~ Chinese Proverb. Transliteration: Po odyozhke vstrechayut, po umu provozhayut. – Russian Proverb, There are more whores in hiding than there are public ones. (Ignorant stupid people talk more often and more loudly than wise ones; just as an empty pot makes a loud noise when it is struck, while a full pot makes little noise), An empty barrel rattles louder. This may be the best book of Russian proverbs available in English, but that's not saying much, because, as far as I can tell, it's the Only such book currently in print. ; Что напи́сано перо́м – не вы́рубить топоро́м. – Russian Proverb, A little spark kindles a great fire. – Russian Proverb, The river is flat but the banks are steep. – Russian Proverb, A good citizen owes his life to his country. Meaning: “People who know they have done wrong reveal their guilt by the things they say or the way they interpret what other people say.”. (The fisherman can make use of every kind of fish that he catches,large and small.One should make use of every opportunity that comes one’s way), Any sandpiper is great in his own swamp. “Plans are insulted destinies. Translation: You cannot please everybody. Translation: In a crush, yet without resentment. Visiting as a guest is good but it’s better at home. – Russian Proverb, The wolf will hire himself out very cheaply as a shepherd. – Russian Proverb, One never tires working for oneself. – Russian Proverb, The first pancake is a blob. English equivalent: Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings come great truth. – Russian Proverb – Russian Proverb, No one is hanged who has money in his pocket. – Russian Proverb, A person never gets tired working for himself. ~ John Pierce. Translation: Don’t cast beads before(in front of) pigs. Translation: There is no example for an unjust court. – Russian Proverb, Don’t put new wine into old bottles. God is always where we don't look for him. – Russian Proverb, Keep your ears wider and your mouth narrower. (One should beware of an attractive offer, for there is very likely), One may make up a soft bed, but still it will be hard to sleep in. Whatever the reason for this peculiar Russian quality, it underlines a lot of Russian life and tradition, as you can see from the proverbs on this list: Pronunciation: KTOH ni risKUyet, tot ni pyot shamPANSkava)Translation: He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagneMeaning: Fortune favours the brave, Pronunciation: Dvum smyerTYAM ni byVAT’, adNOY ni minaVAT’Translation: One can’t have two deaths, but you can’t avoid oneMeaning: A man can die but once; fortune favours the bold. Curiosity killed the cat. – Russian Proverb, Have a good time if you want — but don’t overdo it. – Russian Proverb, If you are afraid of the wolves, do not go to the woods. English equivalent: Out of the frying pan and into the fire.’. Search. – Russian Proverb, Peace lasts until the army comes, and the army lasts until peace comes. – Russian Proverb, We all see the same sun, but we don’t eat the same meal. Чем бы дит́я ни те́шилось, ли́шь бы не пла́кало. – Russian Proverb, Onion treats seven ailments. Compare: Глаза́ боя́тся, а ру́ки де́лают. Curiosity killed the cat" is a proverb used to warn of the dangers of unnecessary investigation or experimentation. – Russian Proverb, The past is for God, the future for the Tsars. Slang, rude (may be offensive): Пиздеть — не мешки ворочать (Pizdet’ – nye meshki vorochat’). Mockery: На молоке обжёгся, а водку дует (He got burned by hot milk, but drinks vodka). – Russian Proverb, Once you have fallen into the water, you’re not scared of water any more. (Russian Proverb) Chipped china lasts two centuries. They’re Russian idioms. – Russian Proverb, Don’t look for a sea when you can drown in a puddle. Translation: Moustaches are respected, and beards worn even by goats. Compare: Что пнем об сову, что совой об пень ( — все одно сове несладко). Russian Proverb Failure teaches you more than success. – Russian Proverb, The wolf is not afraid of the sheepdog, but he is of his chain. – Russian Proverb – Russian Proverb (Russian Proverb) After a storm fair weather, after sorrow joy. – Russian Proverb, Fear the Greeks bearing gifts. (After some bitter or painful experience you will be on your guard against similar troubles our sufferings), Once it flies out, you can’t catch it. – Russian Proverb, Beauty is the sister of idleness and the mother of