Examples. The Sophistical Elenchi, on sophistical or contentious syllogism, or sophistical fallacies. prime example of what political scientists call contentious politics. Times, Sunday Times ( 2010) One area that remains contentious is that of auditing. Is there a hardheaded way of protecting a teenager from cyber stalkers and other malevolent elements. 2. The crime he committed was egregious; he'll never recover from this horrendous scandal. Contentious - definition of contentious by The Free Dictionary. There are two main areas of legal action in the field of contentious probate. Times, Sunday Times ( 2006) It remains a highly contentious way of looking at the world. We had a rather … contentious relationship. Contextual translation of "contentious" into English. ., not being business which falls within the definition of non–contentious or common form probate business contained in [F9 section 128 of the M1 [F10 Senior Courts ] Act 1981 ] ; But this omission was supplied in Prussia by a law of the 29th of March 1879, which provided for the appointment, in each commune, of an arbitrator (Schiedsmann) before whom conciliation proceedings in contentious matters might be conducted. Synonyms: aggressive, agonistic, argumentative… Antonyms: nonaggressive, nonbelligerent, pacific… Find the right word. Any subject. adj. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. 2. Need to translate "CONTENTIOUS ITEMS" from english and use correctly in a sentence? 5. Routine antibiotic use post tonsillectomy is another contentious issue. kən-tĕn'shəs The definition of contentious is someone who is argumentative or a situation where there is discord. She has some very contentious views on education. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? Find more ways to say contentious, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The nominee was bound to be contentious because the individual would give the Republican Party its first opportunity to appoint a majority of the members of the Board. Aristotle's Logic. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Contentious sentence examples:1.the acme coe also sets up an architecture review board as an arbiter for Contentious issues.2.in fact, these targets, especially taken together, have been highly Contentious during the two years of discussions, and for good reasons.3.cor. See examples of Contentious in English. Age has been a particularly contentious issue for social workers. The parades Commission was also to facilitate mediation, work for greater understanding and arrange for monitoring of contentious parades. Dictionary ! The bishop's " official " is now universally called his vicargeneral (except in France, where sometimes an official is appointed eo nomine), and generally exercises both voluntary and contentious jurisdiction (op. This topic of gender neutrality is possibly the area that is most contentious. Contentious politics is the use of disruptive techniques to make a political point, or to change government policy. 1. Q: O que significa contentious? In the exercise of its jurisdiction in contentious cases, the International Court of Justice settles disputes of a legal nature that are submitted to it by States in accordance with international law. belligerent often implies being actually at war or engaged in hostilities. Try to avoid any contentious wording. Abortion is a highly contentious issue. adjective. It is messy, contentious and factional, but it is also wondrous, inspired, and - above all - serendipitous. Although there was much in the official life of Lord Palmerston which inspired distrust and alarm to men of a less ardent and contentious temperament, he had a lofty conception of the strength and the duties of England, he was the irreconcilable enemy of slavery, injustice and oppression, and he laboured with inexhaustible energy for the dignity and security of the Empire. Use contentious in a sentence - Example Sentences for contentious Since he was obviously in a contentious mood, I decided to leave early, and avoid an argument. contentious debate. Inviting Guests ' Unmarried partners Whether to invite the unmarried partners of your desired guests is a common and contentious dilemma. On contentious ground, I would hurry up my rear. Contentious campus matters seem to be very popular. The most basic, and perhaps helpful, type of context clues are synonyms. ‘Mark is a member of the firm's regional construction and engineering group having specialised in contentious and non-contentious construction law for over ten years.’ More example sentences ‘Your Honours, the issues in this matter are clear-cut and they are non-contentious.’ 2. adjective. He continued to rule according to the constitution; his watchword was " unpolitical politics," and he brought in little contentious legislation. An example of contentious is a tense situation that is likely to lead to arguments. Example sentences containing contentious. Wird der Flüchtling nicht als Asylberechtigter nach § 16 a I des Grundgesetzes anerkannt, so muß das Bundesamt prüfen, ob Abschiebeschutz nach § 51 des Ausländergesetzes besteht. Hello, GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF … Social movements often engage in contentious politics. English examples for "contentious nature" - Other reasons are also advanced, but they are of such a contentious nature I do not think it well to go into them here. belligerent nations bellicose suggests a disposition to fight. However, the song transcended its original popularity and truly became a legendary, canonical rock-n-roll song after it proved it was able to stand the test of time despite its contentious origins. 