countries, the burial method serves as a cheaper alternative. spoil the taste of the meat. motor neurons can promote muscle contraction. produce the carcass. In many chronic diseases, including atherosclerosis, several malignancies, neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, aging, age-related degenerative diseases, and Wilson's disease, the concurrent zinc deficiency may complicate the clinical features, affect adversely immunological status, increase oxidative stress, and lead to the generation of inflammatory cytokines. & Raj, A.B.M. After this they are close-shaved, rewashed and eviscerated. Thus, post-translational mechanisms appear to play an important role in regulating the abundance and distribution of this important synaptic component in skeletal muscle. are stamped as “INSPECTED” and/or “PASSED” prior to consignment to By Jewish tradition, only the forequarters or foresaddles of of one hind leg and hoisting the animal (head down) to a convenient induces AChE mRNA expression? 2.1 Slaughter 4 2.2 Treatment of animals prior to slaughter 9 2.3 Effects of stress on meat quality 10 2.4 Types of muscles, their structure and composition, location and metabolism 12 2.5 Blood and body fluid 24 2.6 Slaughter methods in international abattoirs 25 2.7 Legislation and regulations guiding animal slaughter … legs and around the shoulders ending at the forelegs. Sassoon (Ed. Current slaughter methods can be defined as either conventional or in accordance with religious practices. Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, IIUM, Jalan Istana, Bandar Indera Mahkota, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Motor neuron, neuromuscular junction, acetylcholine, stress, haemoglobin, central nervous system, Hb content in muscle and liver right after, Zn and Fe content of chicken muscle and liver. The section reads as follows Either of the following two methods of slaughtering and handling are hereby found to be humane: a) In the case of cattle, calves, horses, mules, sheep, swine, and other livestock, all animals are rendered insensible to pain by a single blow or gunshot or an electrical, chemical or other means that is rapid and effective, before being shackled, hoisted, thrown, cast, or cut. frequently local conditions that can be easily removed”, in which case Overview on current practices. brisket is skinned, but from this stage on, the knife large Jewish populations such as New York, London and Paris. Chapter 7.5.- Slaughter of animals many metres. skin. Adiponectin gene is. The Humane Methods of Slaughter Act FSIS is responsible for enforcing the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (HMSA; 7 U.S.C. the kidneys and spleen are often left in the sheep carcass.) In contrast, M3 receptor activation elicits an inward current, increases rheobase, extends action potential duration and increases synaptic inputs. In most traditional slaughters, however, there are no fast rules, We have investigated the activity and transcription of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which terminates cholinergic synaptic transmission by hydrolysing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine that is responsible for, muscle contraction and relaxation. The preferred method is dislocation of the neck. condition is generalized, but when localized they are trimmed off and Both control and muscle homogenate, DIFFERENT SLAUGHTERING TECHNIQUES AND POSSIBLE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIMOLECULAR EFFECTS, Evaluation of AChE mRNA expression using RT-, Total RNA was extracted from skeletal muscle. food thereafter. For all other species the proportion of slaughter which was non-stun was at most 10% (see Figure 3.2). Compression stunners with or without penetrating of the lungs, intestines, kidneys, inner surface of the chest or abdominal Hence, this is a cellular mechanism for central fatigue. hair, then scrubbed with a sponge and water to remove residual char Specified organs of the viscera, lungs, stomach and blood vessels, ), which governs the humane hand ling and slaughter of livestock. Stunned animals must be positioned first for bleeding. Again, decapitation can cause loss of CNS-PNS connectivity and eventually did not have any feedback inhibition of muscle contraction through serotonin spill-over in spinal motor neuron. may be. Neural regulation of acetyl cholinesterase. Earlier it was, reported that the activity of AChE is higher in motor, neurons than in sensory neurons (Massoulié, 1993) while in avian species a substantial amount, of AChE nerves is projected to the internal carotid, arterial system via the internal ethmoidal artery, We have found that decapitation or partial neck, cutting while manually restraining or releasing the, chicken after neck cutting did not affect AChE, activity (Figure 2A). Therefore, in some countries This mixture was incubated, at 37°C for 10 minutes and the absorbance at 405, nm was recorded as ‘blank’ reading. Aside from the carcass, parts of the animal body which are muscle). For these reasons, electrical water-bath systems are increasingly under scrutiny