They are non-recurring type of expenditures. This is because the factors responsible for a large increase in public expenditure over time in India are generally applicable to other countries too. conclusion to draw from this study is that revenue, private investment, and income boost public spending while public debts might be counterproductive. Prominent among these anti-poverty schemes in India are Jawahar Rozgar Yojna, Prime Minister’s Employment Scheme and Integrated Rural Development Scheme (IRDP). incurred on such functions fall under this classification. It is true that public expenditure on defence and civil administration are unproductive directly, but even they can under certain circumstances in an indirect way promote production and employment. An important step for increasing incomes of the poor people is starting of several employment generating anti-poverty schemes. Public expenditure by the Government on social infrastructure such as education, health care of the people, housing for the poor also tend to reduce income inequalities. The rationale for the public sector spending lies in the quest to respond to market failure and the concern on equity (Foster & Fozzard, 2000). It may be noted that the magnitude of multiplier depends upon the marginal propensity to consume of the people.From the foregoing analysis we conclude that the increase in Government expenditure preferably financed by borrowings from the banks or printing new notes at times of depression will raise aggregate demand and thereby lead to the multiple increases in national output and employment. The Governments followed laissez faire economic policies and their functions were only confined to defend the country from foreign aggression and to maintain law and order within their territories. Because of the future security, people will work less and save less. No doubt, the public expenses are , most of which , compulsory and irreducible. Not only the debt money has to be paid back when it matures, interest payments have also to be made annually to the creditors. Thanks to J.M. ii. These debt service charges have resulted in enormous increase in public expenditure. Not only public utility services such as water supply, electricity, post and petroleum and transport services have been undertaken by the public sector, but also the Government has invested a huge sum of resources in industrial and agricultural development of the economy. Improving the quality of public expenditure in developing countries is essential for their economic development. Firstly, Government expenditure has been classified into revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. It is, therefore, claimed by some that indirectly, expenditure on defence and civil administration is also productive. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions are the authors' own and should not be attributed to the World Bank, its Executive Board of Directors, or any of its member countries. byeeeeeeee guys . Together with efforts to mobilize revenue, public expenditure policy is at the core of any successful effort to achieve efficient and equitable adjustment. Conclusion. Keynesian macroeconomics provides a theoretical basis for recent developments in public expenditure programmes in the developed countries. They have now become Welfare States. Thus, in the aftermath of LPG reforms, Nation’s per capita income has increased, Governments expenditure has increased, Demands for infrastructure investment has increased. DETERMINANTS OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE ON INFRASTRUCTURE: TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION Susan Randolph Department of Economics University of … This inflation hurts the poor most and will therefore cancel out the desired distributive effects of public expenditure. Revenue expenditure is a current or consumption expenditure incurred on civil administration (i.e., police, jails and judiciary), defence forces, public health and education. The population of India which was 36 crores in 1951 has now gone upto about 100 crores in 2001. Conclusion Introduction Economic theory postulates that government or the state has 5 basic functions: 1. Let us first take the case of a developed economy. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Secondly, if public expenditure is directed to scientific research and development (R & D), it will ensure progress in technology and raise productivity or power to produce of workers. 2 SAGE Open economists going back at least as far as Wagner (1893) and beginning in more recent times with Downs (1957). Against these, it may be pointed out that certain types of Government expenditure may adversely affect production. Peacock and Wiseman emphasize the time pattern of public spending trends rather than striving for a genuine positive theory of public sector growth. Such expenditures are Effects Of Public Expenditure 3. For example while in 2002-2003, the Central, Government expenditure on subsidies was of the order of Rs. Likewise, many people save to live comfortably in old age, in periods of sickness. Suppose full employment of labour and other resources corresponds to OY2 level of national product. Public Expenditure Management approach was put into practice in the early 1980s by World Bank and this approach has been improved to a large extent so far (Rajaram, Krishnamurthy, 2001, p.2). Therefore, various employment schemes have been started by the Government for the people living below the poverty line. Public expenditure is necessary to address the diverse social, economic and regulatory requirements of an economy. It may be noted that, till recently, expenditure on education and health were regarded as non-developmental type. It is worth noting that division of Government expenditure into developmental or non-developmental is the modern counterpart of the distinction drawn by classical economists between productive and unproductive public expenditure, which has been a subject of great controversy. Expenditure on these schemes has greatly risen in recent years. The second hypothesis about the growth of public expenditure has been put forward by Wiseman and Peacock in their study of public expenditure of U.K. Public expenditure refers to Government expenditure i.e. It should be noted that the Government in India has not only been borrowing from within the country but also from abroad through foreign aid or commercial loans from private capital markets to finance her development plans. 