125+1 sentence examples: 1. contentious business means business done, whether as solicitor or advocate, in or for the purposes of proceedings begun before a court or before an arbitratorF8 . She hums continuously, or all the time, and it annoys me. adjective. What made you want to look up contentious? Examples of. So readers are expected to make up their own minds on this contentious issue. Learn a new word every day. In the state's absence, contentious politics are just local protests. There was contentious debate over the use of genetically modified crops. Points in the draft that we view as helpful may appear contentious to some of them. 121 writers online. Examples of contentious in a sentence: 1. But aside from this, the book provides some wonderful insights and bravely tackles some contentious issues. 4. This too is a contentious issue, perhaps more so than traineeship pay. GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. Table 7.1 provides data on the number of protests, more serious acts of . For example, when Bernard Tyson speaks about being treated differently because of the color of his skin, he does so from the personal perspective of an … Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. A division of share rights agreements becomes contentious where the target company's country has a domestic CGT regime. It has been a contentious issue for decades. Examples of contentious legal work: Crime, Family, Employment, Civil Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Shipping (Wet), Construction, Immigration, Personal Injury and Contentious Probate. 2. We might explore, for example, data as assembling new forms of contention as well as data being (re-)assembled in an open-ended contentious process. tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome: a contentious crew. Non-contentious legal work relates to disputes occurring between one or more parties, during the sale or purchase of property, goods or services, for example, whereby the parties hope not to trouble the courts. White House announces press conference first on Twitter . contentThe party's views on immigration are certainly contentious, and are even considered racist by some. If you can't decipher a meaning, adding a few synonyms, or words with similar meanings, is a surefire way to point to a word's meaning. What is contentious in that context is the debate on the Welsh language. Our page of best sample sentences to demonstrate typical use of CONTENTIOUS is also linked from this page. It cannot be denied that men like Roger Williams and some of the persecuted Quakers, though undeniably contentious and aggressive in their conscientious dissent, showed a spirit which to-day seems sweeter in tolerance and humanity than that of the Puritans. On contentious ground, attack not. In the mid 1980s, the debate on boxers vs. briefs seemed to be every bit as contentious as the Coca Cola vs. Pepsi debate. Contentious [kənˈten(t)SHəs] ADJECTIVE . As Mom used to say, truth hurts, but surely silver tongued Alex could have found a less contentious way of saying it. Translations in context of "CONTENTIOUS CASES" in english-french. Democrats splinter in contentious health care reform debate. thesaurus. 3. Contentious Jurisdiction . One of the primary goals of these three authors was to advance the explanation of these phenomena and other contentious politics under a single research agenda. A contentious issue is one that people are likely to argue about, and a contentious person is someone who likes to argue or fight. It is applied for example if the refugee can present grounds for asylum which occurred after (s)he fled. pertaining to causes between contending or … A Detailed Inquiring Of Modern-day Reductivism Field.Study Of Minimal art Art when it comes to Western […] Give one or a few to students for pair/group discussion. sentence examples. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "CONTENTIOUS CASES" - english-french translations and … Definition of Contentious politics in the Definitions.net dictionary. Examples of non-contentious legal work: Conveyancing, Commercial Property, Corporate Finance, Corporate Commercial, Shipping (Dry), Aviation, Energy, Commercial Contracts, Wills & Probate. A contentious person seems to like arguing and disagreeing with other people. What is being done to address this increasingly contentious Internet issue? She has some rather contentious views on education. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. From the Cambridge English Corpus. Let's take a look at a few examples: 1. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'contentious.' Involving or causing contention; controversial. Find more ways to say contentious, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. How is this contentious issue being handled by the usually reserved committee? 4. SINCE 1828. Contentious politics, in the context of political science, means episodic, public, collective interaction among makers of claims and their objects when: (1) at least one government is a claimant, an object of claims, or a party to the claims, and (2) the claims would, if realized, affect the interests of at least one of the claimants or objects of claims. 3. When the voluntary and contentious jurisdiction came to be distinguished, the former fell generally to the vicars, the latter to the officials. . They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The series, set in the fictional North Carolina town of Tree Hill, focused on the contentious relationship between half-brothers Lucas and Nathan. undecided contentious point of quantum of damage. We’ll even meet a 3-hour deadline. This congregation was very much occupied, being empowered to deal with all disciplinary matters concerning both the secular and regular clergy, whether in the form of consultations or of contentious suits; it had further the exclusive right to regulate the discipline of the religious orders and congregations bound by the simple vows, the statutes of which it examined, corrected and approved; finally it judged disputes and controversies between the secular and regular clergy. Times, Sunday Times ( 2015) It was a worthy angle on a contentious issue. 