Small talk takes over and we are left with dull conversations and a foggy memory of what we think we remembered about them. Finding the right sunscreen for your children is important, which is why we've made this easy-to-follow guide. Here are more than 50 ideas that will make your weekly youth meetings the place to be! I am doing good. Check out our list of 50 cute ways to say goodnight! However, there is a short window to nurture and encourage that innate curiosity. I'm pinning to to my "Parenting Help" Board that has 643 followers. “What was the best part of your day today?” is a better conversation starter than “Did you have a good day today?” The latter usually ends with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response. Experts like Kezia Willingham, center manager of Child Parent Centers, Inc., suggest parents follow the journalists’ rule of asking four Ws and one H: who, what, where, when, why and how. Tips for Communicating with Children Successfully . Have you ever wanted to ask a parent or a grandparent about their life story, but not been sure what to ask? What would be the ideal allowance and how you spend use it? Have there been any big events or changes? So, to get you started, here's a list of funny questions that you can ask kids right away. What are the qualities that make a good friend? What do It lets your child know that you really care and want to get to know them. 7 Valuable Questions What do you see as your child’s greatest strengths or skills? After hearing their response, paraphrase what he/she has said and ask follow-up questions. Your child’s test for gonorrhea came back positive. FlourishAnyway from USA on July 08, 2013: Thank you so much for this, this is really help me alots. Open-ended questions are great for developing executive functioning skills. Why do you think some people don't like animals. This is not a quiz. Jeff Berndt from Southeast Michigan on March 03, 2010: You're teasing me. Tell me about the best teacher you ever had? 50 cute doll names for every type of baby doll. If parent says I don’t know, respond with, "What’s your best guess?" What do you say to comfort yourself when something scares you? JerseyGirl from Jersey Shore on March 29, 2008: RainbowRecognizer from Midwest on March 29, 2008: These are awesome, Lela, and what a Great idea for a hub!!! What punishment have I given you that you thought was really unfair? If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be? I love the concept of being interested in kids and engaging with them as people who have opini0ns. NPS only has two simple questions. This is an excelled idea - and one that is very much needed with kids. I love to ask her questions and see what she says. Simply Charming Pro Theme Theme by Restored 316. My little one is too young for some of these now. You can use this visit to learn how to best care for your child’s teeth, and ask questions including ones about pacifiers or thumb-sucking. “ Open-ended questions are better at facilitating deeper communication with children than questions that can be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’,” Willingham says. If a genie would give you only one wish, which would you pick, and why? Have you ever had a dream that really scared you? There is a pre-made template in TypeForms and Survey Monkey. Helping Families Tell their Story: Sample Questions: • It would help me to know more about your family to hear you tell me a little bit about how things have gone. Since we had a large family, we encountered this type of thing frequently. Avoid pushing for an answer. What kind of sex education do you think kids ought to get in school? Ask any 3 families what bathtime is like for their child, and you’ll get 3 different responses. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The answers were too good not to share, so thank you, everyone, who responded. Take a look at some of these questions and honest responses before you consider pregnancy and having children. Why not make the conversation around the dinner table a little more animated by playing a clean game of family "Never Have I Ever"! Ask questions that include “you” rather than “me.”. Open-ended questions and phrases allow children to provide a full and meaningful answer that conveys their thoughts and feelings. It is meant to begin the discussion of classroom issues and challenges between educators and families. Children are naturally curious, and I have seen people get embarrassed when their children ask these types of questions. Tell me three things you remember about kindergarten. What have you done, in school or sports or anywhere, that you are especially proud of? If so, tell me about it. Even as a new teacher I was never afraid to ask my students’ parents questions because I know and value the importance of hearing about my students from the people who know them best. Try to choose the right place and time to ask your questions. “What was the best part of your day today?” is a better conversation starter than “Did you have a good day today?” The latter usually ends with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response. Do you think honesty is always the best policy? I am printing your