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Spread the labia (folds of skin) apart with one hand and wipe with the towelette provided. 2�a����o�¸}�_;�S:��v�a��@��W*4�t� �����ƚL�~E�v�a����~Lo�v�q(��}�ۇ��^�^�7~�f�����WM&�)��Fqd��G$��5o���i��5���.x�Et˵�Et�>�J��.j)�Z�W�G]QL�>� ���1�ZB�@B(R��Z�����◪U���#��W@R����]NCqC�R�$�Z��l/3�G�׭7Y��@w3&�-H;�)���dM��|#�1�8�Z$ҮN�����ŨK�^PˊC��q��>�Z\�n�Ò5�5@)D��D�^Q�j"��he�����1TQf��v!�,�����J"R�K���Ʈ!Wnqu5��e�w�%-d�57r�t� ����iL?|w�b�l�F�endstream Page 1 of 2 Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine CLEAN CATCH URINE PROTOCOL EQUIPMENT: 1. The strength of this evidence was rated as high. >Z���qͅ�nV8rcˆ���ġ=L��C�Q�����o�Y�)8�oq���&_��=�6��z٫�6dO.���U"��\R ��0+P�����:M��� �0 ��� LðȊʙ�'ߒ�7�u����-Zq�Hb��6C[�L�6`�G�h=Ս:q&nԚ. %�쏢 %PDF-1.3 Urine samples were only tested if necessitated by the patient's clinical complaint, as determined by their care providers. 1. Dry thoroughly. Clean Catch is a seat for children under 2 to be used in emergency rooms and doctors, that creates a non-invasive solution to collecting a sterile sample of urine in … Separate the folds of the urinary opening with fingers and clean inside using one towelette, moving from the front to the back. This in turn may lead to poorer patient outcomes, and increases the misuse of antibiotics and overall resistance. The clean-catch urine method is used to prevent germs from the penis or vagina from getting into a urine sample. 3. Instructions for Clean Catch of a Urine Sample Often times a routine and random urine sample is requested by a physician. Open specimen container; do not touch the inside of the cup or the cover. Wipe from front to back. The need to repeat samples incurs additional cost, prolongs time for diagnosis and … Follow these steps: 1. BD Vacutainer ® urine collection products include a closed system that benefits healthcare workers by reducing their need to come into contact with potentially hazardous specimens. Midstream urine (MSU) collection from female patients has a high contamination rate. %D�έ���L�$�'��$�S��yX=2���4����}D������#ٝ���O)$�d�#�:��e�u.� ���һ����p���,-�pCa��S���[K��E��T�r`��N.u���FT�����v�`I���*m@��#M�j���h�R���q�}r���}��i�ʺ0j�͠b�hk�����D�FD�GǼ���;�$�1cDW�^,���h�% Zt"�u��~���k:�)�F� s�/é҉�Yj��% �9ӧ ���ضSQĨ�3S�L]�9��!�Fs��4�Y����(AT�F�ъϨ^�D0�uH���9��h�F�u)Z���I���(A,̢A�g�B"oB;�q8��P,��3��)��w8��"hG�?`�S�G��^�M����P�pg�FcpQ�C��M�%RN�v��)�(w��Enք��O��q�`���;��; The preferred urine specimen is a "Clean Catch Midstream Urine Sample". All clean-catch urine specimens sent for urinalysis or culture testing from adult patients over 18 years of age presenting to the ED in ambulatory fashion were included in our analysis. Patient Instructions: How to Collect a Clean-Catch Urine *Wash hands in warm soapy water before you begin Female Male 1. How the Test is Performed If possible, collect the sample when urine has been in your bladder for 2 to 3 hours. We aimed to evaluate the effect of urogenital cleansing, performed with chlorhexidine-containing genital region cleansing wipes (GRCW) on contamination rates. As you start to urinate, allow a small amount of urine to fall into the toilet bowl. 2. until clean catch urine sample was obtained or the timer reached five minutes. Boys Urine Collection Please try to collect the urine sample a couple of hours before attending clinic unless you have received other instructions by the doctor. Store the urine sample in your refrigerator if you need to hold it. Urine specimen collection. Clean one side and discard towelette. urine sample. 2. A clean catch is a method of collecting a urine sample to be tested. This can ruin your test results. As you start to urinate, allow a small amount of urine to fall into the toilet bowl. [Note: Some have to transfer the urine into a special tube. 4. �~/��R����]&����XRK���K����B����gכ/_�����5{���p�v�~�q��^��k���.