0. 11: 16 but if anyone seems to be Contentious, we do not What does Contentious politics mean? Find more ways to say contentious, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Examples of Contentious in a sentence. It has been a contentious issue for decades. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Do you know these earlier meanings of words? We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. Sanctions are expected to be among the most c causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy: contentious issues. 1. a pugnacious gangster quarrelsome stresses an ill-natured readiness to fight without good cause. There was no doubt of his military ability, which had been fully demonstrated in the long Welsh wars, but he is reputed to have shown himself arrogant, contentious and over-given to looseliving. In the middle ages there was not a very clear distinction drawn between the vicar and the official of the bishop. Overview of Bioethics the Trigger of Contentious Moral Topics. However, he also studies what he calls contentious (eristikos) or sophistical arguments: these he defines as arguments which only apparently establish their conclusions. This tendency undoubtedly shows a marked reaction from the contentious theology of Roscellinus and Abelard. causing or likely to cause an argument. SAVED WORDS dictionary. … Sanctions are expected to be among the most c English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "contentious "Since he was obviously in a contentious mood, I decided to leave early, and avoid an argument. 100 Easy Contentious Essay Topic Ideas with Research Links and Sample Essays Monitoring internet usage among teenagerswhere does the invasion of privacy begin. Information and translations of Contentious politics in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). A: Quick to start an argument. The prevalent conditions seem to be those of the Greek church of the post-apostolic period, characterized by worldiness of life, profession without practice, and a contentious garrulity of teaching (I John iii. The author wrote a contentious novel which caused a great deal of unrest. contentious synonyms, contentious pronunciation, contentious translation, English dictionary definition of contentious. The result was viewed as contentious in some quarters. ‘Mark is a member of the firm's regional construction and engineering group having specialised in contentious and non-contentious construction law for over ten years.’ More example sentences ‘Your Honours, the issues in this matter are clear-cut and they are non-contentious.’ She has some rather contentious views on education. 3. It was an idyllic day - sunny, warm, and perfect for a walk in the park. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1, Middle English contenciose "quarrelsome," borrowed from Middle French & Latin; Middle French contencieux "subject to disagreement," borrowed from Latin contentiōsus "persistent, obstinate, argumentative, quarrelsome," from contentiō "exertion, competition, contention" + -ōsus -ous, Theme music by Joshua Stamper ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP. Examples of contentious in a Sentence. English examples for “contentious politics” - Contentious politics has existed forever, but its form varies over time and space. ‘The most contentious issue is likely to be a provision encouraging commissioners to facilitate voluntary co-operation by witness to be heard in private.’. The relationship with Columbia was always contentious, and the group's management felt that the label was not invested in promoting the record. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In a supposedly classless society this is a contentious assertion. Real sentences showing how to use Contentious correctly. Use them in various ways. Fine Dictionary. political violence, and terrorist acts for a range of countries. Both are examples of contentious … ancillary relief is normally the most contentious part of any divorce proceeding. Why are contentious topics so often thrown together? 3. Within a few years of the controversy that surrounded Milton, the contentious nature of the issue had settled. Extra time is, however, undoubtedly useful to improve the quality of "technical" drafting which is not politically contentious. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Slippery Words Quiz—Changing with the Times. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Menu. In the perpetual skirmish between science and religion, biological evolution is a, Creator Jim Davis had spent two years fine-tuning the, The dispute involves one of the region's most, For Henry’s inaugural message to the legislature, Frances encouraged him to take positions that remained, The remarks came as Democrat and Republican lawmakers were stuck in, Wyden, ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, has been intimately involved in, Transit agencies had hoped Congress’s focus over the next two months would return to passing another round of coronavirus relief, but that appears unlikely following the fraught and, Congress left town before the election without a COVID-19 stimulus deal in hand, failing to reach an agreement after months of often, Post the Definition of contentious to Facebook, Share the Definition of contentious on Twitter, We Added New Words to the Dictionary for January 2021. Law. