Share your thoughts and feelings about God and what He's doing in you lives. Nothing beats real-life … Matthew 16:24 also notes that anyone who wants to be a disciple of Christ has to deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Him. The first four commandments teach us how to love God and deepen our relationship with Him. Lord, Your word teaches each of us that it is acceptable to ask for a successful, blessed life. More info: DISCLAIMERS & DISCLOSURES. Speak The Bible. This will give you a definite and clear-cut aim in life. Once I committed to prioritizing my spiritual beliefs as the primary force that drives my decisions in life, I stopped seeing life as a place where my only purpose is to buy big, expensive things. If you can learn to master your money, you can use your money to fund the adventure to discover and achieve what you were created to do in life. But recently, God has impressed on me the need to spend unhurried time with Him. Success and wealth, simply originate, in the actions to do what God is calling you to in your life. You will fail- But that shouldn’t worry you! But you have to God, and build a relationship with him, and then become obedient to the mission he put you on this earth to complete. I replaced these behaviors with activities that helped me grow like reading, exercising, learning, meeting new people, and talking with God every chance I got. Every time I get closer to living the life I want to live, the wealthier I feel. This will give you a definite and clear-cut aim in life. Ever find yourself feeling stuck when it comes to growing in your faith? I personally don’t think that I am going to be worth billions (I love business, but not enough to make billions) but I am inspired by Buffets decision to give the majority of his wealth away when he just doesn’t need it. How often do we really rest and take time out of our usual routines? Focus on your fellowship with God and your partnership with God in His kingdom work and mission. Thanks so much for your comment, and now friendship!!! Instead, make your relationship with God the priority of your life. But that internal will, that voice of God, is there, telling me to keep going and trying even when I don’t think I can do it on my own. Chances are, if you are a child of God who is walking with God, those dreams come from God! Read and meditate on God's Word, applying its principles to your family life. Being a successful Christian in daily pursuit of Christ means constantly saying “no” to the world and dying to fleshly desires. Finding God and Success Tip #4: Your Feelings Toward Life are What Make You Wealthy! God emphasized the importance of resting by creating an entire day for it. Here are a few ways God has shown me how a “successful” life as a Christian looks like: If you, like me, have grown up in church, this phrase will not be foreign. At least in my life, the only way I am able to continually make the right decisions in life, is because I realize I don’t have to be a perfect, brilliant person to reach the success I dream of. Bluehost is how we started this blog. The Westminster Shorter Catechism says, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” A life lived for God glorifies God. You should never expect others to do it for you, not even your partner, friend or … We must progressively apply all of God’s revealed truth to our lives. It’s dead on! Live purposefully. The writer’s at, Wealth Well Done, only claim that our thoughts are real and true inside our heads. Once you have a lot of money, you realize that it’s not money that makes you happy. I believe the most important question that should be asked is what personal values and sense of purpose do you need to develop to propel you toward the success you seek? I am continuing to see that wealth is way more than money. I eventually found a volunteer opportunity in my neighborhood: To teach and play with children who had cerebral palsy every Monday morning. After all, God gives us our abilities, and He wants us to do our best and use them wisely. Man @ Reid! If we believe in God we will achieve success. To Have a Successful Christian Life, We Must Seek God’s Approval. Ultimately, whatever form it takes, a successful life is one where we rely on God and draw closer to Him. Desiringly my life can be more getting closer n closer to succeed in His way, Thank you for the article. No matter if we are a small business owner or a factory worker, God has a calling on our life. In the long run, these things will be much more valuable to your journey than your money ever will be. For example, a few months ago I felt a stirring in my soul to donate to a charity. Finding God and Success Tip #5: Be Inspired to Be Great at Who You are! It could mean spending an evening instead of morning with God, hanging out at a café—as if we’re on a date with Him—or even journaling and telling God about our day over an ice cream. ), is a platform for Christian young people all over the world to ask questions about life and discover their true purpose. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Rejecting God’s call or ignoring His advice (Proverbs 1:24-28), worshiping idols (Jeremiah 11:11-14), or turning a deaf ear to the cry of the poor (Proverbs 21:13) serve as additional obstacles to an effective prayer life. The truth is, no matter how smart and savvy I try to make myself look with all the money I save, and all the good decisions I try to make; I am absolutely lost in life without God and the values, morals, and feeling of purpose that guides me daily to make those decisions. The proverb that is hitting me right now is “Do not wear yourself out to get rich; do not trust your own cleverness. I used to see life as a party where I could be as crazy as I wanted to be, and consume as much pleasure as I could. What is key is that we seek God for our calling in our life, and then excel in it. A couple days later, an ice storm hit some property I own that I really didn’t care about. Without such an aim, your life cannot move forward In her book One Thousand Gifts, Canadian author Ann Voskamp wrote that “Eucharisteo—thanksgiving—always