18. At certain times in the developed countries effective demand falls due to the decline in private investment. We thus see that public expenditure, if wisely conducted, can promote production by raising the levels of productivity or powers to produce and save. Similarly, Adebayo et al. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Image Guidelines 5. Public expenditure leads to an equitable distribution of income as the government would make sure the expenditure is reachable throughout the economy. Prospects for Italy’s spending efficiency 24 . Effectiveness Assessment 66. TOS 7. Thirdly, it has now been found that Government expenditure on education and public health helps in building “human capital” which also greatly enhances productivity or power to produce of the people. Likewise, in many countries poor people are given financial aid by the Government to build houses: In India under Indra Awas Yojna, poor people are being given aid to build their low cost houses. Government expenditure on social insurance like health insurance, unemployment insurance, and old age pensions is said to be of such a type. The conclusion is unclear. they are incurred. 2004 and 2008, public expenditure grew from 20 to 24 percent of GDP, to finance the extension of, and access to, health and education public networks, close the infrastructure gap and foster decentralization. For example, if public expenditure is financed through deficit financing, as has been the case in India for several years, it causes inflation in the economy. Effects Of Public Expenditure 3. In Europe public expenditure was both larger (as a share of national income) and more centralized during this same time. Now, this compensatory fiscal policy is being followed by all the world over, since achievement of full employment and maintenance of economic stability has become an important objective of the Government. Why does the existence of scarcity mean choices ? Assessment Questions 57 6.4. But once the level of full employment is attained the increase in Government expenditure cannot raise production through raising aggregate demand. Maintenance of price stability 3. According to Wagner, a German economist, there are inherent tendencies for the activities of the Government to increase both extensively and intensively. This type of expenditure is of recurring type which is 5. A pertinent question is what the causes of this phenomenal growth are in public expenditure. This implies that the public expenditure is growing faster than the rate at which the output is growing. Promote equitable distribution of wealth and income. In India only in recent years some State Governments such as those of Haryana, Punjab, Delhi have introduced old age pension scheme. In the following we shall spell out in detail the impact of public expenditure on production and income … In most states in India education upto the middle class is free and for higher levels wards of the poor people are either given free education or charged only low fees. On the other hand, through variation in public expenditure, aggregate demand can be managed to check inflation in the economy. byeeeeeeee guys . But when all these difficult periods are taken care of by the Government their willingness to work more and save more will be badly hurt. authorities like central, state and local governments to satisfy the collective social Public expenditure has phenomenally increased all the world over. It can also reduce inequalities in income distribution, if properly designed. Thus, public expenditure can prevent periodic cyclical fluctuations. In the following we shall spell out in detail the impact of public expenditure on production and income distribution in the economy. However, for better management of public spending in Malaysia, the main function of PEM is seen to four functions, namely fiscal discipline, allocating public resources with strategic priorities, ensure efficiency and effectiveness of public resources, and ensure public … This will become clear from Fig. government machinery. In order to compensate for this shortfall in private investment, the Government has to step up its expenditure on public works. Five Impact Evaluation Techniques 65. iv Public Expenditure Reviews in Science, Technology, and Innovation: A Guidance Note. The scale of government activities such as providing education, public health, roads and transport facilities has to increase in harmony with the growth of population. An important factor responsible for public expenditure is the mounting defence expenditure incurred by countries all the world over. Greater the public expenditure, higher is the level of economic development. In this negative income tax scheme, payments are made by the Government to the poor to raise their incomes. As will be seen from the figure the increase in Government expenditure will cause the equilibrium level to shift to OY2 level of national product resulting in higher level of employment. The most important factor in developing countries such as ours that has led to a phenomenal increase in public expenditure is the expansion in developmental activities of the Government. Overview 53 6.2. OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE Paul A. Samuelson N the November I9 54 issue of this REVIEW my paper on "The Pure Theory of Public Ex- penditure" presented a mathematical exposition of a public expenditure theory that goes back to Italian, Austrian, and Scandinavian writers of … Though most of the factors are common operating all the world over, there are some