luxury. ‘Tis a hard winter when one wolf eats another. – Russian Proverb, Forgiveness is a pillar of justice. Pronunciation: ChiMU BYT’, taVOH ni mihnoVAT’Translation: You can’t avoid that which is meant to happenMeaning: Whatever shall be, will be. Translation: Where [goes] a horse with [its] hoof, there [goes] a crayfish with [its] pincer. – Russian Proverb, The first blin always turns out lumpy. – Russian Proverb, What was written by a pen, cannot be taken out with an axe. – Russian Proverb, A bachelor is never sent as a go-between. Meaning: If all the options are bad, choose the one that hurts the least. – Russian Proverb, You must chop down the tree that gives too much or too little shade. English equivalent: A saying is a flower, a proverb is a berry. Translation: A woman’s hair is long, and her mind short. – Russian Proverb, Eternity makes room for a salty cucumber. – Russian Proverb Translation: How [echo] is prompted, it will bounce back. – Russian Proverb, A lonely person is at home everywhere. English equivalent: You can’t expect perfection every time. Transliteration: Ne vsyo kotu maslenitsa, budet i velikiy post. 5. The original form of the proverb, now little used, was "Care killed the cat". English equivalent: When the cat is away, the mice will play. Translation: Don’t dig a pit for somebody [to fall into], [or] you will end up in it yourself. – Russian Proverb, A young man should not marry yet, an old man not at all. – Russian Proverb, Every sandpiper praises his own swamp. Чья́ бы коро́ва мыча́ла, а твоя́ бы молча́ла. – Russian Proverb, First the stable, then the cow. Meaning: People tend to not take precautionary measures until trouble actually happens. – Russian Proverb, It will snap where it’s the thinnest. Transliteration: Ne boysya sobaki, shto layet, a bosya toy, shto molchit, da khvostom vilyayet. – Russian Proverb, A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. Translation: Don’t look at the teeth of a horse you’ve been given. English equivalent: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. ), All the cones drop on poor makar. – Russian Proverb, Fear the law not the judge. — Also: If you’re in need, take what they give you, it’s not time to decline offers. – Russian Proverb, A bad dancer always has trouble with his balls. Translation: Hunger is not [your] aunt (, [it] will not bring you a pie). – Russian Proverb, There will be trouble if the cobbler starts making pies. Translation: While [he] was sinking, [he] promised [me] an axe [if I save him], but when pulled [ashore], [he] begrudged even an axe handle. Compare: Пришла́ беда́ – отворя́й ворота́, Лиха́ беда́ нача́ло. Оди́н сын – не сын, два сы́на – по́лсына, три сы́на – сын. English equivalent: Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. – Russian Proverb, Water never loses its way. – Russian Proverb English equivalent: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch; Compare: Дели́ть шку́ру неуби́того медве́дя. – Russian Proverb, A drop hollows out a stone. They’re common in any language. That’s good! Transliteration: V Tulu so svoim samovarom (ne yezdyat). – Russian Proverbs, One does not go to Tula with one’s own samovar. – Russian Proverb, One can get sick of cake, but never of bread. – Russian Proverb (One should not be impatient and hasten events; everything will work out after some time,but not immediately), Every seed knows its time. – Russian Proverb, Even walls may have ears. Meaning: If you want to know something, ask the people for it. English equivalent: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Translation: Husband [travels to the city of] Tver – wife goes out the door. – Russian Proverb, Two hands upon the breast, and labour is past. Therefore, one... […] Sunni Muslims perform the following: […]. – Russian Proverbs, When wood is chopped, wood chips will fly. – Russian Proverb, Golden hands, but a wicked mouth. – Russian Proverb, Lenin’s truth makes great strides all around the world. – Russian Proverb, Better late than never. Transliteration: Ne mesto krasit cheloveka, a chelovek — mesto. English equivalent: Like father like son; The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. – Russian Proverb, Something well cared for lasts two centuries. English equivalent: A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. See also: Чья́ бы коро́ва мыча́ла, а твоя́ бы молча́ла; На зе́ркало не́ча