precedes the miracle” and that our problem is that “we aren’t satisfied in God and what He gives. There is nothing more valuable than this! It takes work, sacrifice, and dedication, but the feelings I get from trying my hardest at life far surpass any feeling I’ve ever got from partying. The Lord, the righteous Judge, will award it to me in that day—and not to me only, but also to all who have set their affection on his appearing. Honestly, I am just a guy who does his best to listen to the holy spirit, and then apply the insights that I learn. A successful person not only hears the Word of God, but also acts upon it. Hey man, you’re not alone! God’s Love Is Unfailing. You will have new desires for Christ to live a life pleasing to Him. SUCCESS IN LIFE 5 TWELVE KEYS TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS 1. Having my faith in God, rather than in myself and my success, is a very liberating position to be in, because I don’t feel the pressure to make more money, or to always need new things to prove myself. And God promises that it will succeed for us if we obey His Word in our lives, with sincerity of heart. Whatever reinvigorates and recharges us can also help us draw closer to God. God has inspired me to realize that the best things in life are really free, and all you have to do is work for them, so I really no longer waste my money on the expensive stuff that only slows my mission down. I always meditate deeply about the answers I get, and then I do my best to execute those plans. Seriously, if the decision was up to me during these moments, I would have just thrown in the towel when I failed at trying to succeed at something difficult and went and done something easy and below my potential instead. I must admit that I believe it’s God that inspires me to make the decision to live a frugal lifestyle below my means. His first wife was a huge philanthropist, and she got really frustrated with him that he wouldn’t give more away than he did. . You said that You came that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly. Any journey to wealth should always start with your heart and mind first. . Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Finally the crown of righteousness is reserved for me. You are glorifying God through this blog… well done . We ought to give to the work of God and do our part in building His kingdom. Sometimes I just have to take a step back and evaluate the big picture of my life to see where all of my success has come from. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®. Lord, Your word teaches each of us that it is acceptable to ask for a successful, blessed life. I used to... 2. Success in life also has to do with how we manage our spiritual lives. It’s an easy to start your blog today. . In 1 John 2:15, the Bible says: "Do not love the world or the things in the world. Throughout the series we’re using the word “success” as an acrostic to convey what success is. It has to be God that inspires me to find pleasure in sacrificing my short-term pleasures, for long-term goals for my life. Their big smiles never failed to make my day and they’d always sit with me during breaks to tell me about their lives and their families. Your focus is now on God. When I live with a humble, servant attitude to do God’s work with my life, I am usually blessed with incredible feelings that help me feel wealthy in my life. Mustard Seed (Thai), Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible,New International Version® NIV® Successful living begins when we recognize that we are weak and that we need God’s help. Ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing going to lead me to where I want to be in life? All we need to do is diligently seek Him for all of our needs. We know what success looks like and how to achieve it. but it doesn’t seem to be working? Expand our borders, Precious Lord, and let us find prosperity and success in this gift of life we have been given. Once I have enough money to fund my simple life and adventure to find my purpose, I’ll start giving the rest of it away to good causes who could use it more than me. I know this is true, because it’s happened to me. 18. The works were finished from the foundation of the world. And focus on faithfully following Jesus and obeying Him. You may have laudable intentions, but the key issue is your behavior. Therefore, if I lost everything tomorrow, it wouldn’t change how I view life, and my thoughts about myself. I don’t even want to think about all the blessings I’ve probably missed out on by not listening. Has it really been me all along? The frugal side of my personality liked the idea, but didn’t want to actually write the check. Personally, I learned that mastering my money situation, was one of the best things I could do to master my life situation! I quit spending time with people who wanted to waste their time. We hunger for something more, something other.”. In today’s society, we tend to be so busy packing our days with activities and rushing from point A to B that we’ve lost the art of resting. He said, “O Lord, the God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today, and show lovingkindness to my master Abraham. Writing down my plans and to-do items daily helps me keep track of what and where I’m investing my time and energy in. BTW – I just signed up for the newsletter as well. – Jeremiah 29:11 God uniquely creates us with special gifts to use for His purpose, to advance His kingdom! I ended up thanking God for the minute details in life that I tended to take for granted: blue skies and sunny days, good health, and for hands and feet to do His work. Money can only help you fund your journey to find your purpose in life. You must cultivate a clear-cut idea of what you want to become. Here are Five reasons why God is the core of all of my success: Finding God and Success Tip #1: Learn to Never Stop Trying! We often don’t realize that rest is actually a godly concept, first created by God in Genesis 2:2-3. The truth about wealth is that the journey to becoming wealthy isn’t all about being greedy and collecting all