5. In her post, Ella lists all 27 figure of speech answers. 13. I got as far as identifying twenty or so from the picture but then ran into trouble. Use this quiz/worksheet combo to help you test your understanding of figures of speech. To tie the knot Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an answer list for each of the 27 figures of speech examples represented in the cartoon. Pull up your socks. Nail on the head Cat caught your tounge Getting cold feet (Living) in the shadow/to cast a shadow/Gender-bender, Reblogged this on https://harmonykent.co.uk/can-you-find-27-figure-of-speech-examples-in-this-cartoon/, 1) Ace up the sleeve, Best foot forward, Cold feet Born with a Silver spoon in your mouth, Kick the bucket, red herring, Ace up his sleeve, ear worm, cat got your tongue, Bird brain, Playing his cards close to his chest, Hit the nail on the head or a screw loose,Don’t Spill the beans, It;s a piece of cake…with a cherry on top, Can’t make an omelet without breaking an eggs-, he’s Got Cold Feet, Big cheese or Your story has more holes than swiss cheese, In a nutshell, Best foot forward, Shadow of your former self, Rags to riches or life in tatters, Everything was handed to him on a silver platter, Shoe on the other foot, Overshadowing women/cast a shadow over me, Skinny as a rail or tall as a beanpole, Bald as a billiard cube, Pale as a ghost, 1) Time flies 13) ace up your sleeve, Pull up your sock 18. Test how excellent your skills are at identifying these three by taking the ultimate quiz below. Read the sentence. He has a screw loose 6. He wears his heart on his sleeve. ( Log Out / – in a nutshell Cards up your sleeve 10. 24) half a brain alliteration allusion anacoluthia anadiplosis repetition of the words or phrase at the end of one sentence, line, or clause at the beginning of the next analogy anaphora the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses anastrophe reversal of the usual order of the parts of a sentence; inversion (Ex. Use this quiz/worksheet combo to help you test your understanding of figures of speech. 6. 24) stinky service, As many holes as a Swiss cheese all patched up There is something fishy 6. Figure of Speech Definition. An ace up your sleeve12. Shoe on the other foot Basically, it is a figurative language that may consist of a single word or phrase. There go your nuts 17. Teachers really dont have eyes in the back of their heads. (Author chessart) Cat got your tongue But what is a figure of speech? It is when we use a phrase with an object to create an implied or abstract meaning. In the meantime, looking at me (16) tied up in knots the naysayers are asking me sarcastically, “what’s the matter, (18) cat, got your tongue”. BACK TO EDMODO. pull your socks up Time flies Shoe’s on the other foot 10. piece of cake On a silver platter All eggs in one basket Best foot forward 11 Self-Publishing Mistakes New Authors Can Make, Kindle Keywords And Amazon Categories For Books. 9) kick the bucket, 9.Bird’s eye view We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. A simile is one of the most common forms of figurative language. Figures of Speech quiz 2. I have a million things to do at the office today, or, it cost me an arm and a leg. "Our old house groaned and whined during the hurricane." Suddenly he turns into a parking lot. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things in an interesting way. Walk over egg shells Got the cat by the tail That is, they use words in a manner other than their literal meaning. #151783792 - Paper figure with speech bubbles on the white. In simile two unlike things are explicitly compared. 24 cherry on the cake Take to one’s heels, 1. Reports. Spill the beans 1. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth 5. Mar 5, 2019 - Here are 27 figures of speech examples in illustrated form. I For example: "Her eyes were glistening jewels". Cherry on top8. Walking on eggshell I tried to figure them out. For example, “She is like a fairy”. 21) in one ear out the other or earworm 13. In a nu… 2. Bird Brain. A simile … Served on a silver platter Put all your eggs in one basket Shakespeare uses the word stage to give an abstract meaning to how we all live and behave in our world. Walking on eggshells20. A bit of fun for my last reblog today … Here are 27 figure of speech examples in illustrated form. Why Did My Amazon Reviews Get Deleted From My Book? There are countless figures of speech in every language, and they fall into hundreds of categories. Big cheese So 27 individual idiom or less but some with more than one meaning. thought you had a full 50+ list there, then realised you doubled up on a lot :( 11) ear worm, 2. In the picture you will see 6 chillis, only one of them is drawn and all others are real. Although I wasn’t (3) born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and there are many who think (4) I’m just a joker in the deck, I will (5) put my best foot forward. Bald as a coot The shoe is on the other foot! B. Pretty please, with cherries on top OP’s posts: See next | See all Add message | Report. 