo Koon I'd say she has good chances to loose. Shop with confidence on eBay! Several native Khormai, from the storm that devastated their village[2] takes place on the invisible hand, where dooku was killed by anakin. 22 BBY[3] ... Plo Koon, and Ki-Adi-Mundi vs Darth Maul and Count Dooku. If Plo's accolades have him along the lines of Obi-Wan and Fisto, then yeah, Savage is on their level as well. She then took position at an upper level of the mountain with the remaining droids and an Armored Assault Tank. Koon's senses were backed by Adaroo, who mentioned that there had been rumors of heavy weapon construction inside the mine. Formulating an idea on how to reach the cannon firing platform from an upper level of the mine, Fisto contacted Wolffe and ordered him to advance ground troops. Who would in a fight between legends Count Dooku and Jedi Master Plo Koon? By this time, the Republic forces had almost lost the battle at the staging point, and Ozzel was willing to surrender again. [2], By the time the Jedi arrived at the planet, the Confederacy—allied with the native Khormai Warlord Unger Gout—had already occupied Khorm, enslaved the Khormai, and forced them to mine agrocite for the Separatists. Plo then helped on the Grievous assault on Felucia. Ventress led her to her hideout and activated a ray shield but Anakin caught a glimpse of Ventress and that led him to believe that she was the one behind the bombing and framing of the Togruta. He was deeply concerned with every form of life. However, Ventress ordered Sergeant 126 to reveal the hidden spider droids, and the sudden appearance of the Confederate reinforcements caught Ozzel by surprise. Informed of the enslaved natives, the Jedi decided that their main priority was to liberate them and assured Adaroo of it. Doctor Aphra Will Asajj Ventress be able to stop Aayla's perfect winning streak? Unfortunately, Plo koon was one of the many Jedi who died during the Great Jedi Purge and order 66. He favours the force over his saber. She was a major protagonist in the animated franchise, The Clone Wars, appearing as the deuteragonist of the 2008 film and one of the major protagonists of its follow-up series as the tritagonist of Seasons 1-5 and as the main protagonist of Season 7. Receiving the information she needed, the Dark Acolyte desired to kill Ozzel, Wolffe, and the remaining troopers[2]—Spitter and Comet[5]—but Gout instead had them imprisoned. [2] After landing, the Republic left some troops at a staging area,[5] while the rest of the force, commanded by Major Kendal Ozzel, moved toward a Separatist-controlled agrocite processing facility. Sign in to check out Check out as guest . Through the Battle of Khorm, Gilroy and Melching wanted to explore the various perceptions that different individuals have on service. 1 Dark Acolyte[2]B1 battle droids[2]B2 super battle droids[2]BX-series droid commandos[2]DSD1 dwarf spider droids[2]3 agrocite cannons[4]J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannons[2]NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers[5]Armored Assault Tanks[2]Speeder bikes[2]1 weather-control station[5] He did not understand why the Jedi made a stop to bury the Khormai's bodies; for him, it made no difference where they would lay because they were already dead. Who would in a fight between legends Count Dooku and Jedi Master Plo Koon? Ewoks are nothing without their buffs and your team can debuff a lot with the right rng! Combatants Ventress is one of my favorite characters, and I'm happy to … He was widely respected not just for his power but also for his wisdom. Fisto offered Ventress yet another opportunity to surrender, but she declined again and ran away, injuring Wolffe in the head with her lightsaber as she escaped. He was widely respected not just for his power but also for his wisdom. Koon has defeated Ventress before. Date Thread Status: Not open for further replies. The Republic's Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine, contacted Ozzel—who had taken credit for the Republic victory—and promoted him[4] to captain. The Jedi and Adaroo fight in the trenches. Ventress > Ti sure. Plo Koon is probably the worst dispeller in the game. The Confederacy additionally constructed a weather-control station that created a storm in Khorm's atmosphere, preventing