questions and putting them in my pocket to see if I can answer them myself. Here are six rounds of Family Feud questions for kids. Laura Izett-Irwin from The Great Northwest on August 18, 2013: Max Zvyagintsev from New Zealand on July 23, 2013: I have 2 younger brothers (2 & 4). Thank you for sharing your hopes so that we can all become better teachers. Great work with this article. Using open ended questions, can help a child to grow as they begin to think about how they approach, plan, carry and extend upon their own ideas. Have you ever gotten really lost? If you could trade lives with somebody you know, who would it be? With closed-end questions, you know what the answer will be, but open-ended questions leave you in suspense! Why or why not? Open-ended questions and phrases allow children to provide a full and meaningful answer that conveys their thoughts and feelings. But, you can do a few things to encourage their participation in a conversation. Depending on your own daycare, you may find other appropriate questions to ask also. Today, as I prepared our own home survey (Spanish version here) that we send out to all of our incoming parents, I asked my PLN which question do they wish, as parents, they would be asked about their children. What is the most enjoyable thing our family has done together this year? Same goes for spouses! Not counting our religion, which religions do you find interesting? Their parents. As suggested here, we did our best to answer the questions presented as simply as possible, and helped the children learn to be polite in the presence of others who may be different. Why? Please use your clinical judgements in determining which questions are necessary based on the referral question(s) and the area(s) of suspected disability. It might even inspire sweet dreams! Play time, meal time, and times in transit are all opportunities for children to observe their world and share their growing knowledge of how the world works. This is not the time to ask your child when they will clean their room. • What has your life been like in the past year? How to Ask Open Ended Questions. Next time I think I'll try a few of your starters :). During dinner we frequently asked our children: What did you do today that you are proud of? Some parents will balk at the thought of being locked-in, but it is the only way that you have to protect yourself. I personally would not accept a child if their parents refused to sign a contract. Introduction Hello, Im_____. What do you think makes a person popular? Practice with these type of questions and you'll have both conversation topic for kids and the opportunity to build a better relationship with your child. The Benefits of Asking Open-Ended Questions for Kids. Get inspired, and keep doing you! These same questions can spark some lively conversation and draw up some old memories among adults. What’s the story you hope he/she will tell? Their answers can be funnier than the questions themselves! Now that our kids are grown, we still use some variation of this with our friends - it is amazing how much conversation it starts and how much you learn about your friends. THESE questions are very ..... hmmmm..interesting. What kinds of lies do your friends tell their parents? What do you think caused this infection? by Terry Heick. I have my good and my bad days. Try to get your kids to open up to you, by asking them the easy questions first. The ultimate support system is not an expert teacher but an informed and supportive family. Preschool Questions to Ask Open-Ended Questions. How did you feel? Asking open-ended questions is a great way to get information from and bond with your children. How do you think you would feel if you thought you were going to be the first person to meet someone from outer space? If your child doesn’t want to answer a question for whatever reason, let it go. Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed We were impressed that 14% of … If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If so, what did you do? You can even answer the questions yourself to write your own life’s story. Do you believe in heaven? A list of common questions children ask about people with disabilities and ways to answer those questions including advice and tips for how to talk about disabilities with kids. Looking at your pictures, when have you been the cutest so far? Suggested Open-Ended Questions . voted up... ANISH N R K from Kerala, India on May 02, 2014: asking open ended questions also serves 2 purposes: asking about questions like no:5 & 45 will spark fantasy thinking and. Why or why not? Try out this list of 100+ truths and dares for kids! It isn’t easy to be a great parent! These types of questions also challenge your child to use their verbal skills to answer your inquiry. Worry may be an automatic response when we think of the children; and sometimes, there might just be enough time for one prayer request to ease our worry and assure us of God's care for our children. This is a good question to ask because it shows you care. Ask open-ended questions. If you could decorate our whole house, what would it look like? 1. Children ask lots of questions, but now it’s time to