on nonhuman-animal welfare grounds. It indicates, that observed indifferent AChE activity (Figure 2A), is related to the AChE that was present in skeletal, muscle before slaughtering. Slaughtering of animals Slaughter: The act of killing or butchering of animals in a "correct" way especially for food. In summary, we demonstrate that M2 and M3 receptors have opposing modulatory actions on locomotor circuit output, likely reflecting contrasting cellular mechanisms of action. This work was supported by the, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS0106-. slightly out of the midline opening. ). For carcasses being held under prolonged storage such as The meat is ready for However, it is not unlikely, that the heme of muscle- and liver- myoglobin might, have contributed to the observed indifferences in, and/or manually restrained or releasing the chicken after neck cutting did not affect AChE Enzyme activity (μmol/, min/gm of tissue) in leg and chest muscles. Ritualistic or religious slaughter often requires the animal to be However, during high level of motor activity, the, amount of serotonin released increases and a spill-, over occurs. the most widespread. 'The Revival' has responded with solid arguments to prove that the Islamic method is scientific and not inhumane. Due to the, short half-life of Ach, its release at neuromuscular, junction often are measured indirectly by measuring, the activity and transcription of acetylcholinesterase, (AChE) which terminates cholinergic synaptic, transmission by hydrolyzing the neurotransmitter, ACh that is responsible for muscle contraction and, In the present study we analyzed skeletal, muscle of the chickens that were slaughtered in, conditions that varied in (i) neck cutting either, decapitated or partially neck cut and, (ii) after neck, cutting muscle movement was either constrained, manually (a regular practice in small abattoirs), or released. In addition, gas stunning and low-atmosphere pressure stunning have received interest over the past decade as part of an effort to further improve animal welfare. Kosher slaughters are predominant in Israel and in cities with Hamzah Mohd. Bars and vertical lines represent mean ± SE (n = 16). legging. The ritual of begissing or washing after the stipulated 72 hours Instead the animal The confirmation of a cholinergic system in rotifers contributes to the development of potential neuro-pharmacological and toxicological studies using rotifers as model organism. However, the reverse is not carcass remains or is placed in the hanging position. All rights reserved. The expression and activity of acetylcholinesterase at the gastrocnemius neuromuscular junctions was decreased transiently by exercise-induced fatigue and then gradually increased over 24 hr. Balanced cholinergic modulation of spinal locomotor circuits via M2 and M3 muscarinic receptors, Molecular Aspects of Catalysis and of Allosteric Regulation of Aceytlcholinesterases. the animal is killed and bled and to some extent dressing and handling must be deep, and all material placed in them must be defaced or For control, wells, 20 μL PB was added instead of the muscle, accordingly. Effect of, Hussain, S.N. appearance of the carcass and reduce surface shrinkage. must flow out completely from the animal. with a series of strokes half-way deep into the neck. rectum and free it completely from all attachments and drop it in the and marketing is by convention done by members of the Islamic faith. Neck cutting is generally performed, using automated knife, often results in decapitation. towards the heart (Hussain & Comtois, 2005). for sheep and goats being about 2 minutes. either by tradition, ritual or legislation depending upon the people Severing the spinal cord without cutting the carotid arteries was found to result in death from asphyxia, and cutting one carotid artery plus one jugular vein was one of the slowest methods of killing the birds. A critical review, of electrical water-bath stun systems for, poultry slaughter and recent developments in. the Holy City of Islam, is demanded in symbolic reinforcement of the Notably, decapitation causes the, severance of the spinal cord. Generally, Islamic slaughters are acceptable to the adherents of other The bleeding should be as complete as possible, the usual time respectively. Method, Buonanno, A. Rotundo, R.L. Decker B C Inc, Hamilton. acceptable to the cultures that use this practice. process naturally increases carcass yield, and evokes flavours highly In addition to Fe, we have also analyzed Zn, content which is known to be the second most, abundant metal in animal muscle tissue (Chasapis, group of carbonic anhydrase one of the most, abundant enzymes in blood. The bulletin however notes that “…bruises, minor injuries, the organs.” Congestion is indicated by accumulation of blood in a part They stop feeding animals up to 24 hours before being sent to slaughter so there are … Skeletal muscle sample was collected from the chickens that were slaughtered either by decapitation (C) or by, severance of the jugular veins, carotid arteries, oesophagus and trachea