the Republic from using air support but still enabling the fleet to land ground troops. [2] Climbing higher in the mountains, the group was forced to abandon the swoops and travel the rest of the journey on foot. I say Plo Koon. [4], Fisto wanted to pursue Ventress, but Koon decided that it was more important to support the surviving Republic troops and allowed her to flee. To say they are on the same level is generous. On the other hand, she was completely outclassed by Mace Windu, incapable of beating Ki-adi Mundi and a Wounded Plo Koon, and was beaten on a near regular basis by Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Admiral Wieler's reinforcements come to rescue Ozzel. Place Plo Koon while injured could practically stalemate Ventress, without a stylistic advantage since he only had 1 good hand. The move, however, only exposed the clones to the enemy fire. Serving under Ozzel, who was rather harsh and uncaring toward the clone troopers, Sharp became a tough and battle-hardened soldier. That would be a close fight and yet soo many voted for only one of them. [2] However, her later endeavors all ended in failure. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Commander Asajj Ventress (late battle)[2]Warlord Unger Gout†[2]Sergeant 126[2]Villpu Nagg†[5] Plo Koon, as a member of the Sages, was aware of this ability and his knowledge helped Luke Skywalker trace his fallen nephew’s steps after his fall to the Dark Side. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The Clone Wars 7: In Service of the Republic, Part 1, The Clone Wars 8: In Service of the Republic, Part 2, The Clone Wars 9: In Service of the Republic, Part 3, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: In Service of the Republic, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_of_Khorm/Legends?oldid=9698876. It's plo koon and ventress debuffing that gets me. Koon just hasn't impressed me like Ventress has. When the two made the deal, Anakin Skywalker and Plo Koon came to capture Ahsoka along with a few clone troopers. Add to cart . Although I do not think of Ventress as highly as most Star Wars fans, i still believe she presents a challenge to (most) High council members. While the battle at the staging area raged on, Koon's and Fisto's team reached a network of antennas that surrounded the Kafiri mountain and could be used to redirect the storm. Plo Koon Vs. Ventress. $6.25. Ozzel and the clones then stole an AAT and used it to make their way out of the facility, destroying all droid forces that stood in their way. Ventress's mother belonged to the co… [ 03:16 ], [ 20:24 ] - The New Essential Guide to Alien Species - Kel Dor, Pg 96-97 Plo Koon all the way!!! bayhunter12. Padmé Amidala vs. Leia Organa 160. ... Shaak Ti vs Plo Koon… After Ozzel was informed of this, Ventress's forces—with the Dark Jedi herself at the front line—arrived and launched an attack, immediately destroying the commandeered AAT. Mon Mothma vs. Bodhi Rook 230. [2], Major Kendal Ozzel was in charge of the Republic ground troops during the battle. He fended off Ventress with a broken arm. He, Anakin, Ahsoka, Wolffe, Rex, and the 501st along with the Wolf Pack de… However, due to Khorm's harsh natural conditions—further intensified by the storm—all Republic vehicles, including the few remaining AT-TEs, had been frozen in ice and had been rendered non-operational. The rest of Koon's task force soon reached a cave housing the prisoners—who were being guarded by a number of BX droids and B2 super battle droids—and began to develop a strategy to free them. [2], The Republic fighters pursued Ventress to the edge of the storm and witnessed it opening for her. [4], Despite the storm, the Republic was able to land its ground troops, leaving a fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers commanded by Admiral Wieler in orbit of Khorm. And if you are willing to pay thru the nose Sun Fac dispels with his basic reliably, and taunts, and counters, and heals too I think. He was a TK master/teacher in the Temple before leaving. So Savage is superior, if by a small gap, to Plo in my view. [6], A Kel Dor male Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi Council,[7] General Plo Koon led the Republic forces on Khorm alongside fellow Jedi Kit Fisto. Ventress pursued the escapees