turn the tables. kerlund74 from Sweden on February 23, 2014: David Heinz from Salt Lake City, UT on August 23, 2013: I don't think you could have said it better. Furthermore, these types of questions allow the adults in a child’s life to gather information in order to better guide the child. Why? Are you wondering what to say to shut these questions down? Practice with these type of questions and you'll have both conversation topic for kids and the opportunity to build a better relationship with your child. Good open-ended questions encourage more conversation than closed questions, which can be answered by a simple yes or no. Tell me about something I never knew you did when you were little. We as teachers often … What is your very earliest memory as a very little kid? Prepare yourself with our recommended 20 questions to ask at parent-teacher interviews. Parents want to know about these open-ended questions! Choose from 50+ funny, punchy, or serious responses to use. I recently had a conversation, following a similar pattern, about bedtime. You hear about other kids who actually TALK to their parents. Asking open-ended questions is a great way to get information from and bond with your children. Next June, what do you hope your child says about his/her experience in school this year? ... Often we go through our lives so busy that we forget to talk to our own parents about their own journeys. Use these tips to start more meaningful conversations with children of every age. Above all else, keep in mind that children are natural problem solvers. But it's still nice to ponder how we'd spend our time if money were no object. When you’re a kid, friendships are hard to navigate, and kids don’t always want to talk about their experiences with classmates and cliques, especially if they’re going through a difficult time with certain friends. Tell me about your favorite toy when you were little? Ensure that the survey only takes a few minutes to complete. Even as a new teacher I was never afraid to ask my students’ parents questions because I know and value the importance of hearing about my students from the people who know them best. Starting a new group at your church? QUESTIONS TO ASK PARENTS This worksheet may be used as a template to communicate with families of students with autism spectrum disorders. Saying goodnight is a great way to bond with your children and your significant other; and who knows? What was your experience like in this grade? What's the 50th? Tip: Ask if you can send a letter to your child’s classmates “introducing” them and their disability. Featuring the top-rated sunscreens for kids in 2018, choosing the best sun lotion has never been so easy. How do you remember that year of school? Every kid is different, but there are a few pointers that can apply to most situations. Why would you change it? If so, what do you think it's like? This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Do you ever have a dream that comes back over and over? Cheers. Using open-ended questions has … Be non-judgemental and supportive. What do you think is causing that? 1. Looking to jazz up your youth group? Describe the most beautiful place you have ever visited? During the day, it’s important that we ask questions to children, about their activities and every day encounters. Do you have what it takes to become a parent? "Why aren't you having kids?" With teens the other thing to remember is that you need to pick a good time to talk, if they aren't in the mood it really doesn't matter what you ask, you'll just get grunts. 10 Questions That Successful Parents Ask Themselves. Here are 63 fun “get-to know-you” questions for kids to get a conversation started. Why are you proud of that? And What did you do today that you would do differently if you could? i'm sure you become the most favorite mommy in the world =). What would you do if you were invisible for a day? What's the best thing about asking children funny questions? Has anyone ever tried to give you drugs? This is a great article that highlights the benefit of good conversation with your children:Dinner talks help prevent substance abuse. Name two things we should do as a family on the weekend. Why ask open-ended questions. Intelligent article you have here Davidson,glad to read fro you. Why? Lela Davidson (author) from Bentonville, Arkansas on February 03, 2009: Thanks, johnr54. 5. Open ended questions allow the parents to answer honestly, rather than feeling like they need to answer a certain way. What do you think is the right age for marriage? Keep the focus on your children. What questions should I ask? Thanks! Do you share photos of your kids online? Updated on June 17, 2020 By Daniel Wong. All information provided in this survey will be treated as confidential and only be used to improve the service’s quality of care and education. It's a great game for encouraging kids to build reasoning and recollection skills, imagine how others think, and have fun with each other. Unfortunately, you can’t force kids to talk. Poor mental health and physical health can impact the child’s behavior and their well-being. Their parents. Why? You can also adapt or simplify the questions for younger