the money you can get. 7 Steps for Successful Christian Living 1. Pray together. The most important question to ask yourself when you’re contemplating how to be more successful, is not what you need to do to get more money? But because I am living to complete God’s purpose in my life, I can hear a voice in my soul during these challenging times that’s keeps telling me that doing the easy things in life will never lead me to accomplish the great dreams that I have. But to him, the money was all a game, a score card, and it was hard for him to give it away because he wanted to see how much he could turn that money into. If you work with honesty and loyalty, then you definitely perceive god in some unexpected ways at a certain point of time. Your email address will not be published. And God promises that it will succeed for us if we obey His Word in our lives, with sincerity of heart. Your values, motivations, and purpose are ultimately the things that will guide you and define who you are and where you will go in life. Relax a little bit. If you feel stressed out because you think that wealth-building takes perfection and brilliant decisions all the time, take a break. It’s God that inspires me to pursue a greater purpose in life than debt and consumption. If you spend less money than you make, and save and invest the rest, and use the money you have to fund the adventure to find God and your purpose in life, you will find your path to all of the happiness, contentment, and wealth that you dream about. 2nd Chronicles 20:20 tells of King Jehoshaphat’s believing in God for success. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and get VIP access to our hidden media page: God And Success: 6 Tips To Help You Find The Life You Seek, Read the difference between being rich and wealthy here. It is a voice that is bigger, stronger, and more powerful than my challenges when life gets hard. He knew what we would struggle with! Without such an aim, your life cannot move forward I credit this sixth sense for how I went from a few thousand dollars to a couple hundred thousand net-worth in under five years while never making 100K a year. We are not licenced bankers, CPA’s, money managers, or anything else of that sort. As I journey and discipline myself to use these as a guide to live, I find myself taking one step closer to Christ every single day. Living by the Word of God will give you success. This past week we began our 7 week Successful Life Series at The Gathering. You must cultivate a clear-cut idea of what you want to become. From Michelangelo Buonarroti, Great Renaissance Artist: “The greater danger for most of … I have faith that if I am doing that, God will bless me with everything I need. DEVELOP A CLEAR CUT AIM First, you must form a correct conception of how you wish to develop and perfect yourself. Pray together. As the body of Christ, we are Jesus' hands and feet on earth to continue … So I finally wrote a check and mailed it off. Deuteronomy 30:9 in the New Century Version says: How true! .that’s where you and everyone around recognizes that God makes you successful. This allows me to lead a meaningful and purposeful life, and not while away the time on things that don’t matter. The successful Christian life is not nearly as complicated as we try to make it. God has called each of us to partner with him in his redemptive plan. Remember, your success is not all up to you. I’m happy and encouraged, […] Oleh Natalie Hanna Tan, Singapura Artikel asli dalam bahasa Inggris: 7 Steps for Successful Christian Living […], Your email address will not be published. I have let go of so many negative behaviors in my life, including drug use and a party lifestyle, because I found more fun finding God and going on a mission to fulfilling my purpose in life. Thanks for the awesome comment! True success is to attain Christ’s virtues in our lives, to come to godly nature. This experience made me realize that I was gaining more than I was giving. A deep spiritual connection. The more money I save, the more I have realized that wealth is found more in the feelings I create toward life than in the numbers in my bank account. “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. Success and wealth aren’t necessarily wrong in God’s eyes–not if you have the right motivation. But then toward the end of his life, he decided enough was enough, and he started to give away his billions. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. But the truth is, it’s more fun to be humble in life, and realize that there’s no way you can create success in this life on your own. They are simply things God has impressed on me in my Christian walk. He, not ourselves, becomes our strength to get through each day. He made you to be a winner. No matter if we are a small business owner or a factory worker, God has a calling on our life. When we practise gratitude daily, we will see God’s fingerprints in life and find joy and contentment in it. If I were on Twitter, I’d post that ‘100’ emoji…. YMI is a part of Our Daily Bread Ministries. You said that You came that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly. Your friends are out there. The next week, I got a letter in the mail from the charity saying thank you for the donation and saying that their prayer team was going to pray for my family’s financial well-being. Can we live “successful” lives in our faith? Now, when the Bible says that the works were finished from the foundation of the world, as in the scripture above, it’s important you recognize that this is the actual truth. As we have just noticed, such is exemplified in Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. We all want to be successful in life, don’t we? Once you start becoming this person, the money you need will naturally start coming to you. I watched a recent documentary on Warren Buffet and I saw he struggled with that same thing. When I was in high school, God began tugging at my heart to give back to the community. Because I personally believe that temperament is more significant than perspicacity for victory. I gained a new heart for children with