пеня́ть, ко́ли ро́жа крива́. English equivalent: Don’t kick against the pricks, meaning don’t try to remove a thorn by pushing it in deeper — don’t injure yourself in an attempt to use brute force to go through/past an obstacle which requires finesse in order to pass. – Russian Proverb, After all, every man is the son of a woman. – Russian Proverb, Running away is not glorious, but often very healthy. – Russian Proverb, You don’t milk a cow with your hands in your pockets. – Russian Proverb, Don’t put all eggs in one basket. Meaning: Don’t believe in any story or promise. English equivalent: Diamond cut diamond, You have met your match. Translation: It will snap where it is thinnest. – Russian Proverb, There is no repentance after death. Не всё коту́ ма́сленица, бу́дет и вели́кий пост. Translation: The agreement(contract) costs more than money. Compare: Не да́вши сло́ва — крепи́сь, а да́вши — держи́сь. – Russian Proverb, Better a bed of wood than a bier of gold. – Russian Proverb Modern mockery: Куй желе́зо, пока Горбачёв (Strike iron while Gorbachyov [is at power] — encouraging people to use the opportunities opened by. Translation: No family has no ugly member. – Russian Proverb, When a girl is born all four walls weep. – Russian Proverb, There are no bad ships at all, there are bad captains. Translation: One cup (of liquor) is for health, second one is for fun, third one is for nothing. Meaning: A fool can do more damage than an enemy/a criminal. – Russian Proverb, When you live next to the cemetery you cannot weep for everyone. Meaning: If you have lost (left behind/forgotten) something, expect to never see it again. (Any person of bad character is not so bad as people say he is ), The devil is not so frightful as he is painted. – Russian Proverb, Afraid of the enemies – don’t be a border guard. – Russian Proverb, A dog on the hay: will neither eat it himself, nor let others eat. – Russian Proverb, He who doesn’t risk never gets to drink champagne. В до́ме пове́шенного не говоря́т о верёвке. – Russian Proverb, A priest’s beard is always soaked in butter. See also: Я́годка по я́годке – бу́дет кузово́к. 13 Proverbs. – Russian Proverb, The horses of hope gallop, but the asses of experience go slowly. Meaning: Trouble begins with small mistakes. Chickens are counted in autumn. 8. – Russian Proverb, One does not look for good from good. Russian language is famous for its various proverbs, idioms and really weird sayings. Translation: The bird is known by its flight. Translation: A drowning man grabs even a straw. – Russian Proverb, One fisherman sees another from afar. – Russian Proverb, There is no smoke without fire. – Russian Proverb, What makes you happy, makes you rich. – Russian Proverb A person should stay alive, if only out of curiosity. (Don’t check a gift horse under the tail). – Russian Proverb, The whole Soviet country is visible from the Kremlin. Podschitalee — proslezealees’. (People are inclined to shut their eyes to their own sins and vices. – Russian Proverb, The old bear falls into the old trap. – Russian Proverb, What men usually ask for when they pray to God is, that two and two may not make four. English equivalent: Tomorrow comes never. – Russian Proverb, The tallest tree is rooted in the ground. Одна́ ча́рка – на здоро́вье, друга́я – на весе́лье, тре́тья – на вздор. – Russian Proverb, If you didn’t catch anything when fishing, then a crab is a fish. (It is easy to brag of your deeds in familiar surroundings where you are safe from danger and not likely to be put to proof), Around bread there will always be crumbs. Translation: Patience and work will fray through anything. – Russian Proverb, Curious Varvara’s nose was torn off. – Russian Proverb, A wooden bed is better than a golden coffin. – Russian Proverb, It’s better to see once than hear a hundred times. Что бы́ло, то прошло́ (и быльём поросло́). – Russian Proverb, The future is for those who know how to wait. – Russian Proverb, How is prompted, it will bounce back. – Russian Proverbs, There are two kinds of Chinese: those who give wine and those who drink it. Translation: A fisherman can tell another fisherman from afar. Мно́го шу́ма из ничего́. – Russian Proverb, Envy can breed swans from bad duck eggs. – Russian Proverb Meaning: People often don’t keep their promises. Meaning: All arificial objects in the world, no matter how minute or astonishing, were made by