25 votes, 30 comments. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A piece of cake Stepping on toes. Pull your socks up As black as a raven You’ve got to break a few eggs to make an omelette Barefoot and pregnant Silver platter and silver spoon in the mouth was not the privilege I was exposed to when really kept me in tune and allowed me to acquire the common sense needed to make sure I don’t wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve, has the cat got your tongue, definable not I just know just when and when not to share, to me my experiences as made my discerning skills a piece of cake and no red herring placed in from of me could ever get me tongue tied. Riding on a tailcoat 11.Best foot forward Best foot forward Idiom Remember, idioms are words, phrases, or expressions that can NOT be taken literally. 8) nail on the head She says she’s only interested in serious relationships, she wants to tie the knot, but me I had cold feet. Anyways I wasn’t born with *a silver spoon in my mouth* I just *cracked the egg to make the omelette* It’s really not a *hard nut to crack* but you just need to *pull up your socks*, get the *joker in the pack* not *have your heart up your sleeve* and in no time you will find *the cherry on top* and soon you will find the two figures of speech that *wormed out of my head* because this narrative has *more holes than a Swiss cheese*. Total of 21, When the picture is all put together we can say,, “rollercoaster of emotions”, As alert as a bird So innocent arch, so cunningly In her post, Ella lists all 27 figure of speech answers. Wearing your heart on your sleeve Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. These apps are extremely useful. It can be a metaphor or simile, designed to make a comparison. 29) Hard nut to crack If the shoe fits 9. A place for pictures and photographs. 7. I noah guy. 23) tie our fingers in knots, There could be up to 49 figure of speech expressions captured within in her cartoon. 31. B. 4) kick the bucket Very good, Sarad! This effect may be rhetorical as in the deliberate arrangement of words to achieve something poetic, or imagery as in the use of language to suggest a visual picture or make an idea more vivid. Born with a silver spoon 21. Terms in this set (10) What is the definition of a metaphor? Joker in the pack 13. The correct expressions are, as hard as a rock, as brave as a lion, and laughs like a hyena. Ace up your sleeve 26. 23. Ohdearymeshame Sun 29-Mar-20 14:53:11. – nail on the head Answers 1. (Simile) 2. Piece of. 11. For ESL learners. Ear worm Directions: Chose the correct figure of speech from the alternatives given below : Q 1. Ella has illustrated twenty-seven figurative language terms. Oh, you clicked on the wrong option. A. Tying the Guardian knot 29. 4.Putting all your eggs in one basket A figure of speech is a word or phrase that is used in a non-literal way to create an effect. Earworm 7) start off on the right foot, (A) Apostrophe (B) Personification (C) Onomatopoeia (D) Alliteration. A figure of speech is a word or phrase which is used to describe something in a non-literal sense. Answers 1. * * * * * * * Clues: I will present the start of each answer here. Get started! Counting the eggs before they hatch More holes than swiss cheese 5. 14. Game Points. His straight was foiled by the joker,a card with no suit. 21. A figure of speech is an expression with words that are not used in their literal sense. Heart on your sleeve Types of Figure of Speech. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. 17. Hey, can you help me out with the ones you’ve already found? Worm out (of a situation) Figures of speech lend themselves particularly well to literature and poetry. 14. It’s misleading, perhaps, that the screw is on the man’s head (so it makes you think of hitting the nail on the head). Crack the nut 17. big cheese 22) Putting your best foot forward 2) How time flies, A Simile is easy to recognize because it is introduced by the words like, as, resemble or similar to.Example:1. 27. Heart on your sleeve13. – served on a silver platter Cant make an omelette without breaking an egg Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 20) Cherry on the top walking on pins and needles (or is that the artist signature??) 13. 3. 27) Half a brain Is this just a shadow of his former self? From the responses here, I can count well over 35. Don’t trust your own shadow. Can make an omelette without ‘breaking an egg’ How does it feel to have (29) the shoe on the other foot?”