disabilities, seeing them in the way God sees them, and I learned how to see life from a simple and childlike perspective. When we are convicted of our sins and make a consistent effort to change, we are renewed by His grace and can experience a closer relationship with Him. But I just kept feeling my soul telling me it was the right thing to do. THanks, friend. In Acts 20:35, Paul writes, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. Ps. In a real sense Jesus is Lord of all known areas of your life or not Lord at all. Then apply to your life what God shows you. Hey, that is awesome and so excited to have you join our newsletter! I simply need to live my life for God’s purpose and I can feel as wealthy as I’d like. In Galatians 5:19-26, Paul talks about how we ought to move away from fleshly desires and seek the Spirit’s leading and guidance. Love to have you as a friend of the blog. Success and wealth, simply originate, in the actions to do what God is calling you to in your life. God has never destined anybody to live a mediocre life. In today’s society, we tend to be so busy packing our days with activities and rushing from point... 3. Once you commit to the journey to discover your purpose in life, you realize wealth really is the spiritual force and inspiration that pushes you to go out and accomplish the goals that you dream about in life. DEVELOP A CLEAR CUT AIM First, you must form a correct conception of how you wish to develop and perfect yourself. I am excited to offer you a new resource created to help you succeed in living a life that is both biblical and meaningful. This is all about getting success. “I am extremely blessed that my self-worth is no longer found in my career, bank account, or in the expensive things that I own.”, and ” Money can only help you fund your journey to find your purpose in life. I just listen to God, and then do my best to follow through on his instructions and please him. There is nothing more valuable than this! Get those things right and in line with God’s will for you, and you will begin to find the adventures and success you seek in life. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone…” Prov 23:4-5. Thanks Bill! Maybe not so surprisingly, when I avoided wasting my time, and instead focused on building the life God wanted me to live, I started to find the wealthy life I always dreamed about no matter how much money I was making. I just couldn’t see how He was good in my life, and I didn’t see anything to thank Him for. Very helpful list. It could be spending a whole day with God or going for an afternoon run in the park. I love hearing testimonies when your urged to give and then unexpectedly you receive the money back. Tim Grissom wrote in Life in Action, “Do not minimize the choices you make today… the choice to obey God in one thing makes it more likely that you will choose to obey Him in the next.” Keeping track of our daily appointments and to-do lists, and allocating time to rest, sleep, and eat well all play a part in helping us live the best lives God intends for us. God is the one who brought cause and effect into being, so usually right results come from right actions. Something I’ve been trying to do more of is to keep track of my days on a personal scheduler. Of course, it doesn’t mean that everything else isn’t there; it simply is a change of view and perspective. I believe that becoming wealthy, and executing your purpose in life is very close to being the same thing. I am more interested in achieving my purpose in life than becoming rich, but you are so right that “money affects more areas of our life than anything else.” That’s why we created almost an entire blog to uncovering the insight that links our money, minds, and purpose in life together!!!! Christian living keeps you right with God and humanity. Finding God and Success Tip #2: Seek to See God in your life! You’ll fit right in with us over here @ Wealth Well Done. You nailed what this blog is ultimately about with your comment. The Bible says, “Diligence is man’s precious possession” (Proverbs 12:27). Well, success means attaining the results in the way wished for or planned. 1. Business Principle for Letting God Be Your Guide: Excel in Whatever Business God has Called You. .” This verse urges us to work with excellence, putting the best of our efforts into whatever job we’re given, however big or small, because we want to please our Master. That’s when a leader challenged me to keep a thanksgiving journal. We are a community with different talents but the same desire to make sense of God’s life-changing word in our everyday lives. It’s about building your character, spirit, and soul into a responsible proactive person who can use their talents to help the world. It’s not because I am smarter than everyone else. Please seek a reputable professional for any advice in which a licenced professional could better serve you. Some of God’s choicest servants in the Bible were people who had great wealth (such as Abraham and Job)–although others had very little. Thanks so much for the cool comment. This is true for every person, regardless of what has happened in the past. SUCCESS IN LIFE 5 TWELVE KEYS TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS 1. At first I was disappointed, but then I saw it was insured, and the insurance settlement for the damage turned out to be much more than the donation I made to the charity. Money is one of the best keys to unlock the doors of opportunities to the other, more important areas of our lives. Required fields are marked *. Try to let go of the idea that you need certain items in order to be happy, or that you must achieve a level of success that society has set as important. Made me realize that rest is actually a godly concept, first created by God in this world more... – Maxy 7 Langkah Menuju Kehidupan Kristen yang Sukses – Maxy be anxious disappointed. I no longer feel the need to waste my money situation, was one of the best that! To actually write the check our 7 week successful life Series at the Gathering keep thanksgiving... 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