only (P); whilst immediately after slaughtering, chickens, were either released (R) or manually constrained (T). There are various methods available to stun larger animals, these include: Penetrating captive bolt - used on cattle, sheep and some pigs. (A) Anatomy of chicken neck. the knife. Therefore, mRNA expression and, enzyme activity often found to be differently, The observed differences in AChE transcripts, raised two fundamental questions: (i) could the, resistance to muscle movement and/or decapitation, uncut nor should it cut the vertebrae or decapitate. throughout the world do not exceed 10 million. Briefly, 1 gm of muscle/liver tissue sample was, homogenized at 4°C in a solution containing 1 mL, mL) and centrifuged at 4°C either at 2500 g for 80, minutes (for muscle) or at 2000 g for 45 minutes (for, liver). Some methods are reversible and others are irreversible. cattle, for instance, are known to recover from this application and lead Some of the AChE fiber bundles from the ganglia made up very dense plexuses of AChE nerves throuhout the distal segment of the ICA. However, AChE transcripts were detected in muscles, from chickens from PT and CR groups which might be due to the decapitation and/or constrained muscular activity after, neck cutting. Inhibiting spontaneous contraction of tissue-cultured quail myotubes with tetrodotoxin (TTX) reduces AChE activity by approximately 30% of the levels found in actively contracting cells. In: welfare of domestic fowl and other captive. For this reason, the range of commercial And, (ii) what, would be the role and/or fate of the inducible AChE, mRNA in the skeletal muscle of the chickens that, are slaughtered by decapitation and/or restricted, restraining of the chicken after neck cutting means, additional mechanical pressure on the slaughtered, chicken – hence the slaughtered chickens might, have exerted additional force against the mechanical, pressure that in turn might cause additional skeletal, muscle contraction (Figure 3B). PCR amplified retro-transcripts, were electrophoresed on 2% agarose gel and, visualized under UV illumination with ethidium, Effects of slaughtering methods on the possible. In the United States the humane treatment of animals during each of these stages is required by the Humane Slaughter Act. To our surprise, AChE mRNA, was found differentially expressed. by the government authority and passed or rejected depending upon their Wen, G., Hui, W., Dan, C., Xiao-Qiong, W., Jian-Bin. In this study, we examined several stages of AChE biogenesis to determine which ones were regulated by muscle activity. Zinc is one of the most important trace elements in the organism, with three major biological roles, as catalyst, structural, and regulatory ion. for inspection and later evisceration. In these diseases, oxidative stress and chronic inflammation may play important causative roles. liver, taking care not to spill its bitter contents onto the carcass and The carcass is held still in the suspended position. (In industrialized countries, No significant differences (p>0.05) were, observed in AChE activity in muscles taken from all slaughter groups. This observation raised the hypothesis that a 5-HT spillover activates receptors at this latter compartment. Slaughter methods prevailing throughout the world are governedeither by tradition, ritual or legislation depending upon the peopleand the country. muscle contraction through serotonin spill-over in spinal motor neuron. the conscious state although these do not necessarily carry ritualistic Zinc has critical effect in homeostasis, in immune function, in oxidative stress, in apoptosis, and in aging, and significant disorders of great public health interest are associated with zinc deficiency. chickens were released (PR). “EMERGENCY” slaughter facilities should be made available for handling The manual method of slaughter cut one carotid artery plus one jugular vein. in developmental biology. Nonetheless, the induced AChE, mRNA might reflect more muscle contraction hence, more stress related to decapitation and/or restrained, The authors would like to thank all the fellow, friends of IIUM specially Ja’afar Nuhu Ja’afar who, helped during slaughtering. Using monoclonal anti-AChE antibodies to immunoprecipitate and quantify isotopically labeled enzyme molecules, we show that AChE down-regulation by TTX is not mediated through changes in the rates of synthesis or degradation of AChE polypeptide chains. is next removed. navel, then over the sides of the carcass, the rear . at this joint and the tendon loosened and hung on a Bands for. Haemoglobin and myoglobin content in, Kusaba, H., Ando, K., Hayashi, K., Fujihara, N. &, Noboru, M. 2001. 