At least when facing a minotaur you have a chance of surviving their spam because they only fire AP. Fixes its dispersion issues. I have painted the mandatory skills yellow and the 3 options in another 3 colors. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. The Harugumo has the biggest health pool and the highest damage potential of any destroyer in the game. A game about huge boats. Hope I made the right purchase as it was either Harugumo or Gearing. But the new line is op as fuck. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A zombie video game-based movie that we actually enjoyed... Top 35 Best Chun Li Cosplays We've Ever Seen. Hello team. #unintended consquences As long as you angle, your armour actually means something but against a Worcester, Des Moines or Harugumo their machine gun curtains of HE just destroy you in seconds. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, … The HARUGUMO is a heavily gun-focused DD. To counter them, people bring IFHE Henrys. I don't see it lasting in its current state, I'm all for laughing at BBs dieing under neverending spam, but the 32mm pen seems odd to me, I mean the ship would be hilariously deadly without it but still, am not sure how they will tweak it. Philip Bergmann. Like even with your range build, I do actually doubt your contributions to the team. Spotting is done by Stalingrads using their radar. Harugumo's main contenders are Khabarovsk, Kléber and Daring. Reply. While not as saturated as its elder stablemate, World of Warships has certainly been developing its own.. The problem with Harugumo is you can't hear any commentary over all the Dakka. Why are we building IFHE and why do we want to pen 32mm ? Everything but the guns is already crap and if you nerf the guns what's the point of this ship at all? I would go for BFT over SI on that boat any time - it's DPM is it's bread and butter, and since it doesn't have a heal, radar or hydro, the SI just gives you one extra smoke. Some famous players like Flamu and other CCs have suggested RL on DDs. Ask me about my favorites if you are interested. 13103 posts • Previous; 1... 314; 315; 316... 328; Next; Delor Hello, I would like to choose the correct skills in the commander, but I have to choose them before having the HARUGUMO. It's far better to have the DPM. For the Unicum's like Flamu this is especially frustrating because of the way the damage mechanics work for CVs. Daring seems to only have high theoretical DPM (mostly comes to bear against other DDs) at the moment though because of the limited pen whereas the 100mm IJN guns can now pen almost anything at T10. Do you know how annoying it is to be focused by a Wooster or a Smolensk? ;-), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the WorldOfWarships community. To be fair I was in my Worcester. And I had him radared at 7km. I would like to know what your opinions are. Harugumosits atop the IJN "gunboat" line of destroyers, encapsulating and building upon the design elements and game play of the ships preceding her; namely the Tier VIII and IX ships, Akizukiand Kitakaze. So yeah it's kind of Oranges to Lemons comparison. "Light cruiser" with 19km range, stealth radar, 6 second reload with 1000ms shells is obviously op. ... That one Flamu video with the Agir secondaries was really funny. Haragumo you sit in smoke or behind a semi flat island and hope no one get's an angle on you. This is true. Getting spotted in Khaba is a no shocker. It packs a mean punch, but that punch comes at a very expensive price. Slap a main battery mod 3 on it and now you have pushed your DPM to 303K, That is an increase of over 70k by utilising 1 skill that seemingly provides small benefit. And he was on low health. I open this post to discuss the correct ship configuration especially for its Captain. Anti-Aircraft Build: Hindenburg’s AA suite can be made even more potent by equipping AA Guns Modification 1 in Slot 3, and maximized by assigning a captain with Basic and/or Advanced Firing Training. World of Warships NA[CC] who tries to teach the community by always trying to improve myself. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? Its just a whole lot easier to get the community to accept the ship where WG wants it if it comes out OP then WG later goes see we nerfed it. Après, certains (et même beaucoup) préfère un build full gunboat, initié par Flamu. I don't see that as a problem, more like a perk. SE or BFT 4. PC Enthusiast/ Gamer who has played a ton of great games through the years. En slot 5, Vous pouvez aussi mettre le gouvernail plutôt que la dissimu, comme vous voulez : build : D I like to play Destroyers, I have the Shimakaze pure shortstop and I would like to have a gunboat I like the Japanese type of game, I also have a PANASIA VII and FRENCH VII (and some V). AustinX, October 22, 2020 in Destroyers. Annoying, but not anywhere near on the same level as Harugumo annoying. Thats still 10% more dmg, pair it with AR and LET IT RAIN!! And with a gunboat build you spit out so many shells you will still get fires going anyways. No way rusian bias allows this to continue, cant have the Kahb losing the dakka crown. AA Build: SI -> AR -> BFT -> PM: Increases AA potential when running DF, and also increases DPM through both BFT and AR, but you lose out on TAE for the torpedo boat combo of AR and TAE. You can find the premium camos as well as the recommended build at the end as usual. Its a Flame Thrower that handles like a block of concrete, and probably the best DD in the game for a Neanderthal. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! I killed Kombat_W0MBAT last night in a Daring. The Legendary should have at least given the old gun range back (instead of +8, maybe +12). Unlikely. This is certainly a "specialized" build for gunnery, just like Harugumo except that ship has 25% more firepower and poor base concealment. But how ya gonna nerf it? Press J to jump to the feed. Gunboats. November 9, 2018 at 3:07 pm ... +first last Change your build to ruddershift build then. While I certainly will not dismiss the value of RL, it is simply not worth the opportunity cost. My pet theory on the Harugum: It was supposed to be nerfed all along. 15.1 range, 10km torps and normal maneuverability. Sure, some roles overlap but it really isn't a 1:1 comparison. Khaba is a ship you play with heal, move around the map at full speed and punish anything in your range. Well as much as I like Flamu, it's like saying step aside Mino because Wooster is here. Superintendent gives you one more smoke on which Haragumo depends. Armed with ten 100 mm rifles and a single sextuplet torpedo launcher, she is a ship of absolutes; she has the highest base hit points of all Tier X destroyers, has an … Home / Uncategorized / wows kitakaze build. And that clip from Flamu is supposed to show what? The HARUGUMO is a heavily gun-focused DD. I used the shit out of those 10km torps. I recommend a commander build focused on the strength of this DD: the guns! That entire line is very strong. Have you seen flamu's new video about the new line. But the same can be said if you go for a normal generic Harugumo build as you would have gotten yourself killed in the first minute. Getting spotted as a Haragumo often means death. Maxing out Dakka power on a Harugumo should come with significant weaknesses like 10s rudder shift, 8km conceal, etc, so that meme builds only make sense if played with a supporting division. It is IMO too slugish to sit in a smoke, you catch too easily a torpedo occasionally. jonathan1984. Spider-Man Overview... Spider-Man Vs. This pair of upgrades provides excellent anti-aircraft protection for herself and teammates when utilizing Defensive AA Fire (). Best Destroyer: Harugumo (Japan) Check out Harugumo stats here. I recommend a commander build focused on the strength of this DD: the guns! Conquer and defend ports to gain access to key resources. Old Khaba was good (OP) times. 2 years ago. Jan 19, 2021 - Explore jerry wehner's board "world of warships" on Pinterest. One of the most important things is if the Inertia Fuse for HE Shells is worth it (it can penetrate to 32mm), if it has a radio location or not. Love discussing anything PC. Why this ship is the best: The Wickes is just a …
These incredible Witcher cosplays will make you do a double take! I had a Daring chasing me in Roma last night. inb4 Flamu - Daring, Step aside Hargumo and Khabarovsk. 3 row survive expert and BFT is as good choice as superintendet. RIP. By Flamu, video review of IJN dd Harugumo My early impressions of the Harugumo, the upcoming IJN DD gunboat, following the Akizuki and Kitakaze respectively. 2 row take last stand and adrenaline rush. See more ideas about warship, naval, navy ships. Are they intentionally trying to make the ship worthless? Just like mino and wooster, The comparison is about winrates, Khaba had the highest. Power creep at it's finest. You don't even have an Akizuki, let alone a Harugumo... while the build advice given here is sound, I'd suggest going to practice and learn to low, then mid tiers, forget about the Harugumo; right now it'll cause nothing but misery to both you and your teams. 4 row IFHE and camo. So to sum it up, if you can't make a single/double range build work, you won't make a normal Harugumo with 12.6km base range work. Haragumo at 1-8km has an edge of khaba, at anything longer khaba will chew it up. Darings trick is a huge firechance which is not exactly new or exciting. Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. Perhaps they will fuck it hard in the concealment department... the problem arose with the ships doing almost no damage without IFHE on tier 9 and 10. Cela vous rapproche d'un gameplay russe. Following the same characteristics otherwise keeps this gun boat on top in tier III with more Americans to come. This is a stupid plan considering Daring and Harugumo are around. These are mostly an IJN tech tree line to Shimakaze as well as a tech tree line to Harugumo up to tier VII Shiratsuyu inclusive. wows kitakaze build. Japan Second DD Line (Harugumo) USSR BBs (Kremlin) USSR Second Cruiser line (Petropavlovsk) USA Second Cruiser line (Worcester) UK Second Cruiser line (Goliath) UK DD Line (Daring) UK CVs French BBs and DDs Pan Asian DDs Italian Cruisers Europe(?) Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, … Not mention Thunderer and Harugumo. The amount of maneuverability lost is just too much without it, or it should have been put into the last slot. Harugumo pens 32mm and out-DPMs cruisers. DDs #? I don't think the Harugumo will stay like that in the months to come and if, I want some of the old Khaba back. LS 3. Now that Flamu has made it offical, the Harugumo is gonna nerfed. IFHE AFT and CE or RPF. It might sound little on paper, but remember that small increase pushes your DPM from 240k to 266k, which is pretty huge. Still trying to buy all the planes not helped i just cant be arsed to play her much so trying to build up mostly with free exp. This build is pretty deep into diminishing returns on fire/flooding time reduction so you can replace damage control mod 2 with steering gears if you really want to, but it's not really worth it (or skip the fire/flooding flags, I guess). So if you're a Unicum, you can't wander around the map with 500 hp left on your ship and get 3 more kills to carry a match. ... Watch flamu's take on the grind fest. I'll take those back and a range buff to my guns. Alternative 1. I havent played pc version of wows for 2 years ,I had to stop due to laptop over heating a lot. Never submarines, they said. My pet theory on the Harugum: It was supposed to be nerfed all along. I believe in 3 possible options. C'est mon choix personnel. That's how clans play in the Typhon league on EU. Build ships, trade, attack enemies of your nation almost everywhere and capture their ships. Not having a go, this is actually well-meant advice. You don't need fires to kill DD's, you need raw DPM so going full gunboat is perfectly valid. Well, Daring and a French BB (IX or X, don't remember) and a Cleveland. Great, I just bought Harugumo today and was also looking for advice. A decent CV player can put some amount of damage on a target, any target. These days I would strongly advise against going for the IJN torpedo line. Pure 10-13km gun boat go for BFT and RPF. Dead Eye actually makes the Roma good. Yup - If Harugumo stays as is, I'll take my Khab buffs, please and thanks. With current battle times you rarely will use 4 smokes. PT PM 2. Harugumo = as obnoxious as all three of those ships, by itself. Thanks for your quick response, I really like what you propose, I have a doubt between Superitendente and the ability to reload faster. Neither ship plays the same role. By Been shot at by contest...the Harugumo is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay stronger. It is IMO too slugish to sit in a smoke, you catch too easily a torpedo occasionally. World of Warships thread - NDA Lifted, time to play! Relax on Peace Server - All nations are at peace and players cannot attack each other in Peace servers. With guns. Because the fire chance without IFHE is already meh, with IFHE you will melt 32 mm plating BB's which right now are pretty common in the MM so chances of carrying with sheer gunpower is greater. +jose gonzalez I couldn’t agree more with your statement. Aug 1, 2020 10:17 Profile; Post History; Rap Sheet Yes, sometimes there are DDs outside of Harugumo, but it's almost always a Yueyang, which is chosen only because of its radar. On a sub-6km ship with as low as tier 6-7 opponents, that is a very huge opportunity of which you can take advantage. Its just a whole lot easier to get the community to accept the ship where WG wants it if it comes out OP then WG later goes see we nerfed it. So while some stats might be similar, they are sailed in vastly different ways. I have been reviewing and basic training only provides 0.3 sec of recharge I think your option is the best (2.64 sec recharge and 22.73 rpm vs 2.38 and 25.25). A greeting. At 1 skill go for priority target other ones are useless, unless you go for three 4 points perks. Why this ship is the best: Much like the Akizuki, the Harugumo has some very high reload speed and has 2 more barrels to shoot from. Open trading outposts and levy taxes in the ports governed by your clan. You basically rely on luck and enemy idiocy or being able to successfully ambush or yolo-rush someone. I liked this video, he carries these skills. Can not be cast, more posts from the WorldOfWarships community of flamu harugumo build Destroyer in the game a! Damage on a target, any target 3 row survive expert and BFT is as good choice as superintendet on! Strongly advise against going for the Unicum 's like Flamu, it is IMO too to! 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