or older children. What are your child’s areas of strength? Make your questions easy to answer. Your child seems to be uncomfortable changing into gym clothes in the locker room. If not, why? For another, it might be a very busy time of bathing 3 young children, getting them … Further using open-ended questions can help a child to develop thinking skills as they begin to consider how they approach, plan, carry and extend their own ideas. Mine is drying up and running out of things to say! Which of your friends do you think I like the most? Keep it simple. Could you walk me through important events, ... Notice the quality of connection between parent and child. My new book, “2000 Questions for Grandparents: Unlocking Your Family’s Hidden History,” is designed as the ultimate guide to help you conduct family history interviews. Lela Davidson is a mother and writer, passionate about healthcare and education for women and children. Get toddlers started with hobbies to entertain and educate them without television and tablets. Kharisma1980 from Toronto on April 30, 2010: Thanks for this Hub...what fabulous questions! Good open-ended questions encourage more conversation than closed questions, which can be answered by a simple yes or no. As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is very true considering the academic pressure that is being put on today’s children. 25 Really Stupid Things People Say To Pregnant Women, The Labor Advice That Helped Me Have An Unmedicated Natural Birth, 7 Wardrobe Essentials a Nursing Mother Should Have, Best way to heal diastasis recti postpartum, 6 Best Breastfeeding Tips for Nursing Mothers, Exercise during pregnancy: How to exercise safely through each trimester. thanks again...:-). What would you say or ask? These questions and phrases can be used throughout the day. And try a different question instead. Hello ! Ask open-ended questions. Could you walk me through important events, starting when things were going really well for you? The type of questions you ask your child (and how you ask them) depends on their age, but this question – in some form – is a great place to start. How am I doing? Your child’s doctor is a vital resource for all your questions about asthma in children. RELATED: 7 Tips for Baby Tooth Care Practice with these type of questions and you'll have both conversation topic for kids and the opportunity to build a better relationship with your child. What is the most amazing thing about you? Is there anybody in history that you have read about that you would like to be? Am I ready to have a baby? As parents, we generally ask our children lots of questions, about their activities and everyday encounters. What are your child’s areas of strength? Days where I just don’t know what to do with Adam and days where I am so happy at the progress he is making. Further using open-ended questions can help a child to develop thinking skills as they begin to consider how they approach, plan, carry and extend their own ideas. Questions to ask preschoolers about their artwork There are so many questions you could ask, but here are some easy ones you can use to get your preschooler to talk about their latest piece of art. Open-ended questions about friendship. Cynthia Zirkwitz from Vancouver Island, Canada on October 10, 2014: This hub is excellent-- full of wonderful ideas to communicate more deeply with the children in our lives! The trick to getting kids to open up about school is asking creative, open-ended questions tailored to their age group. What kids are popular in your grade? It is meant to begin the discussion of classroom issues and challenges between educators and families. Note: This list of basic questions is only a quide. Here are 50 "Would You Rather..." questions for kids! “Would You Rather” is a cute and funny game that can be played by kids as a way to get to know one another! Do you get asked, "Have you thought about having kids?" Why? Mom shared how their bedtime looks, parts that go well, parts that don’t go well, and what the parents and child do. Open-ended questions have no right or wrong answers, but help to broaden children’s thinking processes, to develop their speech and language skills, and to build confidence in their ability to express themselves using words. These are the basic provider questions you should be asking. Asking open-ended questions is a great way to get information from and bond with your children. I have done this for my daughter who has Down syndrome, and several parents later told me they read the letter with their child and they learned about Down syndrome. If you're thinking about how much physical activity your kids are getting at their daycare, ask care providers these 17 simple questions. 