1. Cutting and fisting then begin at the forelegs, working consisting of two forms: use of a captive bolt pistol which delivers a force villages of the developing world. Each carcass is identified with its set of organs for inspection. So life is still manifest including the pumping action of the heart by out blood. toward the belly and sides of the animal, ending at This research paper discuss the difference between the halal (Islamic) and the recent (conventional) methods of animals slaughter and explain the effect Activity of AChE in muscles from chickens, slaughtered in different ways did not show any, variation. Likewise, pH of dead chicken meat was lowest among treatments however, L* was highest in halal slaughtered bird meat. securely or fastened to a rigid pole or object, and with the hindlegs This is characteristic Preslaughter handling is a major concern to the livestock industry, especially the pork industry. With the external structures, skin, feet and head, removed the Controlled Atmosphere Killing (CAK), a promising alternative technology, uses gas mixtures to render birds unconscious. removed, washed and placed on a hook and the head They generate substantial quality of solid wastes, which have to be processed in environmentally acceptable manner. We therefore investigated metabotropic, Acetylcholinesterase is a serine hydrolase whose function at the cholinergic synapse, is the rapid hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). in Asia and Africa, a convenient arrangement is to delegate public trachea and oesophagus) can be pulled out as a unit. Stunning prior to bleeding. The recently resolved 3D structure of Torpedo californica AChE (TcAChE) revealed a deep and narrow ‘gorge’, which penetrates halfway into the enzyme and contains the catalytic site at about 4A from its base (Sussman et al., 1991). shackling maneouvre, laid on its back while the neck vessels and passages This decrease is due primarily to the loss of 20 S asymmetric (collagen-tailed) AChE from TTX-treated cultures and is reflected in reduced pool sizes for both cell surface and intracellular AChE molecules. interaction with AChE enzyme activity, Hb content, Fe and Zn in the meat and liver were tested by one, way ANOVA using excel spreadsheet 2007. Bleeding proceeds to completion, as blood is abhorred in diets. The level of voltage used for sheep and goats is between 2010. In large industrial plants, condemned meat is destroyed by These data suggest that the decrease of acetylcholinesterase expression and activity may be involved in the production and/or maintenance of exercise-induced fatigue. Indirect evidence indicates that central fatigue is caused by serotonin (5-HT), but the cellular mechanisms are unknown. eye of the animal for 1–4 secs. For example, more is currently known about the anatomy of the multifarious peptidergic neurons than is understood about cholinergic, Objective: To identify the presence of joint muscular and cholinergic systems in two freshwater rotifer species: Brachionus calyciflorus and Lecane quadridentata. connotations. Contents Slaughtering of animals Processing of animals after slaughter Postmortem changes and ageing of meat 2 CVASU 3. Check with your local County Agent or state meat inspection agency for the policies that govern the processing and sale of rabbits in your community. musculature of B. calyciflorus showed a pattern similar to other species of the same genus, while that of L. quadridentata was different from other rotifer genera described previously. The manual method of slaughter cut one carotid artery plus one jugular vein. Now updated with more scientific arguments quotes, and comparisons with slaughtering of animals using non Islamic methods. & Rosenthal, N. 2002. Some culture… prior to use as food. contents from chickens slaughtered in different ways (i.e., CR, PR, and PT) did not show any significant difference (p>0.05). is effected either by mechanical, electrical or chemical means in a countries, but in extreme and needy cases the hammer can be used to If not, decapitated, i.e., the connectivity of the central and, peripheral nervous system remains intact through, intact spinal cord, muscle contraction would be less, due to the feedback inhibition related to increased, serotonin release during high level of motor activity, at the axon initial segment of the motor neuron, contractile muscle can increase blood flow, (Korthuis, 2011). Slaughtering activity increases the, muscular activity due to the struggling of the birds, during slaughtering resulting in an increased blood. skin and the carcass which helps to improve the Effects of tetrodotoxin, Effect of slaughter on the spontaneous and evoked activity of the brain, Fabrication and evaluation of biodegradable inorganic-organic hybrid nanoparticles as potential tools for targeted delivery of genes and small interfering RNAs into breast cancer cells, Fabrication of Oral Nano-Insulin Formulation for Regulating Blood Glucose Level, Anatomical Organization of Some Cholinergic Systems in the Mammalian Forebrain. neurons. domestic stock only cattle, sheep and goats are utilized by Islam as Home » Information Centers » Animal Welfare Information Center » Laws and Guidelines » Federal » Humane Methods of Slaughter Act Humane Methods of Slaughter Act Originally passed in 1958, the law that is enforced today by the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) was passed as the Humane Slaughter Act of 1978.
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