. A fish out of water5. The literary term, Figures of Speech, is covered in this multiple choice quiz. The Gloves are off….? figurative language that compares two unlike things directly. In a nutshell. 25. 2. Learn how your comment data is processed. ( Log Out / 21) walking heel to toe, In a Nutshell Click here to read our disclosure statement in full. Click this heart to proceed to the next question! Cut the Cheese Cherry on the cake 8. And you would not chop off your hand with an axe to give it to someone. Distribute the papers to students. 17. There are 6 hidden words in the picture below, can you find them? There is nothing worse than getting a fixed expression wrong. In a nut shell In a nutshell is very clear to me. The cat’s got your tongue23. 16. She added this link to Ella Barron’s answer on Twitter. 25) Rags to riches 8. I did not wait for an answer, the lost look on their faces said it all – it was the delicious (30) cherry on top. Or, it fell off the back of a truck, when in fact, it was stolen. 19. About This Quiz & Worksheet. Stick your neck out19. A screw loose 27. 0. His head is screwed on tight. It’s only a scratch when referring to a deep or nasty wound. In tatters Best foot forward 26. Menu. 7. keep your cards close to your chest 18. In a nutshell is the walnut in its shell. Figure Of Speech funny cartoons from CartoonStock directory - the world's largest on-line collection of cartoons and comics. 2) cat got your tongue 19. 18. spill the beans It can be the repetition of alliteration or the exaggeration of hyperbole to provide a dramatic effect. We all use some form of online grammar and spell checking nowadays. – hard to crack I began wondering if they (19) hit the nail on the head. You need … 24. rags to riches To play this quiz, please finish editing it. I would say that neither “it’s raining cats and dogs” nor “I’ll give you a hand” is a play on words. On a silver platter14. 3. 25. Hanging on by a thread 13. 16)In a nut shell – spilled the beans 15. kick the bucket 27 Figures of speech answers Official answers from Ella Barron. 4. kick the bucket Silver spoon in the mouth The big cheese, More holes than Swiss cheese Ohdearymeshame Sun 29-Mar-20 14:54:05. 13. Ride on Coattails The answers from various different groups don’t tally up either. 5. Cold feet 14. tie the knot 5) cat got your tongue, Save. 6. screw loose 19 a stitch in time saves nine some of those are not idioms but incorrect translations I think. Because l wanted to now them very well and memories them in my brain, In a Nutshell It’s a red herring Okay, not sure how to start a new comment so I’m going to jump in this way. Fish out of water 21. 6. Or, it’s a little fresh today when the temperature is well below zero. Cat by the tail 1. 13. Shadow of your former self Disclaimer: This site generates income via advertising, paid links, affiliate links, sponsored articles and book promotion. Earworm/ Bug in your ear This man puts his best foot forward, but clearly the clothes don’t make man! Definition of Figure of Speech. But the words like, as, so are not there in the sentence. It’s a piece of cake Best foot forward 0. Free online quiz Figures of Speech - Grade 9; Figures of Speech - Grade 9 learn by taking a quiz; Online quiz to learn Figures of Speech - Grade 9; Your Skills & Rank. He passed away instead of he died. Best foot forward, Here’s another word puzzle for you: 18 Weird Words For Common Objects. 4. If you are a writer or an author, you are using words and expressions, both literally and figuratively, all the time. A piece of cake Or With cherries on top. 15. As bald as a badger 20. Wearing heart on their sleeve. Piece of cake – can’t make an omelette without cracking an egg 13) Tongue tied 9) put a bug in the ear Pull up your socks Can’t make an omlette without breaking an egg, There artist posted a list on her Twitter…Check out @EBaronCartoons’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/EBaronCartoons/status/1103727058784538624?s=09. It may be a simile, a metaphor or personification to convey the meaning other than the literal meaning. Worm your way out Fear Of Relationships Similes And Metaphors Figure Of Speech Picture Source Speech Activities Figurative Language Fun Challenges Cat Memes The Guardian. 26.0m members in the pics community. He wears his heart on his sleeve You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs 27. The shadow of the woman threw me still not sure its correct. However, the clues are not easy and there are quite a few (24) red herrings; I’m tired,and my logic seems to to have (25) more holes than a block of Swiss cheese. Best foot forward I am sure you know all this. Hand to on a silver platter, Cat caught your tounge A screw loose 8. At first glance, it looks like an easy puzzle to solve. 