Sterling Publishing is an innovative and forward-thinking publishing company committed to creating books that inspire and entertain. We publish over 600 books annually in both fiction and non-fiction. The biggest highlight of this company lies in the fact that they work with diverse genres. They also have a large crafting imprint named Lark. Authors. The company was established by David Alfred Boehm, and over the last couple of years, they have published more than 5,000 titles. Submissions. Their Address for submissions on the website is: “______” Editor. Good Luck! Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor New York, NY 10036. from Stillwriting (premium member) Apr 21, 2018 4:41 pm. SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES Please email us briefly explaining your idea and enclose an outline and a sample chapter of the proposed book (typed, please) along with sample illustrations, where applicable. For adult books they want a proposal and a first sample chapter. Among its best-selling titles are Biggest Riddle Book in the World, The Illustrated Dream Dictionary and Windows on the World Complete Wine Course. They publish picture books as well as books aimed at children grades 1-3, grades 4-6, and grades 7 and up, so they publish Picture books, Middle Grade and Young Adult novel, plus Graphic Novels. The Company publishes books on subjects that includes humor, health and fitness, and biographies. (800) 367-9692. I knew there was an audience, but convincing traditional publishers of that was a major hurdle. Submissions. 3. Martin McLean, Middle School Queen. We are constantly reviewing new proposals, and given the volume of submissions we receive, it may take several months for a reply. Regal House, Fitzroy Books and Pact Press are currently accepting new submissions. Our system is set up so that every email query receives an automatic reply confirming receipt. This contest will be closed after 100 submissions are received. Submissions. Submissions Call for Submissions / Bella’s Publishing Philosophy. A good writer should never have to … There are presently no open calls for submissions. In 2013 G.P. With over 5,000 titles in print and 60 years in business, Sterling’s reputation for publishing quality books comes from a variety of imprints led by dedicated editorial and creative design teams that bring great ideas and stories to readers of every … Stirling Publishing is now a separate entity with our two imprints, Stone Cold Fox Press and Skiddaw Books covering most genres. Our collaborations spark the passions of adults and children worldwide, encouraging them to explore, connect, and see things differently. Author Submissions Pack. Sterling Publishing is one of the world's leading publishers of nonfiction titles with more than 5,000 books in print. Yellow Dress Day. Sterling Publishing Co Inc. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. publishes books. I believe Unbound's crowdfunding model was instrumental to the success of my book. Price : $60.00. Question: Javier Is A Junior Editor At Shore Sterling, A Publishing House. Sterling Publishing is a publisher of non-fiction books for kids and adults. Writers Submissions . For children’s books they expect full manuscripts. When you submit, be sure to include your name, address, telephone number, and e … What are some of the WOW- level slush successes you’ve witnessed? Welcome to the Stirling Publishing Submittable portal. Careers. Javier is a junior editor at Shore Sterling, a publishing house. Sterling Publishing. Founded in 1968, Workman is an independent publisher of adult and juvenile trade books. Mostly publishes books for parents of special needs, but said they would look at submissions for children’s books, too. All submissions must be sent to their New York office by mail. In the last year they… 32 Adams St. Brooklyn, NY 11201. For children’s books, please submit full manuscripts. Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. is highly selective in offering representation to writers. Artisan Books is an imprint of Workman Publishing Company. If we do offer to publish your work, we’ll offer an advance against royalties on sales. - interest in working with Immedium. Submissions Submission Guidelines. We are really looking forward to reading your stories. The history of Putnam is nearly as long as that of our country – and also as varied. Sterling Teen imprint publishes fiction and non-fiction across all genres and formats. Somerville, MA 02144. For more information on what to include in your proposal and where to send it, check out Sterling’s guidelines here. Editor. Inspired by the enduring magic of books, we cultivate and distribute exceptional publishing that is instantly recognizable for its