Include specific examples. Colonialism and African cultural values Benson O. Igboin Department of Religion and African Culture, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. In the African-American population, culture appears to play a major role in health-care practices and health beliefs. Toward a Cultural Psychology of African Americans A cultural psychology must account in some way for the interplay between psychological processes and cultural dynamics. Although slavery greatly restricted the ability of Americans of African descent to practice their cultural traditions, many Data on beliefs and practices from these studies has been abstracted, compiled and assessed. 1 As a healthcare provider it is important to know that African Americans’ approach to sickness, disease and stress are often rooted in their cultural beliefs and values. Almost every African spirituality is truly holistic. In the African-American culture, we wanted to remain strong through adversity and enable ourselves to adapt to change. In a review of the literatureon spiritual beliefs and practicesof African Americans, Johnson,E l b e rt -Avila, and Tulsky (2005)noted that “spiritual beliefs andpractices are a source of comfort,coping, and support, and are themost effective way to influencehealing; God is responsible forphysical and spiritual health,and the doctor is God’s instru … The death rate for African Americans has declined about 25% over 17 years, primarily for those aged 65 years and older. Back to Cultural Diversity home African Americans Individuals of African origin comprise approximately 14% of the population in the United States. 2 African American refers to a person of African ancestral origins who self identifies or is identified by others as African American. Americans of African descent represent many different nationalities, religions, and cultural backgrounds. • Fear that surgery may cause cancer to spread. African American Elders, Cultural Traditions, and the Family Reunion. This resilience may differentiate African Americans from others in their … African American clients are likely to benefit from orienting sessions that review treatment and counseling processes, reassure confidentiality, and discuss treatment goals and other components African Cultural Values – Democratic Republic of Congo. This paper reviews the literature on spiritual beliefs that may influence the treatment decisions of African Americans. Many of the stories … E-mail: The culture is both distinct and enormously influential on American and global worldwide culture … Most of the traditions that African Americans participate in come from the slave times when their traditions were the only thing they had left; rhythmic dancing, loud singing and voodoo practices are all small parts of African traditions that the slaves brought over to America when they came. Most Latino Americans practice the biomedical model, but among some elders there may be reminiscences of other beliefs. some African American communities, as a result of mistrust of medical care and a cultural bias against services that are perceived to be discriminatory. A total of 60 relevant articles were found: 16 for African-American, 30 for Chinese, 2 for Filipino and 12 for Hispanic/Latino populations. African-American women (AAW) have had the largest increase in diagnosed diabetes in the US. The psychology behind our culture is what makes us be today. For African Americans, this means that the cultural symbols, tendencies, values, beliefs, patterned ways … How historical beliefs and religious practices have been influenced (positively or negatively) by the dominant surrounding culture. On weekends b. back to African roots of the Bakongo and the LaDogaa tribes. a. Culture is passed on from generation to generation. It is the essence of who a woman is. Our cultures are suppressed today as such we have a numerous headless Africans because of confusion. Many subtle and obvious connections exist between the familiar religious traditions of modern African Americans and that of seemingly exotic African spiritual traditions. “As models of community action and responsibility, these African American families have taken stock in an old African proverb: ‘It takes a whole tribe to raise one child.” (Bigelow, 2011) Religious Practice: African Americans are religious and spiritual and have strong church affiliations. Family reunions are important rituals that have long contributed to the survival, health, and endurance of African American families, helping to maintain cultural heritage even in uncertain and turbulent times. We as Africans should raise our flags. African societies and cultural practices over these years had commanded global attention as it concern health conditions of the people. ii African American Community-defined Practice ... beliefs, traditions, rituals, and historical contexts of the targeted populations. To conclude, because of their position in slavery, African Americans created a distinctive culture of African rooted family dynamics and religious practices, fused with Americanized religious beliefs. In addition to exploring the influence of individuals’ ethnic culture, the health practices of African Americans also need to be also considered in the context of their mainstream culture (i.e., the most popularized or typical beliefs, norms, and practices—including health related trends surrounding food intake and physical activity—common within American culture). Research by Brown and associates has result-ed in several important studies of the impact of African-American religion on health and well-being. d i rect many African Americans asthey cope with illness and the endof life. African Americans Since the late 1980s, the NIH has supported two research programs that focus on religion-health con-nections in data collected from African-American pop-ulations. Generally speaking, in the African American experience, spirituality is a fundamental part of how many people process and reconcile the experience of death. Among African-Americans, 88 percent firmly believe in God, 55 percent believe the Bible is the literal word of God, 83 percent believe in angels and demons, 58 percent believe in life after death and 84 percent believe in miracles. In one study, African American pastors asserted that African Americans have developed a “culture of resiliency” (Early & Akers, 1993, p. 288) in response to constant historical and present-day struggles. Include specific examples. The acquisition of culture ... French, or Chinese, or Americans or Hottentots, because Nigerian beliefs, values African American history, certain aspects of the African American cultural historical experience are unique to this particular group. 