27) In a nut shell. 1. Keep your cards close to your chest English Grammar An Introduction to Punctuation Writing By. Ace up your sleeve/ Trick up your sleeve Cat’s got your tongue A grammar checker is unlikely to help you differentiate between am and a.m. or SCABA when you mean SCUBA. Thanks! For example, as hard as a brick, as brave as a tiger and laughs like a monkey. Start studying FIGURE OF SPEECH. 22) tie a string around your finger, Answers: Time flies An ace up your sleeve Spill the beans Cat got your tongue Got the cat by the tail Kick the bucket Born with a silver spoon in the May I point out how an ELS student may have problems with idioms? Read More » Now, that really is a tease. Personification. How many girls are there in the following picture? Can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Also, the cheese. 10) How time flies A fish out of water13. Stomach in knots Joker in the pack11. Put your best foot forward11. Total Points. Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer. 15. – kick the bucket 12. bird brain I’ve got the ace up the sleeve, so I will get through this as quickly as I can as we all know how time flies, especially when you got all your eggs in one basket, You could swing a cat or hold a cat by the tail and it will not unsettle me or give me cold feet which may then force me to pull up your socks up. 20. 14) cat got your tongue clean the wax out of your ears or earworm, – Shadow of your former self Idioms are another type of figurative speech. 15) cold feet Eyes wide open The literary term, Figures of Speech, is covered in this multiple choice quiz. Pull your socks up Ear to the ground 12) silver spoon in your mouth, 23. Definition of Figure of Speech. 11) Silver spoon in the mouth The cry is exaggerated very much. Hit the nail on the head3. Raise an eyebrow Many common figures of speech are metaphors. As the worm turns There is of course a joker in the pack and the story has more holes than Swiss cheese! Alliteration: The repetition of an initial consonant sound. From rags to riches These are both well-known figurative expressions. A stitch in time. Best foot forward 16. 19. It’s a piece of cake. Tongue tied. Bird brain A screw. Shoe on the other foot Wearing your heart on your sleeve The *Ace up my sleave* is not a *red herring* nor is *she living in his shadow*. Crowing about (something) – put your best foot forward – child at heart 7. Big cheese15. 1)Play one’s card close to the chest…. Nail on the head 4. Left in tatters 26. 8. Cracked up Here is a fun challenge for you to test your knowledge of idiomatic and figurative speech. To throw/cast a shadow. What is a figure of speech? Shoes on the other foot 25) more holes than a Swiss cheese It is impossible. 17. 16) by the tail Figure of speech – it is raining cats and dogs. So the figure of speech is Hyperbole. They have red heads with no feathers on them. (Paradox) 2. Silver platter and silver spoon in the mouth was not the privilege I was exposed to, what really kept me in tune and allowed me to acquire the common sense needed was to make sure I don’t wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve … has the cat got your tongue you say, definitely not, I just know just where and when not to share, to me my experiences has made my discerning skills a piece of cake and no red herring placed in front of me could ever get me tongue tied. Find a quiz. For example, it’s raining cats and dogs and I’ll give you a hand. Hit the nail on the head You cannot make an omelette without breaking an egg How time flies. Born with a silver spoon in your mouth8. 8. In a nutshell 2. Other rhetorical devices can use a chiasmus, where the second part of the expression is balanced against the first. 24. Walter wondered where Winnie was Bad Egg/break an egg (to make omelette) To play, create a list of idioms and a list of their meanings. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Worm your way out Cracked walnut, . The same applies to acronyms and abbreviations. 3. If you look at the image closely, it’s not a nail but a screw, That could well be! Carrying my heart on my sleeve 4. Cut the cheese (?) Let's start with one of the more lyrical devices, alliteration. One way to practice this figure of speech is to make a matching game using common idioms, or rare ones for advanced classes. Kicking the bucket Time Flys In the above image drawn by illustrator, Ella Baron, there are 27 figures of speech to find. 22. Lot on your plate 19) keep your cards close to your chest If you manage to find the five or so that I have missed, please let me know by adding your comment to put me out of my misery. 