spirit and creativity. I’d published eight books with conventional publishers before I chose to fund my latest with Unbound. Non-narrative, concept-driven books are also welcome. NCM Publishing is soliciting manuscripts in all genres of fiction, non-fiction, self-help and young adult fiction. Janaury 15 is the program's annual application deadline. Dragon Mode. Part Of Javi's Job Entails Reading Submissions Of New Works Of Literature; Promising Works Are Passed Along To Senior Editors Who Ultimately Choose Which Works To Purchase, Publish, And Distribute. General Interest Fiction and Nonfiction Books: We are accepting unsolicited manuscript submissions. Please send us your proposal with your cover letter, resume, and samples (written or illustrated). We don't have requirements on the amount of material you submit, but you must include a query letter. Sterling Publishing TCK Publishing. Sterling only accepts submissions via the post. Unbound's crowd-funding model enabled me to reach those people. • All e-mail submissions sent to Hartline Agents should be sent as a MS Word doc (or in rich text file format from another word processing program ) attached to an e-mail with “submission: title, authors name and word count” in the subject line. Please don’t think we’re printers. Sterling Clack Clack June Creative Non-fiction Contest prize will be $100, publication on our website, and consideration for our quarterly print magazine. Katie Tsang, Kevin Tsang, Nathan Reed. NEWS ARCADIA PUBLISHING HAS ACQUIRED NEW ORLEANS-BASED RIVER ROAD PRESS River Road Founder Scott Campbell Named Pelican’s New Publisher. View your submissions. Sterling Publishing is a New York based company that publishes books for both adults and teens. - general topic, specific focus, and individual thesis. At the present time, we are not accepting submissions of poetry, children's or young adult books, coffee table books, or text books. ... We send you reviews of publishers accepting submissions, and articles to help you become a successful, published, author. From the list of editors and their areas of interest below, determine which editor would be best suited to or most interested in the type of book you are proposing. They try to respond to all submissions they receive. Thank you for sending us your work. Availability. Thank you. The Boy on the Page. At Bella Books, we believe stories about women-loving-women are essential to our lives—and so do our readers.We are interested in acquiring manuscripts that tell captivating and unique stories across all genres—including romance, mystery, thriller, paranormal, etc. Lend themselves to strong and unique visual interpretation. Peter Matson established his firm Literistic in 1979 and rose to prominence representing such writers as Dee Brown and John Irving. Submissions should be between 1,000 and 20,000 words. We look forward to perusing your manuscripts. Sterling: Ardi Alspach is now an assistant editor at Sterling's children's books imprint (Sterling is the publishing division of Barnes and Noble). Part of Javi's job entails reading submissions of new works of literature; promising works are passed along to senior editors who ultimately choose which works to purchase and publish. Assistant Manager, Trade Sales at Sterling Publishing Brooklyn, New York, United States 159 connections. 2) The first chapter or section of your manuscript, not to exceed 6,000 words. Sterling has been publishing books for over 60 years. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Our list is growing and we welcome submissions from agented and non-agented writers. If Sterling publishes or distributes your book and you want to buy copies, email KENSINGTON: Established in 1974, Kensington, America's independent publisher, located in New York City, is the foremost independent publishing house in the United States publishing in hardcover, trade paperback, and mass market. Jill Esbaum, Joshua Heinsz. Woodbine House. Please do not include your name or contact information on the manuscript. Pilgrim. Book for Children Albert Whitman & Company TCK is a small press, publishing books in most major fiction and nonfiction genres. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. The best way to send it to us is by email: They currently accept unagented submissions. It’s also one of the few picture book publishers that still allow unsolicited, unagented submissions, right? 