additional factors in developing countries like India which have adopted socialist path to economic development wherein public sector plays a dominant role in the process of socio-economic development. Maintenance of price stability 3. Government Expenditure is the amount of resources spent by a particular government to finance all its operations so as to provide public goods. Though the name shows it is a tax, but in fact it is a form of expenditure, called transfer expenditure. Public expenditure has a tendency to grow on account of a systematic expansion of government activities, both in terms of intensity and quality. We can custom-write anything as well! Public education expenditure (% GDP) Figure 3 shows that pattern of the changes in the education expenditure as a percentage of GDP during the past 35 years from 1982 to 2016. In recent years, there has been a growing interest, both the research community by the general and public, in understanding how, and how efficiently, public resources are allocated in the different Member States. The social security expenditure by the Government makes the people indifferent towards the future and makes them neglect savings. It has also benefited from the discussions with MAFAP partners on public expenditure analysis kkrsrkrit kkrsrkrit Plzzz add me in brainleist and follow me thank u . For example, if redistributive public expenditure is financed through taxation and if the tax system of the country is regressive, it will work against the desirable distributive effects of public expenditure. Some economists classify public expenditure on the basis of functions for which Public expenditure full Chapter By K.K. Indonesia Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment Report is a product of the staff of the World Bank with external contributions. An expenditure is recorded at a single point in time (the time of purchase), compared to an expense which is allocated or accrued over a period of time. This revenue expenditure is of recurrent type which is incurred year after year. Effect of Public Expenditure on National Output at Times of Depression: Developed economies often find themselves in the grip of a depression or recession caused by lack of aggregate effective demand. This paper addresses the determinants of public expenditure policies, by reviewing theories and empirical investigations of what features explain the budget process and how the various attributes of actors— including politicians, bureaucrats, interest groups, and donors—and of institutions and political and economic governance environments affect the prioritization of public investments. Public Expenditure: Meaning, Importance, Classification and Other Details! Expenditure on irrigation projects, flood control measures, transport and communication, capital formation in agricultural and industrial sectors are described as developmental. Promotion of economic growth and development 2. Prominent among these anti-poverty schemes in India are Jawahar Rozgar Yojna, Employment Assistance Scheme (EAS), Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP). As mentioned above, there are three basic theories in public expenditure. It is not only during actual wars that defence expenditure has been rising but even during peace time, the countries have to remain in the state of military preparedness demanding large defence expenditure. But there has not been an … Copyright 10. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Conclusion on public expenditure 1 See answer mmshiva23 is waiting for your help. In the developing countries, the variation in public expenditure is not only to ensure economic stability but also to generate and accelerate economic growth and to promote employment opportunities. The modern Governments have therefore to incur a lot of expenditure on social security measures such as old age pensions, unemployment allowances, sickness benefits. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Most of the components of recurrent expenditure increased relative to their levels in 2007. At times of depression in an industrialised developed economy, there is idle productive capacity on the one hand and unemployed manpower on the other. Keynes whose macroeconomic theory clearly brought out that the working of free-market mechanism does not ensure economic stability at full employment level. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If the public expenditure on subsidies is to have a real redistributive effect, these subsidies should be targeted to the poor. Expenditure on unemployment insurance, sickness benefits, old age pensions is some of the social security measures which help the people at times of contingencies. Public expenditure theories are dealing with the role of public expenditure for the economic growth and development. 6. 30.1 where along the X-axis we measure national product or income and on the Y-axis aggregate demand which comprises consumption demand (C) and investment demand (I). On the other hand, expenditure on defence, civil administration (i.e., police, jails and judiciary), interest on public debt etc., are put into the category of non-development expenditure. However, even in the developing countries such as India are ways in which government expenditure, if judiciously planned, can promote production. Add your answer and earn points. Output Assessment 56 6.3. Public expenditure leads to an equitable distribution of income as the government would make sure the expenditure is reachable throughout the economy. Conclusion Introduction Economic theory postulates that government or the state has 5 basic functions: 1. Dewett. The first and foremost evil effect is that it adversely affects incentives to work and save of the people. 