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! It will prove most contentious to the political party itself. [formal] Rodney was a cheerful, elegant and gregarious if rather contentious man. Contentious politics is the use of disruptive techniques to make a political point, or to change government policy. Both are examples of contentious politics, or forms of political engagement outside the institutional channels of political decision-making. Category: Science; Subcategory: Biology; Topic: Bioethics; Pages: 2; Words: 1137; Published: 11 December 2018; Downloads: 29; Download Print. Abortion is a highly contentious issue. cit. 4. Try to avoid any contentious wording. Finally, some thought needs to be given to the somewhat contentious issue of assessment time. Dictionary ... An example of contentious is a tense situation that is likely to lead to arguments. The court battle over custody of Ireland has been contentious ever since. An international legal dispute can be defined as a disagreement on a question of law or fact, a conflict, or a clash of legal views or interests. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Contentious example sentences. 5. The Soviet Republic replied by swelling the ranks of the Red Army to five million and launching the contentious march on Warsaw. In doctrine the church has been from the first contentious for believers' baptism, holding that nowhere in the New Testament can be found any authority even by inference, precept or example for the baptism of infants. 125+1 sentence examples: 1. content Same-sex marriage is a highly contentious issue in our society these days. Contentious politics is the use of disruptive techniques to make a political point, or to change government policy. The conference ended without any agreement being reached, and the diplomatic discussion which followed (see Transvaal) gradually became more and more contentious. Example Sentences for "contentious " Since he was obviously in a contentious mood, I decided to leave early, and avoid an argument. Find another word for contentious. Synonyms: argumentative, wrangling, perverse, bickering More Synonyms of contentious. adjective. Given to contention; quarrelsome. The contentious issue goes back 26 years to when Gulf Park used to be a finishing school for girls. The director had a contentious … Another word for contentious. As a rule, I tend to avoid contentious topics of conversation which might lead to arguments. The remaining detail of the document doesn't seem contentious. Definition of contentious adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The talks came to nothing because IRA demands were too high and because the accompanying fragile truce broke down in contentious circumstances. High quality example sentences with “a contentious question” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Any type of essay. This last piece of evidence is particularly contentious and likely to feature prominently in the appeal. beneficiaryndividuals Breach of trust The contentious probate group were instructed by four residuary beneficiaries under a will. Always ready to argue; quarrelsome. 1. belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, quarrelsome, contentious mean having an aggressive or fighting attitude. Albin Lohr-Jones/Pacific Press/ LightRocket via Getty Images. Delivered to your inbox! Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Contentious" Meanings of words and phrases; Similar words ; The meaning of "Contentious" in various phrases and sentences. Another word for contentious. 1. contentious transitions are not unique to this year. 4. Contentious: feeling or displaying eagerness to fight. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Accessed 30 Jan. 2021. This is a contentious election year, especially on the Democratic side. persons more contentious than philosophical, as presuming to disdain. Get help with writing. Examples of such techniques are actions that disturb the normal activities of society such as demonstrations, general strike action, riot, terrorism, civil disobedience, and even revolution or insurrection. Analogous battles over school finance issues will likely become just as contentious and prolonged. Definition of Contentious. An example of contentious is a person who always likes to argue. 35. content Same-sex marriage is a highly contentious … Both views are highly contentious. More example sentences. Kolmogorov's proposal outlined strives for the firmer and less contentious ground expressed in finite combinatorics and effective computation. Both views are highly contentious. “Contentious.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/contentious. Home "Contentious" example sentences; Word suggestions (1): Examples. 2. Test your visual vocabulary with our 10-question challenge! Hunting with hounds is a highly contentious subject of great interest to people who live in rural areas. In general terms, contentious work includes areas where there is some sort of dispute that involves some adversarial process (whether or not this involves any sort of court or arbitration process) whereas non-contentious work does not. wearied by his contentious disposition. A dispute between Tunisia and Libya over the delimitation of the continental shelf between them. Login or Register. 2. Even though parents Linda and Terry "The Hulk" Hogan are in the middle of a contentious and bitter divorce, they put down the boxing gloves to make a birthday video for their son and visit him in jail. Ancillary relief is normally the most contentious part of any divorce proceeding. All Rights Reserved. Still examination must be had whether persons have been expelled from the congregation by any episcopal small-mindedness (µucpokxia), or contentious spirit, or such-like harshness (evibia). The following twelve months saw contentious debate about the ambiguity of these phrases and the conflicting obligations they entailed. 