�hxݰ��Fu�;��$�^o Urine Collection-Instructions for Clean Catch Midstream You have been given towelettes and a urine specimen cup to obtain a sample of your urine. Wash hands with soap and warm water. Women or girls need to wash the area between the lips of the vagina with soapy water and rinse well. To protect your sample, put it in a clean plastic bag and place it in your refrigerator until it’s time to take it to your doctor. The 'midstream clean-catch' urine sample is currently the standard collection method. Unscrew the cap of the urine specimen cup. %PDF-1.5 Follow these steps: 1. To collect clean catch urine sample: Keeping your labia spread out open, urinate a percentage into the toilet bowl, then stop the circulation of urine. Using this method helps keep germs on the skin around your urinary opening (the hole where urine leaves your body) from getting into the urine sample. g]lD�ɸ��|*%�2+��n������@������T������$��C�>J�G&w9��11g��p���}�7G.3�Zۭq��[š@�d��/(��0'9Ǝ��(Hk �2e�F�� ��R�2p����=z��Nk� � ��Src 6. You might finish urinating into the toilet bowl. endobj 11. Vn�3�`=Y5�VI���m��)�l7/,��n-ػ�l��7=S����gƾ�-�����tR;j�_��̭س�>���=e�M(w}��(�e#e5P~��VRҒ)#4k�i�Iz���h�����2}�M�yR�.eqWV�xWV�ؗ�����������n��>���0�����w���M�~=�4�k7g�W=�߻g����{S�_��u�C���� �t��{Rlˆ#UoU ������U�n��{g�{���B�V�m,--dk��qQK��L4�JQ[����Ŀ�����r��&c�.�ʂ��1x ���ZtUƔT#�  ��ƴťeN The system is designed to provide safety and satisfaction, as well as reliable results to ensure proper patient outcomes. 4 0 obj )�&�+$ �,x��kqu`i��j��e�/4��[�\�nAjGD��V���sz��E����":z��c� 8:��W��[�.#&������D�c�ђ�J�#[��������&D��6� �*��d�*�b&���ػnni�w���W�޻���&���]7wO�����mԕ[g V zN�4"Ka��\��F�G\ The urinary tract includes your: Wash hands with soap and warm water. Use this poster as a diabetes patient management tool, taking you from early detection to test and treatment recommendations. A urine sample collected for the measurement of protein in the urine (albumin/creatinine ratio), as well as a blood test for serum creatinine, is recommended by the National Kidney Disease Education Program as the two diagnostic tests to ascertain early chronic kidney disease. As you start to urinate, allow a small amount of urine to fall into the toilet bowl (this clears the urethra of contaminants). A clean-catch urine specimen is a sample of urine. Please follow the instructions below. • Begin urinating into the toilet. Here are the steps: Wash the area around the urinary opening. Replace the cap onto the Urine Collection Cup. The clean-catch urine method is used to prevent bacteria from the penis or vagina from getting into a urine sample. It is used for a routine urinalysis, urine culture, or other urine tests that require uncontaminated urine for accurate results. endobj 14. <> • Discard the towelette in the trash. 3. <> Continue holding the labia apart. Spread the labia (folds of skin) apart with one hand and wipe with the towelette provided. 1 0 obj Babies and small children can't wee ‘on demand’, which makes it difficult to get a sample. 14. When patients are ambulatory and competent, this is a self-obtained specimen in a private bathroom. )�?�s�ܵݭ�Q53 ���f!$?��4{~_�{�,F�G��f,)Q$An�|@� �����A��͌����f��[t"���I�s{J4�E,M����pyF�T_T���\��# 1��q��?M��f:�^���B)f�����s�F�d�"�^�����K�D�ǃ@��a����C�.�}&��.иԆ�%�A��*ْ���v]�����4}��)4�Ѭ����t�����E�#�I�iDG�-�g�. Spread the labia (folds of skin) apart with one hand and wipe with the towelette provided. A clean-catch specimen is a way of collecting urine that does not contain a lot of bacteria from the skin. stream Do not touch the inside or lip of the cup. A clean-catch method gives you the best results. 3. 2. P: Emergency Department patients at 17th Street, Muhlenberg Safely collect, transport and process your urine specimens. 2. 1992 Collecting a clean urine sample is key. 25 0 obj ��L�t��N�K��y n���.ǧ��x.gP���H�̙��Z�3�)Ȕ�.�>}�0��b���j����v������*I��k��`֫� 7iaM$�2f�H%m��?�^��q���J��k�{�ရ�{@����ҹ"�Y s�J���ҧ�k�,��f99^�b�!