6. Even with these improvements, new analysis shows that younger African Americans are living with or dying of many conditions typically found in white Americans at older ages. 4. frican American criticism African-American culture is rooted in Africa. Identity is important. African Religions Beliefs and Practices through History. It is a blend of chiefly sub-Saharan African and Sahelean cultures. African-American culture refers to the contributions of African Americans to the culture of the United States, either as part of or distinct from mainstream American culture. The five constructs of the model consist of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural encounters, and cultural desire. Few studies have focused solely on dietary changes (one of the foundations for diabetes self-care), particularly in the context of family and the role of AAW. Research shows that when income and education are con-trolled, health status indicators consistently are poorer for Blacks than for Whites (National Center for Health Statistics, 1991). An illness or disease, viewed as undesirable, may be equated with bad luck, chance, fate, poverty, domestic turmoil, or unemployment, and in such case, Black Americans will consult a physician only after …. For some African Americans, spiritual beliefs are important in understanding and coping with illness and may provide a framework within which treatment decisions are made. African spirituality simply acknowledges that beliefs and practices touch on and inform every facet of human life, and therefore African religion cannot be separated from the everyday or mundane. The paper looks at some of these practices (positive and negative) and ... race, have their beliefs and practices concerning health and disease. Religious and cultural beliefs in African American culture are important to understand.5,6 Some considerations include: • Lack of trust in the healthcare providers and the system. The distinct identity of African-American culture is rooted in the historical experience of the African-American people, including the Middle Passage. Other theories have embodied the idea that AAW are perpetually tough and uniquely indestructible. While some Africans migrated to America willingly, others came as a result of forced migration from the slave trade. Before the Westernisation process, Africans had always believed in God and … Name of the Native American community or African Tribal Religion and the historical religious beliefs and practices of that group. The term African American refers to individuals who are residents of the U.S.A., usually raised here, who are of African ancestry, whereas the term Black is more general and can refer to anyone of African ancestry, including recent immigrants. It is more than skin color, language, or country of origin. Even today, African American families are significantly impacted by two centuries of slavery. Eager to demonstrate their unions, African-Americans embraced jumping the broom as a ritual. This tradition has roots in West African culture, where brooms symbolize domestic, or home, life. In America, the slaves would first say their wedding vows. Afterwards, the couple would together jump across a broom placed before them. Although the use of traditional or folk remedies appears to be less common among younger African Americans, cultural beliefs related to those practices continue to affect African-Americans’ perceptions of health and healthcare-seeking behaviors. African Americans are living longer. Name of the Native American community or African Tribal Religion and the historical religious beliefs and practices of that group. Burial beliefs and practices common to the African American community include holding burials _____, as a symbol that the gates to the heavens are open and ready to welcome the deceased. Baptist, Catholicism, and Islam are the primary affiliations. African Americans. African-American culture, also known as Black American culture, refers to the contributions of African Americans to the culture of the United States, either as part of or distinct from mainstream American culture. • Apprehension in using opioids for pain management for fear of addiction. These new beliefs were then turned into gospels and hymns that many blacks found peace in during the hardest days. Given the growing ethnic diversity of the United States, some understanding of the complexities of culture and spirituality is essential for healthcare providers. For African-American parents, transmitting an awareness of cultural values and norms is integrated into parenting; childrearing has been shaped by the stripping of support systems through the experience of slavery, Jim Crow laws enacted after the reconstruction period, and forms of modern racism, microaggressions and oppression. Culture provides a framework within which women think, make decisions, and act. African Americans tend to believe in the sanctity of life and rely on a strong sense of community and family at times of loss. 1. These African traditions have been passed down from the oldest living members of the community, in the form of expressions, sayings, superstitions, religious beliefs and practices, and music. Department of Philosophy, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria ... as philosophical beliefs. In an effort to contextualize and be mindful of a complex mindset and worldview, here are a few African cultural values to be aware of when traveling in Africa! AFRICAN CULTURE AND VALUES. These traditions vary greatly from the traditions they left in Africa because they blended with the white … Accepted 19 May, 2011 It is no longer a debate that pre-colonial African life was heavily influenced by religion. How historical beliefs and religious practices have been influenced (positively or negatively) by the dominant surrounding culture. Black American folk medicine health care beliefs: implication for nursing plans of care. African American traditions – Kola nuts are a wedding staple. Cowrie Shells – some African American brides choose to wear necklaces made out of cowrie shells, or to decorate their wedding dress with cowrie shells because cowrie shells are believed to encourage fertility. In Africa, actions speak louder than words, especially if there is a barrier between languages. Even in this age of information, some African Americans equate good health with luck or success. Each society or … Spirituality is an important part of African-American culture and is often cited as an explanation for the more-aggressive treatment preferences of some African Americans at the end of life. On Friday evenings c. On sunny days d. At sundown 7. Culture is a set of behaviors, beliefs, and practices, a value system that is transmitted from one woman in a cultural group to another (Lauderdale, 2007). Abstract. Instead, many Africans practiced Western and traditional African religions concurrently and as such utilised the services of both the traditional and Western health care systems (Nigosian, 1994). Tel: +234 8057420868. For example: The evolutionary theory states that the strong has the better chance to survive than the weak, and family reunions were used as a positive coping mechanism to keep the African-American culture strong. Few research-based studies were located. Cultural beliefs, religious practices, and lifestyle of African-Americans may interfere with hypertension treatment regimen because they may choose to use homeopathic medication such as garlic pills, vitamins, or herbs in place of prescribed medications. Traditional African Customs. Africa has a multicultural society with innumerable African tribes and ethnic groups throughout the continent. One traditional custom in African culture is that of lobola, where the groom pays the father of the bride in order to compensate for the ‘loss’ of the man’s daughter. Gabriel E. Idang. by Douglas Thomas and Temilola Alanamu, Editors . African Traditional culture should be valued as much as the Western value theirs to the extent of forcing it down our throats. African American culture is rich in tradition and American history. Given the emphasis on African Americans, it should be noted that contemporary black Americans are a heterogeneous group which consists of those born in the United States and refuges or immigrants from Haiti, the Caribbean, South America, and Africa. Refining the Definition of an African American Community-defined Practice ... Key Components of African American Cultural Orientation..... 23 REFERENCES..... 24 . Understanding these cultural aspects is necessary in achieving the optimal cross-cultural clinical encounter between an African American patient and a physician from a different racial or ethnic background. in African Americans. These beliefs are rooted in models developed from Native American, European, and African practices form an intricate cultural blend in which religion is an important component of the folk healing systems.
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