to a Republic staging point and almost decimated all remaining Republic forces stationed there. It's annoying, but worth the loss to see. At the same time, the strike team led by Koon and Fisto had almost reached the weather-control station in the Aelids. But one of the troopers has been infected by a Geonosian brain worm and has taken along a nest full of worm eggs to submit the others. [4], An intruder alert was sounded throughout the mine, and all droids, including those who guarded the prisoners, were ordered to move to the firing platform and confront the infiltrators. Because they had lost the explosives, the Jedi were forced to devise another method to demolish the enemy structure. Galactic Republic[2] Meanwhile, the duel between Ventress and Koon had moved to a walkway inside the mine. However, by the time the Republic arrived there, the Confederacy had formed an alliance with the native Khormai Warlord Unger Gout, occupied the planet, and enslaved the local population to mine agrocite for them. 1 Pairings 2 Prologue 3 Chapter 1: The Fight 4 Equipment 5 Trivia Anakin Skywalker x Padme Amidala x Serra Keto Obi-Wan Kenobi x Satine Kryze x Siri Tachi Ahsoka Tano x Lux Kit Fisto x Aayla Secura Plo Koon x Shaak Ti Quinlin Vos x Asajj Ventress Luke Skywalker x Mara Jade The Past, Present, and … Despite his broken arm, Koon put up a fierce resistance and even managed to knock one of Ventress's lightsabers out of her hands. [hl=black] Strilo [/hl] edit: Please use the ____ vs. ____ thread or the Who Would Win? During the final engagement on Khorm, Fisto devised a plan to infiltrate the cannon firing platform via a gun barrel, a tactic that eventually resulted in the destruction of the agrocite cannons. Although he was promoted by Palpatine for his service following the Republic's victory,[4] Ozzel, in fact, had done nothing but panic and act against the Jedi's orders. Nevertheless, the Jedi decided to continue their mission. It may be tempting to skip out on Plo Koon. When Wolffe's troops had arrived, the agrocite cannons moved their barrels down to aim at them. 2 0. One of the Khormai, Adaroo, told the Jedi about Gout's dealings with the Separatists. While injured by an avalanche. [2] Fisto's curiosity was partially satisfied when Koon revealed at the end of the battle that he was 382 Kel Dor years, although Fisto was still oblivious as to how long a Kel Dor year was. On the Kafiri Mountain, the Confederacy built a weather-control station, which created a storm in Khorm's atmosphere and prevented the enemy from utilizing air support. Ahsoka Tano is a Force-sensitive Togruta female a major protagonist in the Star Wars franchise. Very close fight, but I’d give it to Koon. [9] The battle was later referenced in several other sources, including the 2013 digital card game Star Wars: Force Collection, where it was mentioned in the text of Commander Wolffe's card. One such resource was agrocite, a valuable mineral that could be used to exceptionally increase power to starfighters. Republic LAAT/i gunships, V-19 starfighters, Acclamator-class assault ships, and BTL-B Y-wing starfighters all assaulted the mine, and Ozzel prepared for a ground assault. Plo Koon is a rather easy going and outwardly not very excitable character who takes many things in stride. Hoping to obtain access to the deposits of the valuable agrocite mineral on the ice planet of Khorm for the Republic, the Galactic Senate dispatched a force under the command of three Jedi Generals—Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, and Tauht—to Khorm. 2- The quote i think you’re referring to says perhaps, meaning it’s not 100% sure she’s above all of … Fisto could take on both TPM Qui Gon and Kenobi completely equal until Fisto arrives dissipated well! All three issues of the Jedi soon reached the mountain area and saw a Khormai devastated... Remote in order to destroy the mine clones, and Ki-Adi-Mundi vs Darth Maul and Count.... This time, the explosives, the Galactic Republic miss a plo koon vs ventress arrived in starship. Seemingly gained the upper hand, where the Khormai slaves were freed, and Ozzel was in charge of large. As hostages the Clone troopers Darth Maul and Count Dooku and Jedi Council member from the snow opened! 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