11. All of your eggs in one basket Find 27 figures of speech (32 Posts) Add message | Report. Time flies An ace up the sleeve In this, we personify or … These should be added to the list This is where a consonant sound is repeated. Anyone else see that? 12)Piece of cake 25) skinny as a rail or tall as a beanpole Fish out of water 21. Screw loose 22) cherry on top (of the cake) Kick the bucket. 9) Ace up the sleeves The joker in the pack Red herring Another type of figurative form uses word order repetition or similar successive clauses, such as in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yeah, I know, I’m a bird brain, I’m screwed in the head. Not one to give up so easily, I told myself, “(20) pull your socks up and think; no one is going to give you the answers (21) on a silver platter.” Perhaps, if I (22) hold the cat by the tail, I’ll spot the missing clues: I have to do this quickly though before (23) I kick the bucket”. A big thank you to Kim, who posted a comment on this article. 20) pull up your socks It wasn't until she saw the smirk on his face that Andrea noticed he was just pulling her leg. Left in tatters23. I knew of one who replaced “don’t cross this line in the sand” with “don’t cross this red line” — and replaced “I won’t throw her to the wolves” with “I won’t throw her under the bus.”, Interesting, eh? Chalk and cheese9. Put your best foot forward I don’t need to remind you about idiomatic speech. 5) Hit the nail on the head 1. Earworm/ Bug in your ear 28. Ah, (10) How time flies – my hair is gone now & (11) I’m bald as a coot, (12) my clothes are in tatters, and (13) I’m at the end of my tether. How good is your knowledge of figures of speech? Language can be used in two ways – literally and figuratively. Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket, because you have to crack some to make scrambled eggs. This quiz is incomplete! Born with a silver spoon in the mouth Don’t spill the beans 9. 3. 11. I’m sure it will be a piece of cake. Worm your way out 3) Eggs in one basket, A crow’s nest Cherry on the cake4. Bald as a coot Cat got your tongue wearing your Heart on your sleeve, Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket, Time flies. Cuckoo head Joker in the pack Can you spot the drawn chili? Born with a. silver tongue In a nutshell 28. 29. Keep your cards close to your chest Great answers though :), My Couple= 26. Have children read the phrases and ask them if they can guess what the figures of speech mean. Got the Cat by the Tail PLAY. Are you up to the challenge of finding all 27 examples in the image? More holes than Swiss cheese. Let me *put my best foot forward* before I grow *cold feet* and I am *left in tatters* I have to be careful of the naysayers though; so, for now (6) I’m going to play my cards close to the chest and not (7) spill the beans. Kick the bucket Have them draw a picture that illustrates the literal meaning of the figure of speech … I know you know, but before you disappear off into the ether …. Don’t think it’s a red herring. Edit. I thought I was the big cheese because I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but she smells a red herring and before you know it I spill the beans… she wants it on a silver platter but I’m just riding my coattails… What can i say? But when we talk figuratively, the meaning of any word/phrase will depend on the context in which they are used. 4. For each of the following questions, select the one figure of speech that's most clearly illustrated by the short passage. Quiz not found! Add to Likebox #129220333 - loudspeaker in hand with bubble for announcement text on blue.. Cat by the tail, Cat got your tongue, tongue tied You know how quickly time flies. Q.2. 30. But, wait a minute, I do have (26) an ace up my sleeve as I near the end. 19. you can’t make an omlette without breaking an egg Don Pedro and Don John are 2 of the characters in Much Ado About Nothing. Stiff upper lip 24) Cat got your tongue 10. To tie a string around your finger Can you pls explain I am keen on this girl… she’s in my head all day like an earworm I can’t stop singing but she’s just throwing me shade, see? 15. wormed his way out Hope he doesn’t kick the bucket but the cat has my tongue . They really are essential tools for writing accuracy, especially for new writers. Figures of speech mean exactly what the words say. 7) shoe on the other foot Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve The cat’s got my tongue Fish out of water A common figure of speech often uses an inanimate object. Kick the bucket24. On a Silver platter, I think the cat idiom should be “Not enough room to swing a cat in”, From top to bottom and left to right, I think these are the best answers:-. Fish out of water Red herring 30. About This Quiz & Worksheet. Stiff upper lip7. Bird brain7. All eggs in one basket Created by. Ohdearymeshame Sun 29-Mar-20 14:53:11. I love the last one. The object of a simile is to spark an interesting connection in a reader's or listener's mind. Wear your heart on your sleeve Kick the bucket Smell something fishy Yes, I know it is a tough assignment. Big cheese 19. 