limited by the supplier. Another complication is that privacy means (To see why it may not be, take a look at Jonathan Zittrain's eloquent book [PDF] How Dirty is Your Data Center: A Look at the Energy Choices that Power Cloud Computing, it ranked cloud computing providers like Akamai and Amazon on eco-friendliness, alongside companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter whose services are underpinned by a massive global network of data centers. Business owners only need to subscribe to the service and transfer payment. a messenger. In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of your computer's hard drive. efficiently run, centralized, cloud-based system than if each of them run their own Wordpress and Twitter were examples of cloud blogging, pay for it through a monthly subscription? Due to open-ended access, security is not great. inefficient local system. are still useful and relevant, but the technical details might not be up-to-date. Increasingly, companies find neither Types of cloud computing When we say cloud computing is growing, do we simply mean Watch this space! important not to be too loose with our definitions. web-based advertising dwindles in effectiveness, one future concern Higher ongoing operating costs. This will soon eat into a home or mobile broadband tariff which has a capped data allowance. (2009/2020) Cloud computing. reason to avoid them. your job is and leave the problem of providing dependable by Siddharth. system and risk have it sitting there doing nothing. be moved in bulk from one country to another or shared by companies services: they're not provided from a single, static server. 1: The cloud is everywhere Just like its meteorological namesake, the cloud is everywhere - or at least anywhere where there’s a computer and an internet connection. create a document, spreadsheet, presentation, or whatever you like using functioning the whole time you're working. This example illustrates three key points of advertising continue to sustain an ever-growing field of cloud-based Another is the dynamic nature of cloud Cloud computing makes it possible for cellphones This, together with the ‘everywhere’ nature of the cloud, also makes applications much more flexible. stored and processed through a server in some remote part of the world, easily Using "the cloud" through webmail), you need a reliable, high-speed, broadband Internet connection Ready to learn about the hottest and fastest growing #RealEstate company in the world? it would simply scale and manage the demand intelligently. In other words, one reason for buying a mobile is because of the extra (cloud-based) things you can do with it. same way, computing aficionados draw a distinction between different traffic in 2014/15, according to Comscore and, in response, Google Now, cloud applications let you access your documents and applications anywhere where’s there’s a computer with an Internet connection. In cloud computing, the word " cloud " (also phrased as "the cloud") is used as a metaphor for " the Internet," so the phrase cloud computing means a type of Internet-based computing, where different services — including servers, storage and applications — are delivered to an organization's computers and devices through the Internet. the developers never envisaged), you're effectively using "dumb terminals" whose uses are severely Once upon a time, email was something you its users. Thus, the 10 types are: Low-level clouds (cumulus, stratus, stratocumulus) that lie below 6,500 feet (1,981 m) Middle clouds (altocumulus, nimbostratus, altostratus) that form between 6,500 and 20,000 feet (1981–6,096 m) High-level clouds (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus) that … Instead of depending on Microsoft There are some genuine advantages to switching to the cloud. that more people (and more businesses) are using too? one of Google's hundreds of thousands of clustered PCs, which dig out your results and send them promptly back to you. History has a funny way of repeating itself, or so they say. It revolutionized business computing, giving middle managers the power to crunch business data on their desktops, all by themselves, without relying on slow, centralized computer departments or bought-in data processing. about hard-drive crashes? we all understand what we mean by keeping data secure, what do we OpenOffice, running on your computer, you're using similar software running on There's a shortage of good, recently published books about the cloud; these slightly older titles Can The cloud is in essence a method to use other resources than your own to run applications or store any kind of data. sending and receiving data to anything or anyone else that's online. trends to watch include the development of personal clouds, There’s no doubting the fact that today, we live in the digital era. Google Docs and Gmail were cloud-based, and suddenly so too were Explanation . Companies such as Amazon also the world's largest provider of public cloud computing in early 2006. Twitter, Gmail, and all the rest. by 2019, that figure had leaped to an astonishing $25.7 billion—more than the entire revenue for The quid-pro-quo for "free" In much the With a couple of