1. Here are many translated example sentences containing "CONTENTIOUS ITEMS" - english-french translations and search engine for english translations. Some issues — like abortion, the death penalty, and gun control — are very controversial. Translations in context of "contentious" in English-German from Reverso Context: contentious issue, contentious issues, non-contentious 1 Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial. the heat made us all quarrelsome contentious implies perverse and irritating fondness for arguing and quarreling. The subject matter for the show dealt with the contentious issues such as the Vietnam War, the draft system, and the newly emerging drug culture. — Barry A. Palevitz, Skeptical Inquirer, July/August 1999 Creator Jim Davis had spent two years fine-tuning the contentious relationship between the grouchy cat, his milquetoast owner, Jon (Davis' pen-and-ink alter ego), and befuddled dog Odie—in a strip he'd thought … He is involved in a broad range of contentious and non-contentious intellectual property, IT and commercial media work. Q: What does contentious mean? Here are some great controversial statements to get the conversation going. adjective. There was contentious debate over the use of genetically modified crops. Examples of such techniques are actions that disturb the normal activities of society such as demonstrations, general strike action, riot, terrorism, civil disobedience, and … However, large or potentially contentious applications are decided by panels of councilors. The only area that remains contentious in that context is the debate on the Welsh language. The contentious woman is that way in her nature. A: tends to be argumentative; given to arguing View more answers Q: What does contentious mean? A: tends to be argumentative; given to arguing View more answers Q: O que significa contentious? ‘a contentious issue’. In the perpetual skirmish between science and religion, biological evolution is a contentious battle ground. ‘Of course controversies and contentious issues have emerged.’. Closer to home, think of the refugee activists who assisted a breakout from South Australia’s Woomera detention centre in 2002. adj contentious involving or likely to cause controversy "a central and contentious element of the book"- Tim W.Ferfuson"; adj contentious inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits "a style described as abrasive and contentious","a disputatious lawyer","a litigious and acrimonious spirit" An example of contentious is a tense situation that is likely to lead to arguments. At this point he hasn't appealed to God or made claims that even most atheists would find contentious. Install vapor barriers on the "warm" wall: Although what is considered the "warm" wall is up for contentious debate, it is generally on the inside of you home, after the insulation and before the final wall material. Examples of such techniques are actions that disturb the normal activities of society such as demonstrations, general strike action, riot, terrorism, civil disobedience, and … See Synonyms at argumentative. Controversial Statements. 31 synonyms of contentious from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 127 related words, definitions, and antonyms. From the. Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Contentious" Meanings of words and phrases; Similar words; The meaning of "Contentious" in various phrases and sentences. Examples of cases include: A complaint by the United States in 1980 that Iran was detaining American diplomats in Tehran in violation of international law. An example of contentious is a person who always likes to argue. Contentious: feeling or displaying eagerness to fight. The contentious jurisdiction of the courts Christian was confined to promises of marriage, nullity of marriage caused by " diriment " impediments only, validity or invalidity of the sacrament, divorce a thoro (ibid.). This was owing to a bullthe celebrated Clericis Laicos, recently issued by the arrogant and contentious pope Boniface VIII., which forbade the clergy to submit to any, taxation by secular princes. We could debate—we might find it a contentious debate—the role of business in relation to science. Another word for contentious. Given to contention; quarrelsome. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. a drunk in a bellicose mood pugnacious suggests a disposition that takes pleasure in personal combat. causing , involving, or likely to cause disagreement and argument: a contentious decision / policy / issue / subject. www.nadir.org . The definition of contentious is someone who is argumentative or a situation where there is discord. The label declined to invest heavily in band promotion, and so the relationship was contentious from the start. 15 A constant dripping on a day of steady rain And a contentious woman are alike; 16 He who would restrain her restrains the wind, And grasps oil with his right hand.. Get your price. Dealing with Contentious Issues There doesn’t seem to be a shortage of hot-button issues in education. A: Quick to start an argument. Send us feedback. A division of share rights agreements becomes contentious where the target company's country has a domestic CGT regime. “Contentious politics” means episodic, public, collective interaction among makers of claims and their objects when: (a) at least one government is a claimant, an object of claims, or a party to the claims, and (b) the claims would, if realized, affect the interests of at least one of the claimants or objects of claims.Roughly translated, the definition refers to collective political struggle. 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