people, so do not get overexcited. English equivalent: Life’s not all beer and skittles; Life’s not all wine and roses; I never promised you a bed of roses. Дурака́м зако́н не пи́сан (, е́сли пи́сан, то не чи́тан, е́сли чи́тан, то не по́нят, е́сли по́нят, то не так). Назва́лся гру́здем – лечи́сь да́льше. – Russian Proverb, What johnny will not teach himself, johnny will never know. – Russian Proverb – Russian Proverb, Yakov’s magpie started chattering the same thing about anyone. Молоде́ц про́тив ове́ц, а про́тив молодца́ — и сам овца́. – Russian Proverb, Better a dove on the plate than a woodgrouse in the mating place. (Foolish and vain people are very fond of expressing their own opinions and talking too much), The Tsar has three hands but only one ear. – Russian Proverb English equivalent: A leopard can’t change his spots. – Russian Proverb, A glass for the vodka, for the beer a mug, and for the table, cheerful company. – Russian Proverb, An argument is fine only when there is to be a fight. – Russian Proverb, Living mindlessly is paradise. All Rights Reserved. Transliteration: Na to i schuka v more, shtoby karas’ ne dremal. – Russian Proverb, God keeps those safe who keep themselves safe. Translation: [One’s] own shirt [is] closer to the body. Compare: Не так стра́шен чёрт, как его́ малю́ют; Глаза́ боя́тся, а ру́ки де́лают. – Russian Proverb, There’s no bad without the good. English equivalent: Once bitten, twice shy. – Russian Proverb, Warm a frozen snake and it will be the first to bite you. It also borders the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Caspian Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Black Sea. По одёжке встреча́ют, по уму́ провожа́ют. (A keep worker who is doing his best should be left alone and not urged to work harder), You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. Compare: До́рого яи́чко ко Христо́ву дню. – Russian Proverb Translation: [Your] elbow is close, yet [you] can’t bite it. Transliteration: Ne govori gop, poka ne pereskochish (pereprygnesh). (Well, I’m flying away.). Proverbs dating to medieval times are still today an integral part of Russian tradition and culture. Translation: Steep hills exhausted Sivka (ash-grey horse). – Russian Proverb, One is one’s own master on one’s own stove. – Russian Proverb, Invite a peasant to your table and he’ll put his feet on it. – Russian Proverb, It is easy to undress the naked. See also: Всяк кули`к своё боло`то хва`лит. Transliteration: Ne sprashivay starovo, sprashivy byvalogo. – Russian Proverb, If you have eaten the morsel on Wednesday, do not look for it on Thursday. It is never of any use to oneself.”. World War II mockery: С миру по нитке — Гитлеру верёвка (One thread from everyone in the world makes a noose for Hitler). Time is money. – Russian Proverb, If the fool has a hunchback no one remarks about it; if a wise man has a boil everybody talks about it. – Russian Proverb, If the devil catch a man idle he’ll set him at work. – Russian Proverb – Russian Proverb, To live is well, but to live well is better. Russian proverbs originated in oral history and written texts dating as far back as the 12th century. Trust, but verify, is a well-known idiom loved by President Ronald Reagan, who was taught it by the writer Suzanne Massey. – Russian Proverb, The cart is still there. – Russian Proverb, Work is afraid of a skilled worker. Пья́ному мо́ре по коле́но (, а лу́жа — по́ уши). – Russian Proverb, The wise man boasts of his goods and wares; the foolish one of his young wife. – Russian Proverb, It is easier to fill twenty bellies than one pair of eyes. – Russian Proverb, Fedot, yet not the right one. – Russian Proverb All the world loves a lover. (If person eats an onion every day,he will remain healthy and not need a doctor), Only a fool will make a doctor his heir. Translation: One can’t spoil porridge with butter. ; If ifs and ands were pots and pans, then we would need no tinkers. – Russian Proverb, You needn’t be afraid of a barking dog, but you should be afraid of a silent dog. – Russian Proverb, When masters are fighting, their servants’ forelocks are creaking. English equivalent: Little things make a big difference. – Russian Proverb, No man can be a good ruler unless he has first been ruled. ; Худы́е ве́сти не сидя́т на ме́сте for nothing headache ; big children give advice. 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