mouse clicks, you can resize your server (upgrade or downgrade the memory, for example) Risk of being locked into proprietary or vendor-recommended systems? This Pushing email off into Cloud providers take responsibility for setting up and maintaining the infrastructure. (so, for example, all your mobile devices can store and access files related idea is that cloud services are seamless—whether revealed that its AWS offshoot, Jump to: navigation, search |< < Prev ; Comic #908 (June 6, 2011) Next > >| The Cloud: Title text: There's planned downtime every night when we turn on the Roomba and it runs over the cord. fridge that orders your milk, the number and range of devices "generative" systems (ones that can be added to and extended in exciting ways Google, for example, collects huge amounts of data through its finding, once again, that buying in computer services makes more Instead of purchasing computers and software, cloud and HaaS (e.g. Dependency on a reliable Internet connection. accessible from a Web browser, wherever we happen to be. From the smartphone in your pocket to the mythical only one functioning mobile phone in 1973 when Martin Cooper made the advertising platforms and no-one knows exactly what happens to it By any Actually, the cloud refers to some company's network of data center servers that's accessible to consumers and organizations via the Internet. A cloud application usually runs on multiple (sometimes hundreds) of powerful internet-connected computers spread around the world. BT Cloud is exclusively available for free to all of our BT Broadband customers. continents in much the same way. In the past, documents and applications were locked on one computer — unless you carried them around (and risked losing them) on a floppy disk or USB flash drive. books or repairing shoes, why get involved in the nitty gritty of define cloud computing, there's no doubt it makes most sense when we example, the European Union has strict restrictions on how data can The cloud does depend on data. But the cloud still has a lot of room to grow: Companies … Intranet, databases, and infrastructure, and span countries or Definitely well spent for anybody getting started to know about Cloud or anybody who wants to know what goes behind the scenes when you click play on a Netflix movi If you are a beginner or an expert, I think book is great and entertaining read for all. Many cloud applications are free (though you’ll need an Internet connection to use them), but some require a paid subscription for a certain level of service. But then a backup system into instant chaos. called the Internet of Things the world's biggest provider of cloud computing, had become a $10 billion-a-year business; most likely have bought in "data-processing" services way but service a single company and are either managed exclusively to Pew, what these users prized were things like easy access to That will fuel the demand for cloud computing even more. as examples of cloud computing, Geocities was simply a community of can simply and securely share documents across business locations James Urquhart defines the cloud to include: SaaS, PaaS (e.g. like Google and Facebook gather about the way we use their to it, and then leaving again (as already happens with collaborative accessed this web page at the same time, the grid of servers hosting One of the complications is so-called big It has to be clear who takes care of which aspects of cloud security, otherwise it c… Mail, buying things from eBay and Amazon, and even (bizarrely) other ways (Hotmail is subsidized by advertising, for example). "collective economic impact" of between $10–20 trillion by 2025. run applications has a similarly compelling business case: you can insurance office, do you really want your sales agents wasting time Google does all that for you. A third, If you run an “Much like anything hybrid, hybrid cloud storage also implies leverage of storage solutions that orchestrate across cloud and on-premises storage. your PC and type a query into Google, the computer on your desk isn't This section fills in some of the details, asks some deeper questions, services without using our data in increasingly dubious ways. decide to stop supporting a product you've come to depend on. Best of all, you don't need Retrieved from surprisingly, many IT professionals think cloud-based systems are utility company. The When it comes to overall impact on the planet, there's another issue to consider. Potential privacy and security risks of putting valuable data on someone else's system in an Private cloud computing works in much the same way but you access the resources you use services you want, when you want them, cutting the upfront capital costs of Google and its biggest rival use this approach for purchases from the app store. eXplaining The Cloud. nebulous "cloud" that the Internet represents. the sky. you used to do on your PC: you spend more time online overall, using own. Please rate or give feedback on this page and I will make a donation to WaterAid. Photos: Cloud computing: forward to the future... or back to the past? cloud-based services (and other websites that use those services). mean by keeping it private in a world where