��FE� '�D�8x�h��B�-���'�&r���52y�E���h���֋�A�Fv��]�!dQ'����"�~~;�9��F�pJ��C����b(�>�A�����r�OҫCY��)�-�MY�� �(�� �Hk)A���e���U�7{_zu�3�GuW�V誈k�;�z�̏*q�Lʍ/��n�� stream Urinate remainder of urine into the toilet. The kit has: 1 urine cup If the urine sample has been collected more than four hours before attending clinic, please store in the fridge at 4-8ºC between collection and your hospital visit. instructional poster regarding clean catch urine collection, to which patients are oriented by staff, compared to a previously collected number of clean catch urine samples, prior to the introduction of the poster, result in the reduction of contaminated urine specimens? If any bacteria or fungi grows within the next 24-48 hours, samples are taken from any significant colonies and analyzed to differentiate the different types present. Alternative Names 2. <> Samples must be labeled with two unique patient identifiers (i.e. Return the sample to the healthcare worker. 3. Instructions for Collecting a Clean Catch Urine Sample Female: 1. Continue holding the labia apart. Female Patient Instructions for Clean Catch Urine Collection A clean catch is a method of collecting a urine sample to be tested. Hold the urine cup a few inches (or a few centimeters) from the urethra and urinate till the cup has to do with half complete. 12. 12. Rinse and dry your hands well. Contamination rates of urine samples are high especially in women.6 Sample contamination can lead to diagnostic ambiguity or incorrect diagnosis and inappropriate treatment. 1. Printed in Canada 09/04 BDPAS0027-CB Midstream Clean Catch Urine Procedure �0�c5B$�z*�Q��LA��:��� �@�ջ�h�k�"���0I �����t��R�L�:�6�$�����e��el'��� S��{��^�R��\��b"����>M!�x�I�Du=t�NQ�PHq��y8���+�8��ibp�ja�����i1������6xU����%ŕ�\�}��e��.%�YQJ�D�痬�6g�)0)[μ(T0���d��j(�p.�^��xO~�pPo7���Ĕ k CLEAN CATCH URINE PROTOCOL EQUIPMENT: 1. If the urine is not collected in a sterile manner the urine sample may be 'contaminated' by bacteria that originate from the skin or genital area, and not from the urinary tract. Clean Catch Urine Collection: Instructions for Females This information explains how to collect a urine (pee) sample using the clean catch urine collection method. About Chris Wilder. Replace the cap onto the Urine Collection Cup. Chris Wilder spent many years working as a part-time phlebotomist, [and yes he knows all the vampire jokes] while honing his writing skills. Instructions in simple English (Flesch-Kincaid grade level 4.6) for the procedure of cleansing the genitals with a sanitary cloth and providing a clean-catch urine specimen were posted in all patient-accessible restrooms in the ED ().Posters were 28 × 44 cm in size and included four diagrammatic black and white illustrations. As you start to urinate, allow a small amount of urine to fall into the toilet bowl. It is necessary when your health care provider wants to test your urine for bacteria, which may be causing an infection in your urinary tract. A staff member will give you a urine collection kit. %���� Wipe from front to back. �����f8�0v�ؓH��9(1��U�41�i[_�y���3��b�|�S�d9�HKv2�N��{5-#���,��F� p����Q�h�gy?�8sK2E�K��. Urine Collection Technique for Men: 1 Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. 2 0 obj DO NOT let specimen cup touch skin. endobj Rinse and dry your hands well. stream Female Patient Instructions for Clean Catch Urine Collection . The timer was stopped if the child voided and clean catch urine was obtained, and time to void was recorded. The clean catch method is used to avoid contaminating the urine sample with bacteria that are normally present in the urethra and appear in a voided urine sample. Wash your hands with soap and water. In Boys an Men. 3. Use the urine sample kit. Do not touch the inside or lip of the cup. x��ZK��4�ϯ��NaaI�ls$ Urine Sample – Female (Clean Catch) This test is done to check for bladder or urinary tract infections. 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