2) Your resume should summarize your career, education, and interests. Submissions can be made by agents or authors directly. (800) 542-7567. They have been around for over 75 years. Sterling Publishing's headquarters is located in New York, New York, USA 10016. Sterling Publishing currently accepts submissions. FAX: (617) 661-0565. e-mail: Greater New York City Area. Sam Wu Is Not Afraid of Spiders. A proposal is A SINGLE document, not a collection of files. The Press does not accept submissions by e-mail or fax. Sterling Publishing was founded in 06/1949. This inbox is monitored by our editorial assistant, Jessica Yang. This pack includes New Frontier submission guidelines, three of our latest picture books, two junior novels and explanations of why these books were selected. Please note Candlewick Press cannot process any request that is not submitted in writing and allow us at least one month to respond to your request. The application window for residencies taking place May - October 2022 will open in September 2021 and close on January 15, 2022 CST. Holiday House is an established children’s book publisher. Everything is free and delivered via email. After that, we will be in touch only in the event we would like to request more material. Candlewick Press, Inc. 99 Dover Street. The Eds. Bluewater Publications is passionate about working with authors and encouraging the work of upcoming writers. RVC: After a stint at Simon & Schuster’s Spotlight imprint, you moved to Sterling Publishing, a mid- sized New York publisher. Sterling books are available online and wherever fine books are sold. Please don’t think we’ll produce books to your specifications. Submissions. Sent Eve Adler -all picture books. You can see their submission guidelines here. Feb 14, 2020 4:33 pm. Author/Illustrators preferred. Arcadia Publishing, the nation’s leading publisher of books of local history and local interest, announced today that it has acquired River Road Press, the dynamic publisher of books about New Orleans, Louisiana, and the surrounding region. Sterling Publishing is owned by Barnes and Noble. You may also mail submissions to us at: POW! Sterling Publishing. from laddu888. Putnam’s Sons Day” declared by the New York City mayor’s office on May 28, 2013. Submissions must include a sample chapter, a brief description of your idea, and an outline. Alice and the Airy Fairy. In 1952, Sterling Lord founded his distinguished agency and counted such literary icons as Jack Kerouac and Ken Kesey among his early clients. Please submit to us via email by completing the form below. We receive an extraordinarily large number of unsolicited submissions and can only seriously consider those with merit. Any submission must consist of: 1) A completed title information sheet. Turner Publishing is accepting submissions of manuscripts and/or proposals. Email Customer Service. Unlike most publishing companies, we do not require you to be affiliated with a … We welcome electronic queries for fiction and nonfiction. Sterling Publishing. Frog Boots. To submit material for consideration, please send the material to: West 44 Books: Enslow is launching this new imprint, dedicated to hi-lo MG and YA fiction with a focus on … Putnam’s Sons celebrated its 175th year of publishing, culminating in an official “G.P. Sterling Publishing Sterling publishes books for adventurous cooks who like to try out new ingredients and invent new recipes, whether it’s for cocktails or vegan meals. SUBMISSIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO: “_____” Editor Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor New York, NY 10036 We’ll contact you as soon as we’re able via letter or telephone. If you are an author who would like to submit directly to Quirk, please submit your query letter and proposal or manuscript to submissions@ . Chronicle Books is … Over the years BW Publications has grown from a small town Alabama publishing company to an international book distribution publisher with a … SUBMIT TO ONE EDITOR ONLY VIA EMAIL. - relevant background and qualifications. Charles Nurnberg, executive vice president of Sterling Publishing, wants to set the record straight. Applications are accepted through the Anderson Center’s Submittable site and juried by a panel of professionals working in the field and former residents. Return to our website. Submissions: Please send a proposal including: a cover letter giving a short description of the project and what materials are included in the package, a proposal, which includes an outline, introduction, art list, and sample text/chapters, … Drew Pendous Escapes from Treasure Island (Drew Pendous #4) Cool School, Drew Pendous. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. has deep roots in the world of publishing. The books include*. 9. Jul 2018 - Present2 years 7 months. Address the submission to that editor’s attention. A well-prepared manuscript allows us to review a submission efficiently and indicates its author is genuinely interested in working with us. Quarto Publishing
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