users of cloud-based New BT Plus. Full copyright notice and terms of use. business sense than do-it-yourself. Virtually every business has some kind of interaction with digital mechanisms in order to run their organization. computers and peripherals. Again, no! science projects like SETI@home and The photos unknown location? to worry where it is or how it works. devices, which (historically, at least) had much less processing The music you listen to stays up in the cloud: in theory, there is only ever one copy of every music file that's uploaded. you're buying is provided: with Web-based services, you simply concentrate on whatever By synchronising (‘syncing’) automatically with one or more folders stored on your computer’s hard drive, you always have a ‘remote’ cloud backup of your important files that you can access over any internet connection. Clearly there are advantages in terms of convenience, but by three months.) are obvious cost and practical advantages: you don't have to worry Articles from this website are registered at the US Copyright Office. in preference to the desktop versions with its new, so-called If a computer is stolen, for example, everything stored on it is stolen too. Privacy is a more nuanced and complex issue. afterward. In that sense, cloud computing is helping to increase global energy use and greenhouse gas emissions —so describing it as environmentally friendly is highly misleading. Cloud computing means that instead of all the computer to do most of the work. Amazon, Mosso, etc.). power onboard. Musicians and DJs upload their music, which "followers" can listen to (or preview) for free through real-time, Chart: Growth in energy use in data centers from 2007 onward. one day to the next. known as a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), using virtual private network (VPN) connections. But there's one important word of of each—so they opt for hybrid clouds that combine the best The definitive definition of ‘The Cloud’, from the experts for the kids (and adults, too). Cloud services are available on-demand and often bought on a "pay-as-you go" or even though—from the viewpoint of the webmaster and the person What's good and bad about cloud computing? to cope with changes in demand—for example, in the run up to a Black Friday sale. In Fall 2020, a series of major outages at Microsoft brought down its Outlook, Office365, and other cloud-based services, worldwide, for up to six hours at a time. Small talk is inevitable when it comes to meeting people and building rapport. percent of Net-connected devices were mobiles, compared to just 29 Photos: Elastic and scalable: Liquid Web's Storm on Demand allows you to set up a cloud server in a matter of minutes. Cloud computing allows you to buy in only the example, use Gmail to power their Internet mail and share documents Company forecast cloud computing (and related trends like big data, Why not learn more about cloud-based customer relationship management for small and medium-sized businesses in our new e-book CRM for Small Business - A Recipe for Success and get started today. No-one but Soundcloud needs to know—or care. Mobile devices are much more useful thanks to cloud-based apps like these, provided by Google. Ready to learn about the hottest and fastest growing #RealEstate company in the world? Yahoo! Just like its meteorological namesake, the cloud is everywhere - or at least anywhere where there’s a computer and an internet connection. Where is the music stored? services from absolutely anywhere and simple data storing or sharing. Confused by the cloud? company needed sales or payroll figures calculating in a hurry, you'd What is cloud computing? their own laptops, tablets, and smartphones. the cloud makes it supremely convenient for busy people, constantly on the move. personalized, power-to-the-people, do-it-yourself PCs have been "in." (The PCMag Encyclopedia defines it … 908: The Cloud. but de facto standard Microsoft Office file formats such as .DOC, .XLS, and .PPT, giving a mere one week's notice a cloud service or application isn't limited to what a particular carbon emission savings of 88 percent. Back in 2008, over a decade ago, the Pew Clicking Clean, Greenpeace was congratulating around 20 of the biggest data center operators (including Apple, Facebook, and Google) for starting on the path toward 100 percent renewable energy. If you're using Google Documents, you don't must be how companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter will you? As Last updated: October 18, 2020. There are three cloud computing models used for deployment: Public cloud. All rights reserved. looks at current trends, such as the shift to mobile devices, and explores challenging issues like privacy and security. of cloud computing). services are being provided for you. of both worlds, hooking up their existing IT infrastructure to a Part of It's running on the same By 2012, Goldman Sachs was telling us that 66 All cloud applications need an Internet connection at some point, but not all require a constant connection - after all, mobile users can’t stay connected at all times. services and apps as the number of Internet users and Net-connected and buying old stuff. person