30.1 that prior to the Government expenditure the aggregate demand curve cuts the 45° line representing aggregate supply curve at point E. Thus OY1 is the equilibrium level of national product or income determined by aggregate demand and supply. Being labour-intensive, the growth of these industries generates a large number of employment opportunities which improve income distribution. Transfer and Non-Transfer Expenditure. clear idea about how the public funds are spent. The Governments in all developing countries (including India) has been borrowing heavily in recent years to finance their increasing activities. These functions are The increase in aggregate demand will cause fuller utilization of the existing productive capacity and unemployed manpower resulting in expansion in volume of production, employment and national income. to maintain law and order in the country. It is worthwhile to mention that whereas in case of transfer payments, it is the beneficiaries that decides about the use of resources, in the case of non-transferable type of expenditure, the Government itself decides about the use of real resources, especially whether they are to be used for consumption or investment purposes. The link between public expenditure and economic growth has attracted considerable interests on the part of economic researchers both at the theoretical as well as empirical level. Of the two main branches of public finance, namely, public revenue and public expenditure, we shall first study the public expenditure. India is wedged in between two enemies, namely, expansionist China and aggressive Pakistan, which have been strengthening their armed forces. Another hypothesis regarding the growth of public expenditure was put forth by Peacock and Wiseman, in their empirical study of public expenditure in U.K. for the period 1890-1955. Therefore, the increase in urbanisation in India has tended to increase the government expenditure. Conclusion 63 Annex A. On the other hand, capital expenditures are incurred on building durable assets, By insuring against their future and uncertain contingencies like sickness, unemployment and old age, they blunt the edge of the desire to work and save more. In the developing countries also, the role of public expenditure is highly significant. Thus, besides raising the level of production, the Government expenditure can influence the pattern of production or composition of output. 46.5 thousand crores. In India, the proportion of urban population to the total population has raised from 11.3 per cent in 1921 to 25.5 per cent in 1991 and to 27.8 per cent in 2001. Effects of public expenditure on economy production distribution, No public clipboards found for this slide. Content Filtrations 6. Here are explained the Concept of Public Expenditure with their point of Meaning, Definition, Classification, Types, and Principles. Keynes, the role of public expenditure in the determination of level of income and its distribution is now well recognised. Facilitate full employment of factors of production. In countries like India which have socialistic tendencies the public sector plays an important role in promoting economic growth and development. our paper. The Government activities and functions have been increasing due to the change in the nature of State. This will be made clear a bit later. By generating employment these schemes raise incomes of the poor. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. In what follows, we shall study the types of public expenditure, the causes of growth of public expenditure and its effects on production, distribution and economic growth in both the developed and the developing countries. Public finance is the management of a country’s revenue, expenditures Expenditure An expenditure represents a payment with either cash or credit to purchase goods or services. Expenditure on various types of subsidies has also a redistributive effect. India has thus to remain in a state of military preparedness. It is incurred by central, state and local governments of a country. Privacy Policy 8. It has now been realised that the expenditure on education and public health promotes the growth of what is called human capital which promotes economic growth as much as physical capital, if not more. India being a developing nation highest public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP was incurred on elementary education in 2005-06 (1.61) and in 2010-11 (1.7). According to Dalton, “public expenditure in every direction must be carried just so far that the advantage to the community of a further small increase in any direction is just balance by the disadvantage of a corresponding small increase in taxation and in receipts from any other source of public income. Further, the effects of public expenditure on production may be different in the case of a developed economy from that of a developing economy, for the circumstances in them differ a good deal. 6.1. The classical economists did not analyse in depth the effects of public expenditure, for public expenditure throughout the nineteenth century was very small owing to the very restricted Government activities. All those expenditures of Government which promote economic growth are called developmental expenditure. Not all types of public expenditure reduce inequalities in income distribution. Another important cause of increasing public expenditure in India is huge expenditure which he Government is incurring on employment generating anti- poverty schemes. Effects of Public Expenditure on Distribution: In the modern times the Government modifies the free working of market mechanism in respect of income distribution not only through devising proper tax structure but also through various forms of public expenditure. Laws about the growth in public expenditure with special reference to the poor generates large... And public income ” to compensate for this shortfall in private investment and! Can not raise production through raising aggregate demand and urbanisation of the,... Created to secure the allocation of public finance, namely, public expenditure management involve. Of sickness is considered as an economy develops over time, the role of public spending trends rather than for! 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