100% of respondents fed their children one way or another. QUESTIONS TO ASK PARENTS This worksheet may be used as a template to communicate with families of students with autism spectrum disorders. We have all sort of fun and weird conversations. Barry Rutherford from Queensland Australia on April 08, 2010: fantastic list must copy & put in my pocket ! I'll keep these in mind though. Keep the focus on your children. So that we can start the … Which of your friends are you proudest of? Good open-ended questions encourage more conversation than closed questions, which can be answered by a simple yes or no. You remember back when he was young…it was much easier to talk with him then. How do you think kids are affected by divorce? That's a good point. Thanks for your help. One of the most significant challenges facing formal education in the United States is the chasm separating schools and communities. AutumnLockwood from Northern California on November 17, 2010: sligobay from east of the equator on August 16, 2010: I agree with Jason's comment of 2 years ago. 11 Questions For Parents To Ask Children #1 What’s something fun you did today? If you were going to have a weird, unusual pet, what would it be? Dinner talks help prevent substance abuse. Joanie Ruppel from Texas on February 02, 2009: This is a good list. A parent-teacher interview is a fantastic opportunity to get an inside glimpse into your child’s life in school, and to find out exactly how they are performing. Parenting is an awesome responsibility that involves an incredible amount of work. Ask them how they would like to be involved, and give them some options if you already have a plan for activities where volunteers are needed. Inquiry questions for kids are a way to get kids thinking on their own terms and without any barriers. Here is what ours looks like in TypeForms. There's only 49 ;) Most young children would love hearing the majority of those questions at any time because they spark imagination. I’ve had the privilege of speaking to and working with thousands of students and parents. I have also gone to their classes to talk about their disabilities, respectively. Every kid is different, but there are a few pointers that can apply to most situations. Read about what it is, who might use it, the pros/cons, see some examples, and finally learn some things you should consider if you have this type of custody. This is not the time to ask your child when they will clean their room. For one family, bathtime might be a long, fun, wet playtime each night for the parent and child. If so, what is it like? Be non-judgemental and supportive. Tell me about a time when you saw your child demonstrating these skills. Helping Families Tell their Story: Sample Questions: • It would help me to know more about your family to hear you tell me a little bit about how things have gone. And my best chance of supporting and helping my students the way they need and deserve depends on me having extra information about each child to guide my decisions. Family game nights are always a great way to bond as a family, even more so if you switch it up and play truth or dare together! If you knew a friend of yours had stolen something, what would you do about it? Many parents want to be involved in their children’s educations beyond the yearly parent-teacher conferences. These questions and phrases can be used throughout the day. Use these tips to start more meaningful conversations with children of every age. We’re now learning all about open ended questions – what they are, the kinds that inspire creative thought and how parents can support their preschoolers at home. And the all time family favorite - What would you do if you won the lottery - the BIG one. It should not be viewed as an endpoint in itself. What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you? Parent survey questions to understand academic stress helps parents evaluate the mental health of their child. I get those questions on a daily basis. We love to play with this last question in our house, which is hilarious because we don't play! Also, ask everyone that you speak to when is the best time to contact them What was it about? I notice that your child has some discharge in their underwear. Do you think you live in a dangerous neighborhood? These type of questions are great not only for building relationships with your children, they are also great for teaching values and getting children to evaluate their own actions against their own desires and values. As parents, we generally ask our children lots of questions, about their activities and everyday encounters. All teachers know the value of teamwork, so make sure you use parents as one of your valuable team players when planning learning activities. Ultimate support system is not the time to contact them the Benefits of asking questions. Religion, which would you do about it parents about their own.... Open-Ended questions leave you in suspense all sort of fun and weird conversations parents will balk the! Care providers these 17 simple questions back positive the past year ideas that will make your weekly youth meetings place. Hopes so that we can all become better teachers for each case questions asthma! - what would you do if you can ’ t easy to be lives so busy that give! You care lies do your friends do you find interesting with closed-end questions, is... Australia on April 30, 2010: you 're teasing me the BIG one is meant begin! Lives with somebody you know what the answer will be used as a on. Forget to talk to their parents 50 cute doll names for every type of frequently! 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