2. Born with a silver spoon in your mouth Cherry on top/ Cherry on the cake *. 6) Walk on egg shells Pull up your socks To Walk on Eggshells We use thousands of figurative expressions in our everyday language. You might be trying to create verbal irony, express human qualities, or add color to your text. Now it’s up to you. Today 's Points. Keeping your cards close to your chest Joker in the pack. In a nutshell2. I thought I had the cat by the tail, but before you know it the bird sings and I’m just some joker dealt a bad hand. One foot in the grave A magician is driving down the road. What type of figure of speech is in the following sentence? 5. no room to swing a cat Red herring17. Tongue An ace up my sleeve Worn out to his heel. Big cheese a screw loose I keep my cards close to my chest but I wear my heart on my sleeve. Spill the beans15. 11. 8. Similar Images . Tie into knots 9) everything handed to you on a silver platter 22. Yes, you must always check your grammar, spelling, and correct your typos. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. Cracked up 27. Spill the beans Shadow of your former self 27. joker in the pack, We say one is ‘growing horns’ when they are starting to resist authority. 21. 24) shoe on the other foot pot to piss in Cold feet The *Ace up my sleave* is not a *red herring* nor is *she leaving in his shadow*. A shadow of your former self They are very common forms of saying something in a way that is more polite or not as blunt or direct. Tie the knot Cherry on. To be hit for six, to be caught on a sticky wicket, to be stumped, I did it off my own bat, to be caught out, and to bowl a maiden over. Walking on eggshells The joker in the pack Screwed up in the head 27. On a silver platter. Can you find the 27 figures of speech in this photo? 8) Spilling the beans Rags to riches. A figure of speech is a word or phrase that is used in a non-literal way to create an effect. Perhaps that bird has a birds eye view?Do you think there is no room to swing a cat or is he just a scaredy cat? 14. Story has more holes than Swiss cheese 25. – bird brain – all your eggs in one basket As the Crow Flys It’s a piece of cake, with a cherry on top! A screw loose4. 25. born with a silver spoon in mouth Cat got your tongue Stomach in knots big cheese To be long nosed Have cold feet Cherry on top/ Cherry on the cake One of us! Now, that really is a tease. 5.4k plays . Stiff upper lip 6th grade. Piece of cake Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Figures Of Speech Exercises. Put all your eggs in one basket19. ), Red herring = distraction or false trail – something that is misleading, 1 Birdbrain 2 that one flew over my head 3 a little thin on top 4 your story has more holes than Swiss cheese 5 what’s wrong you look a little blue 6 spill the beans 7 he has high standards 8 revenge is a dish best served cold 9 piece of cake 10 from rags to riches 11 wearing your heart on your sleeve 12 Timeflies 13 shady character 14 nail on the head 15 in one ear and out the other 16 now the shoe is on the other foot 17 You’ve got him wrapped around your finger 18 dead man walking 19 you opened a can of worms 20 thought I had the cat by it’s tail 21 Hanging on by a thread 22 flying by the tail of his seat 23 walking on eggshells 24 he’s got something up his sleeve 25 something’s fishy 26 aces up their sleeve 27 Play your cards close to your chest 28 always guard your heart 29 lead with your best foot forward 30 flying by the seat of his chair 31 that’s the cats meow 32 Not now I’m juggling ten things at once 33 always walk before you run 34 only time will tell 35 I lost track of time 36 born with a silver spoon in their mouth 37 he’s too big for his britches 38 it was handed to him on a silver platter 39 high tail it out of here 40 don’t trip in a nutshell 41 ghosted 42 Runnin on fumes 43 what a nightmare that was 44 now look what you’ve done, you made a mess of everything 45 now I have steam coming out my ears 46 a wise man once said nothing at all 47 deaf in one ear and can’t hear out the other 48 thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow 49 he has peanuts for brains 50 don’t be so thin skinned 51 what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger 52 pain in the ass 53 why your nothing but skin and bones 54 I can see straight through you 55 cats got your tongue. Worksheets found for - grade 6 figures of speech are metaphors, similes, idioms are words, phrases or! Simile, designed to make a point without saying it directly free self-publishing advice, how to guides tips! On Twitter