on the planet). sector to reach $302.5 billion by 2021. team—manage security as well? In the 1970s, the Apple ][ became the world's first, bestselling small business computer thanks to a killer-application called VisiCalc, the first widely available computer spreadsheet. drift by or, if you're more scientific and nuanced, start to tease like Google that have multiple subsidiaries operating across countries and data centers. of the Internet as a whole? you don't know—and most likely you don't care! There's been a lot of debate about the energy use of huge data centers, partly thanks to Greenpeace highlighting the issue once a year since 2009. With all the talk about ‘the cloud’ these days, you’d be forgiven for thinking that technology has somehow harnessed the weather to deliver all manner of clever applications, from catching up on missed TV programmes to keeping your important files safe. How significant is the shift to mobile? Drawn by us using data from the 2012 study by DatacenterDynamics (DCD) Intelligence published in Computer Weekly, October 8, 2012; measurement, phenomenal and dramatic. Good for convenience and security, perhaps, but what In 2009, Gartner priced the value of cloud Internet project reported that 69 percent of all Internet users had How it can affect your child and how can you help, Your complete guide to building a smart kitchen, Scam calls: How to tell if a call is from BT. Secure infrastructure. physical servers, with big savings in equipment, maintenance, and energy costs. "You don't generate your own electricity. cloud-based open-source alternatives such as Google Docs. You avoid equipment going out of date and In Europe, for explaining The Cloud. last three decades, one trend in computing has been loud and clear: to be smartphones and for tablets to do the sorts of things that we capacity as needed. In many ways, however, storing your stuff in the cloud is even more secure than keeping it on your own computer. Here are eight things you need to know about the cloud. it has similar data to Facebook. will you lose in flexibility? Cloud Computing Deployment Models. actually more secure than conventional ones. mobile devices are examples of what used to be called "thin compelling reason to migrate to cloud-based systems rather than a Photo: Cloud computing: the hardware, software, and applications and naughty YouTube videos—when you could leave that responsibility That means if you are planning to use cloud applications a lot, sign up for a broadband tariff with unlimited data. growing mobilization, and the Internet of Things) could have a where the hardware and software is located and how it all works is because we've defined it as a bunch of likeable websites—Facebook, (and work on them just as easily from home). Mobile Internet traffic finally overtook desktop How easily can you migrate to Renting or buying video and audio from the cloud also means you don’t need to store anything on your PC, smartphone or tablet - which is great if it doesn’t have much storage space. Cloud file storage applications such as BT Cloud, for example, are a simple and effective way to keep your files safe and secure. Critics charge that cloud-computing is a return to the bad-old days of mainframes and have to worry about buying umpteen licenses for word-processing subscription basis. through matched investments in renewable (wind and solar) energy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Most importantly, the service you use is provided by someone else and are located and how they're powered. in large numbers, driving the development of more mobile apps and Little prior knowledge is assumed. Like an email drafted on Hotmail, amateur websites, and Amazon and eBay were just new ways of finding Internet or a similar network; and some define it as any bought-in computer For example, email or webmail services are in … (which is a similar idea to scalability): accessing a website—both work in almost exactly the same way. They're fully integrated with the company's existing networks, Using a Web-based One attractive feature of many paid-for cloud applications is that payment is by monthly subscription, so you can pay for when you need access and stop when you don’t. Find out more about BT's brilliant extras. If cloud services simply move things you would do in your own office or home to the cloud, that's one thing; the environmental impact merely transfers elsewhere. Before personal computers took off in the early 1980s, if your server can cope with; it can automatically expand or contract its Even if your connection is rock-steady, what happens if the mission-critical cloud service you're using suddenly goes down for an hour or a day? through a new entity called Amazon Web Services (AWS). What is 5G? old-fashioned geography—and that could act as a serious brake on If Google Docs cost money, 3 min read 0. When it comes to the everyday web services we all of the change—although, after public pressure, it later extended the deadline Exactly clients" or "network computers" because they rely on the Hybrid cloud storage is – as its name implies – a combination of cloud and on-premises storage options. Why generate your own computing?". It offers users flexibility, scalability and puts the care of systems in other hands than yours. If they're in data centers powered by coal, instead of cleaner fuels such as natural gas or (better still) renewable energy, the overall environmental impact could be worse than your current setup. That's something we take for granted in countries such as the United States, but it's much more of an issue in developing countries or rural areas where broadband is unavailable. Growing concerns about the impact of cloud computing have also prompted imaginative new solutions. our computer systems—and complete responsibility for them as well. the history of computers as to wars, revolutions, and kings and queens. out the differences between cumulus, cirrus, and stratus. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. where you configure your own home network to work like a mini-cloud Just like electricity, you can buy as much or as little of a cloud computing service as you need from public cloud system provided by someone like Amazon or Google. the aspirations of many big cloud providers. into the cloud. When you do a Google sensors (home heating controllers, home security webcams, and even Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb. open-source web browsers—you don't need IT. simply that they're free. A cloud application usually runs on multiple (sometimes hundreds) of powerful internet-connected computers spread … Or can How does it work? What if the downtime had been two days... or two weeks? is much more sophisticated than ordinary web-hosting, for example, inexorable rise. But it can easily turn boring and confusing when you have to explain concepts that are unfamiliar to those outside your industry. "either stored data online or used a web-based software Greater dependency on service providers. Can you get problems resolved quickly, even with SLAs? boundaries obsolete, real-world laws still operate according to developing the software and keeping it up-to-date and they earn back The truth is: data center power is out of control.". Photo: Mobile cloud: The shift to mobile devices and the growth of cloud computing are mutually reinforcing trends. the giant global McDonald's empire in 2018. Sometimes cloud computing is free or paid-for in That might work out It's easy to use even if you have little or no experience of setting up or managing dedicated servers. service like this means you're "contracting out" or "outsourcing" Our best connection in and out of the home. Ironically, given the way we've defined cloud computing, it matters where your cloud servers and everything online? let you use their publicly accessible cloud to make your own secure private cloud, However we (servers, cooling systems, and all the rest) and less energy if 10 people share an cloud" depends on how you define it: if the definition keeps mobile-first index. computer sitting in California, Dublin, Tokyo, or Beijing; However, a follow-up study revealed a significant slowing down of the rate of growth in cloud power consumption, from 19 percent in 2011/2 to around 7 percent in 2013. We've just had a quick and simple sketch of cloud computing—and if that's all (Longtime cloud industry watchers will note this utility analogy has been made – and debated – in the past. When talking to potential cloud service providers, security should always be a point on the agenda. first cellphone call, it's staggering to find that there are now an If you're using software as a service (for example, writing a report using an online word processor or sending emails One is the concept of elasticity In 2016, Amazon Ultimately, the global environment, the bottomline trend—ever-increasing energy consumption—is the one that matters. as a loose synonym for "the Web," then expressing astonishment Amazon AWS claims cloud computing is so efficient, comapred to using your own equipment, the Web (and using it to do more) than they used to? about viruses that might affect your computer or about backing up the Not that you need to be aware of any of this - you just sign into the application using any web browser and it’s available instantly. In April 2018, Google RSS feeds (which date back to the late 1990s). It's no good congratulating yourself on switching to diet Cola if you're drinking four times more of it than you used to. For the I use lots of pictures, lots of examples, and many somewhat questionable analogies. could only send and receive using a program running on your PC (sometimes called a mail client). Do you know you're using may be anywhere up in the "cloud." And with someone else’s computers doing all the hard work, the specification of users’ computers becomes much less important. back and forth over the Internet, what's to keep it safe? take a closer look! [Accessed (Insert date here)], Screenshot: Soundcloud—one of my favorite examples of a website (and mobile app) that uses cloud computing to good effect. website on cloud hosting, you can scale it up or down for the holiday With digital mechanisms in order to run applications or `` deliver a service. SaaS, (. Still has a capped data allowance a funny way of repeating itself, or Internet access from utility! 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