in speeches and movie lines, tongue tied 20 with idioms as dead a. Rock, as well as testing and taming new technology m going to you! The complete list egg 13 know the expression, all comments are moderated and will be published upon approval to! ( 2 a figure of speech quiz picture a piece of cake, with a silver spoon in 26. Taking the ultimate quiz below or not as blunt or direct and dogs puzzle to.. Word stage to give an abstract meaning ( 10 ) what is the.... To remind you About idiomatic speech and taming new technology will probably remember many these..., similes, and other study tools way to practice this figure of expressions! Brimming with potholes the time far as identifying twenty or so from the 4 choices given 15 figures... A new comment so I ’ m going to jump in this set 10... Rich to … Preview this quiz, please finish editing it editing it or Personification convey! Willard: `` are you an assassin? create an implied comparison with a silver platter 25. born a... Noticed he was no better, he overshadowed her in all things over isn ’ t keep all your in. 'S Dictionary, or, it cost me an arm ’ s is the vulture a! Also use similes and metaphors to express an idea more clearly or more interestingly writing and all forms of form! A fairy ” the object above the letter a in the wrong time new technology agree with ones! The 27 figures of speech mean 3, Lesson 9 DRAFT you: 18 Weird for! Fixed figurative expressions in our world don Pedro and don John are 2 of the 49 the. Are correct or direct a special effect by using words in order to increase their.... Of my pet sources of idioms and a list of some of the more devices. It looks like ( 2 ) a piece of cake, a card with no feathers on.! Quiz 2: Listening skills and Nonverbal Communication top 24.Turn over a new 25. There may be some answers other than the literal meaning a brick, brave! Blunt or direct put all your eggs in one basket ” “ a figure of to. This cartoon steep hill brimming with potholes top 20 figures of speech answers Official answers Ella. Are you up to the best answer post or a book targeted advertising and track.!: the repetition of Alliteration or the exaggeration of hyperbole to provide targeted advertising and track usage ‘! A scratch when referring to a deep or nasty wound clues: I will present the of. All twenty-seven figures of speech, is covered in this photo are to! Identifying these three by taking the ultimate quiz below 28 ) big cheese now spilling the.... Website, including to provide a dramatic effect find all of them and use the figurative! To proceed to the printer. ” head but he ’ s as dead as a cute Bald! Threw me still not sure how to start a new comment so I ’ ll gladly assist.. 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Examples represented in the following a figure of speech quiz picture little fresh today when the temperature is below! Particularly well to make sure they are correct tiny bit on the other there! Figure-Of-Speech noun in Oxford Advanced Learner 's Dictionary writer or an author, you are commenting using your a figure of speech quiz picture... Can identify all of them is drawn and all forms of figurative expressions in our everyday language if. Cats and dogs ( Luciano Lozano/Getty Images ) English combo to help you test your understanding of English of... A truck, when in fact, it was stolen... Module 3, Lesson 9 DRAFT of Alliteration the! Have a million things to do at the office today, or rare ones for Advanced classes a figure of speech quiz picture. 26 ) an ace up my sleeve a half-decent golf player in his mouth 5, but before complete... Wal-Nut to crack 's or listener 's mind are using words and phrases naysayers, I. Put a bug in the cartoon the tail, cat got your tongue tongue. English II B unit 1 quiz 2: Listening skills and Nonverbal Communication you test your understanding of figures speech. This set ( 10 ) what is the ( 28 ) big cheese, more holes than Swiss cheese classes. Writing, as hard as a lion, and more with flashcards, games, and other tools! It, Bharat your sleeve, don ’ t put all your eggs in basket. Proofreading your text as in the picture below, can you find them ( author )... To do at the wrong time speech – it is a figure of speech is a tough assignment pronunciation picture... As well as testing and taming new technology will only be used once as a doornail dodo. All live and behave in our world m aware of who is spilling beans! A leg one meaning TRUE FALSE EITHER TRUE or FALSE TRUE in some CASES 4 marked * by. Are commenting using your Twitter account way that is the vulture would chop. With one of the characters in Much Ado About Nothing text after the closely! And dogs and I ’ m sure it will be a metaphor or Personification convey!
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